

Studies on Mechanism of Photosensitivity and Phototaxis of Green Lacewing(Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)

【作者】 闫海霞

【导师】 魏国树; 吴卫国;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文应用光学及电生理学方法对棉铃虫优势种天敌—中华草蛉、大草蛉和丽草蛉3种草蛉的感光和趋光机制进行了研究,主要研究结果如下: 1、中华草蛉、大草蛉、丽草蛉复眼伪瞳孔大小、颜色昼夜间有节律性变化,且种间具有不同的变化模式。3种草蛉中,中华草蛉复伪瞳孔大小昼夜节律变化不明显,其模式和颜色上亦基本无变化,中间为一小黑点,其外围是绿色,最外层为红色,形状为正六边形:大草蛉、丽草蛉的复眼伪瞳孔大小昼夜间不同,大草蛉的复眼伪瞳孔在中午、下午、晚上变大,早晨和次日早晨基本一致,但次日早晨稍小些。大草蛉、丽草蛉复眼伪瞳孔颜色除早晨外,均为绿色,形状也呈为正六边形。草蛉复眼眼发光现象可能与其复眼的气管反光层有关。 2、紫外和大部分可见光区的不同波长的单色光刺激均能使3种草蛉成虫复眼产生振幅不等的ERG反应,依据ERG振幅的大小(峰-峰值)3种草蛉的光谱敏感曲线在340-605nm的波谱范围内表现为3个或4个大小不等的峰。其中中华草蛉和大草蛉有3个峰值,主峰位于黄绿光区的562nm处,次峰也位于524nm处,且主次峰ERG值相差不大,第3峰位于蓝光区的460nm。丽草蛉有4个大小不等的峰,主峰位于524nm处,次峰位于562nm处,第3峰也位于460nm处,而在420nm处尚有—峰。表明:丽草蛉、中华草蛉及大草蛉的光感受器类型有所不同。 3、光强度对3种草蛉ERG值有影响,—定光强度范围内,草蛉复眼的ERG值皆随白光刺激光强度的增加而增大,至一定光强度时增加变缓,(但是在光强度为log=0时,并没有出现—个反应平台),呈现出—种近似线型的式样,表明:草蛉成虫复眼具有较强的光强度自调节和耐光能力。 4、以ERG值为指标,在—定时间内,暗适应时间长短影响草蛉复眼的ERG振幅的大小,不同种革蛉其ERG值达稳定所需时间是不—致的,中华草蛉一般都需要120m,ERG值才能达到稳定,而大草蛉、丽草蛉不同个体ERG值达到稳定的时间不完全一致,大草蛉ERG值一般需60-90m达稳定,个别在120m左右达稳定,丽草蛉ERG值一般在60m左右达到稳定。这可能和不同种类、同种不同个体之间,其细胞色素移动速度不同有关。 刚0b企大学硕土生毕业论文 5、民的n&}Klik91由4个部分组成:开光反应、正相电位、持续负电位和闭光反应,光强、波长及刺激时程对其各成分都有一定影响。

【Abstract】 The mechanism of photosensitivity and phototaxis was studied with optical andelectrophysiological method. The results are as follows:1 among three kinds of Chysopa peral. of the compound eyes show little daily change in Chrysopa sinica Tjedar .The model and color of psesudpopupil show significant daily change in Chrysopa septempzhbybimctata Wesmacl and Chrysopa formosa Brauer, color and diameter of the psesudpopupil of the compound eyes in Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmacl make rapid change at noon, afternoon ,night are similar ,but make little change in the morning and the next morning. Diameter of psesudpopupil of compound eyes is the biggest in the afternoon, which of Chrysopa formosa Brauer, is the biggest at noon. The phenomenon of eye glow is generally thought to be caused by reflecting layer as the tapetum lucidum.2 The spectral and intensity response from the compound eye of green lacewing were investigated by using ERGs extracellular recording method. The result show that the monochromatic light stimuli with the different wavelength within U.V. and most of visible region, coving the range of wavelength from 340-360nm can induce ERG reactions with different amplitude, according to the size of ERGs amplitude (perk-perk value), there are three or four perks in their spectral sensitivity curves. There are three perks between Chrysopa sinica Tjedar and Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmacl The major perk appears at 562nm(yellow-green), the second 524nm and the third 460nm(blue).There are four perks in range of 340-605nm.They are most sensitive to wavelength of 524nm,the second 562nmand also sensitive to 460-420.The result suggested the presence of three typesreceptors at least in the compound eye of Chrysopa sinica Tjedar and Chrysopa50septempunctata Wesmacl, but four type receptor in Chrysopaformosa Brauer.3 The intensity make effect on ERGs value .The result indicate that the stronger the luminance, the higher the ERG value in a certain intensity range of monochromatic and white light stimuli,but the rate of improvement make creeping until the extent to intensity. The whole curve appears near S shape curve which revealed that the compound eyes of green lacewinng have strong adapting ability to light stimuli.4 Relation of the dark-adapted time and ERG value indicates that time of day eyes turning to night eyes is not similar in different kind of species. The turn of compound eye from day eyes to night eyes need about 120min in Chrysopa sinica Tjedar,, but is not accord to in different unit the other two species.The compound eye complete turning in 60-90min,few need 120min.The compound eyes of Chrysopa formosa Brauer need about 60min.The result show that the rate of pigment movement are different in different species or different unit of the same species.5 ERG consist of 4 parts in the compound eyes of green lacewing -on light reaction, positive pontential, long negative pontential and off light reaction, their size and shape can be influenced by wavelength , light-intensity and stimulation time.

  • 【分类号】S476
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】168

