

Studies of Sweet Persimmon’s Performance in the Rigion of Baoding and Its Tissue Culture Technology

【作者】 王海光

【导师】 张国良;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 森林培育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 河北省太行山区是我国柿果的主产区之一,但一直以来存在着栽培结构单一的问题,栽培品种多为涩柿。由于涩柿采摘后需人工脱涩方能食用,且耐贮性差。而甜柿具有树上自然脱涩,采后即可食用的特点。因此,引种发展甜柿,对调整我省柿树栽培结构,满足人们对柿果多样化的需求具有重要意义。本研究主要是从甜柿的生物学特性、光合特性等方面对其在保定地区的适应性进行观测研究,同时进行甜柿的组织培养研究工作,以期筛选出适宜在保定地区发展的优良品种并完善甜柿的快速繁殖技术,为良种苗的工厂化生产服务。生物学特性的研究结果表明甜柿在保定地区可正常生长发育、开花结果。适宜发展的品种为富有、次郎,禅寺丸为授粉树。嫁接试验表明,从生长良好的以君迁子为直接砧木的富有幼树上采集的接穗,表现出了与君迁子较强的亲和力,嫁接成活率高达94.8%。在光合特性的研究中,所用仪器为美国产Cl—301PS光合作用测定仪。研究结果表明品种之间光合速率存在明显差异,在6.94~10.8CO2μmol·m-2·s-1之间。需光特性也因品种的不同而不同,光补偿点在23~42μmol·m-2·s-1之间,光饱和点在1051~1287μmol·m-2·s-1之间。甜柿光合速率的日变化,晴天为双峰型,第一高峰出现在上午10:00左右,次高峰出现在下午4:00左右。阴天为单峰型,最高峰出现在中午12:00~14:00期间。年周期变化为双峰曲线型。6月下旬为全年最高峰。8月上旬出现次高峰。甜柿的蒸腾速率与光合速率呈明显的正相关关系。气孔阻力与光合速率呈负相关关系。影响光合作用的环境因素主要有光照、温度、湿度、空气中CO2浓度等,多元回归分析表明环境因子与光合速率密切相关,三个品种回归方程的R2值都在75%以上。组织培养的研究结果表明,甜柿芽离体培养,适宜的外植体是将休眠枝条于黑暗状态下水培后得到的萌动芽。外植体的褐变与材料年龄和大小有关,材料年龄轻,褐变程度也相对较轻,外植体无节茎段越长,褐变程度越轻。选择最佳的生长调解剂是克服褐变的有效措施,使用ZT和IAA,外植体芽褐变轻,生长快。对试管苗叶片和无节茎段的培养结果表明,两种外植体均以使用ZT和IAA效果最好,其中无节茎段的最佳使用浓度为ZT2 mg·l-1,IAA0.05 mg·l-1,叶片ZT1~2 mg·l-1,IAA0.1~0.2mg·l-1;将叶片和无节茎段先进行暗培养,对外植体的分化和不定芽的增殖有明显促进作用,最佳暗培养时间为:无节茎段15d,叶片10d。对不同凝固剂的研究结果表明,使用倍力凝的培养效果均明显好于琼脂粉。

【Abstract】 The region of Taihang mountain in HeBei is the main persimmon producting area of our country, but it had the problem that variety structure was simplistic, most of them were astringent persimmons,whose fruies need artificial astringency removal before using for food,and the storage-enduring is not good. Compare to it, the fruit of sweet persimmon coud remove astringency naturally. So developing sweet persimmon has important significance for regulating persimmon cultivation structure of Hebei.The experiment was carrid out to study the biological character photosynthetic character and tissue culture of sweet persimmon. The results showed that sweet persimmon could be successfully grown in the region of Baoding. The suitable varieties are Tuyou’and ’Cilang’, ’Chansiwan’ is pollenizer. The scion of younge perfectly sweet persimmon CV. ’Fuyou’whose rootstock is Junqianzi has excellent graft compatibility when it was grafted with Junqianzi, the percentage of viability could be as high as 94.8%.In the studies on photosynthesis using an American photosynthetic apparatus CI-301 PS. The result showed that the variations in photosynthetic rate were found both among the leaves at different shoot position of the same variety and different varieties, the net photosynthetic rate was 6.94-10.8 CO2 v mol ?m"2 ?s"1. The light saturatipn point of the tree species was 1051-1287 n mol ?m"2 ?s’1, and light compensation point was 23-42 n mol mm’2 ^"’.The daily variation curve of photosynthetic rate in clear day was measured as a shape with double peaks, the highest peak appeared at about 10:00, and the sub-peak at 4:00 in afternoon.In cloudy day, it was measured as a shape with one peak, which appeared at 12:00-14:00. The curve of annual variation of photosynthetic rate also has two peaks, occurring in June and in August respectivly. Transpiration rate has positive correlation with photosynthetic rate, stomatal resistance has negtive correlation with photosynthetic rate. The main factors affecting photosynthetic rate of sweet persimmon were intensity of illumination, temperature, raletive humidity and CO2 concentration. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that photosynthetic rate was closely related with environmental factors. The R2 of three cultivars were all higher than 75%.The results of studies on tissue culture were as follows: sprouting bud^obtained from dormant shoot which cultured in water and dark was the best explant. Explant browningwas related with the age and size of explant. Using young and big material could lesson the extent of explant browning. Using optimum plant growth regulators ZT and IAA could prevent explant browning effectivly and increas the rate of differentiation. The optimum growth regulators in the culture of leaves and stem section without axillary buds were also ZT and IAA, the favorit concentration for stem were ZT 2mg ?L"1-. IAA 0.05 mg ?L"1, and ZT l~2mg ?L""> IAA 0.1~0.2 mg ?L"1 for leaves.In the dark condition, the differentiation of explant and bud proliferation rate could be increased, the suittable period were 15d and lOd respectivly for stem and leaves. The results’of studies on coagulator shows that Beilining is better than agar.

  • 【分类号】S665.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】160

