

3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Single Implant-supported Prosthesis with Three Different Occlusal Surface Designs

【作者】 朱保民

【导师】 高平;

【作者基本信息】 天津医科大学 , 口腔修复, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 牙齿缺失是临床上常见的疾病,常见的病因是龋病和外伤等。种植修复是一种前景光明的修复方法。骨-种植界面骨整合的形成以及骨-种植界面的应力传导是影响种植修复成功的关键因素,随着骨-整合理论的成熟以及种植材料性能的提高,如何使骨-种植体界面的应力传导更为合理是当前种植修复研究的重点。本研究使用三维有限元的方法对单颗种植义齿在不同(牙合)面设计的条件下(牙尖斜度分别为45度、35度、25度)的应力分析,以指导种植修复临床,提高种植修复的成功率。 使用螺旋CT对一志愿患者(右下第一磨牙行种植修复,FRIALIT Stepped Cylinder型,直径6.5mm,长度13mm,(牙合)面为金瓷冠,SHOFO)进行下颌骨扫描,在数字化仪中读取下颌骨各边缘及种植体边缘,将读取数据编写成ANSYS程序文件,在ANSYS中进行三维重建,对三维模型行网格划分,按照咀嚼力均值加载并进行受力分析,结果显示:种植体颈部的骨皮质为应力集中区,但应力的最大值均在种植体根端部舌侧。在牙尖斜度为45度时,在加载150牛顿的面力时,von Mises应力最大值为65.42MPa加载为300牛顿的面力时,von Mises应力最大值为130.84MPa;在牙尖斜度为35度时,在加载150牛顿的面力时,von Mises应力最大值为55.81MPa,加载为300牛顿的面力时,von Mises应力最大值为90.05MPa;在牙尖斜度为25度时,在加载150牛顿的面力时,von Mises应力最大值为21.4MPa,加载为300牛顿的面力时,von Mises应力最大值为40.74MPa。 结论:单颗种植修复中受力时应力集中在种植体颈部的骨皮质及种植体根端区,在三种设计中,尖斜度为25度时von Mises应力最小且不会引起骨整合界面的破坏。所以在修复中应优化义齿的(牙合)面设计,提高种植修复的成功率。

【Abstract】 Teeth missing represents a group of clinically common disease, which mainly caused by caries and trauma, et al. Implant reparation is a promising method for those cases. The interface of bon-implant and stress transference of the bone-implant interface is key factors in success of implant rehabilitation. With the development of the implant material properties and maturity of osseointergration theory of the bone-implant interface. no\v how to make stress on the interface distributed reasonable is an attractive topic to researchers. This paper focus on stress distribution of the implant in three different models which cusp inclination are 45, 35, 25 degrees respectively The method we use is 3-dimensional finite element analysis(3D-FEA).A volunteer’s mandible was scanned using helix computer tomography and then we got the data of the mandible’s margin in digital instrument. We wrote ANSYS program files using these data. Three models were created, meshed, analyzed in computer. The result is below: there was a stress concentration area in the cortical bone around implant neck, but the maximum of stress located on the lingual side of implant’s apical area. When cusp inclination was 45 degree and the load was 150 Newton, the maximum of von Mises stress was 65.42MPa and the maximum of von Mises stress was 130.84MPa when the load was 300 Newton; when cusp inclination was 35 degree and the load was 150 Newton, the maximum of von Mises stress was 55.81MPa and the maximum of von Mises stress was 90.05MPa when the load was 300 Newton; when cusp inclination was 25 degree and the load was 150 Newton, the maximum of von Mises stress was 21.4MPa and the maximum of von Mises stress was 40.74MPa when the load was 300 Newton.Conclusively, stress concentration located on cortical bone around the neck of implant and apical area of implant. Among three designs, 25 degrees inclination ofcusp was appropriate. In this situation, von Mises stress was minimal and didn’t destroy bone-implant interface. Thus in clinical practice, we should optimize design of occlusal surface in order to improve success rate of implant rehabilitation. We think that 25 degrees inclination of cusp is ideal.

  • 【分类号】R783.6
  • 【下载频次】133

