

Analysis of Active Compounds Relative to Meat Flavour in Allium Mongolicum and Thymus Mongolicus and Its Effects on the Rumen Fermentation and Meat Composition for Sheep

【作者】 卢媛

【导师】 赵志恭; 敖长金;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,沙葱(Allium mongolicus)和地椒(Thymus mongolicum)是内蒙古草原的两种优良牧草,根据牧民的经验,绵羊采食后,其肉的风味有明显改善。本文集中研究这两种牧草中与肉风味有关的活性成分,并通过体外法研究了添加这两种牧草的冻干粉对绵羊瘤胃发酵的影响,还探讨了在绵羊日粮内添加这两种牧草的冻干粉和大蒜素对肉的成分和风味的影响。试验获得的结果如下:1. 与地椒相比,沙葱含有较高的粗蛋白质(9.36与30.66% DM)和代谢能(9.05与11.85MJ/Kg DM),较低的中洗纤维水平(57.08 17.55% DM),是一种营养价值较高的牧草。在沙葱中与肉风味有关的活性成分主要是含硫有机物;而地椒中主要是烯烃和醇类。在这两种牧草中共同含有百里酚、丁基化羟甲苯和石竹烯三种成分。2. 体外批次试验结果表明:(1)添加沙葱冻干粉对培养液中DM降解率、VFA浓度和产气量均有显著影响,但添加地椒效果并不显著。(2)无论添加沙葱还是地椒的冻干粉对培养液中NDF降解率均无显著影响。(3)试验表明,培养液中瘤胃微生物对沙葱冻干粉的添加有一个逐步适应的过程,一开始培养液内细菌-N含量下降,过数小时后,下降停止,进入上升阶段。不过,培养液中瘤胃微生物对地椒冻干粉的添加的影响却没有规律性变化,有待今后进一步深入研究。体外试验结果还表明,沙葱冻干粉的适宜添加量为12-21g/Kg,地椒冻干粉为41.3-68g/Kg。3. 试验选用30只杂种育成羊通过饲养和屠宰试验对沙葱和地椒冻干粉对绵羊的生产性能与羊肉成分和风味的影响进行了研究。由于沙葱中含有大量的大蒜素类有机物,为了进一步探讨沙葱的作用主要是大蒜素引起的,还是大蒜素与其它活性成分的协同作用,在试验中还特地安排了三个不同水平的大蒜素处理组。试验结果表明,添加这两种牧草冻干粉和大蒜素对试验羊的日增重、屠宰率以及羊肉的pH值、粗蛋白质、棕榈酸和油酸含量都有显著影响,不过对羊肉脂肪含量、氨基酸和大多数脂肪酸含量均无显著影响。通过本研究证实,沙葱和地椒是两种对绵羊肉的风味剂开发有巨大潜力的牧草资源。

【Abstract】 It is well recognized that Allium mongolicum and Thymus Mongolians are two favorite grasses on Inner Mongolia grassland, which could improve the mutton flavor as long as sheep eat them. This paper focused on analysis of active compounds for meat flavor in Allium mongolicm and Thymus mongolicum and its effects on the rumen fermentation and meat composition and flavour for sheep. The results obtained are as follows:1. Chemical analysis shown that: (1)The allium grass had higher crude protein (9.36 vs 30.66%DM)and ME (9.05 vs 11.85MJ/Kg) levels and lower NDF level(57.08 vs 17.55%DM) than the Thymus grass. obviously,the Allium grass is a good quality grass. (2) The activie compounds relative to meat flavor in the Allium grass mainly were sulfur-contained organic compounds; but in the Thymus grass were alkenes and alcohols. However, thymal, butylated hydroxytoluene and caryophyllene were contained in both two grasses.2. The results from In Vitro trail shown that: (1)Generally the addition of frozen-dry Allium mongolicum powder had significant effects on DM degradability and VFA concentration as well as gas production in incubation fluids, but only few groups with addition of the frozen dry Thymus powder showed the similar tends. (2) Both addition of the two type frozen-dried grass powders did not show having significant effects on NDF degradebility in the incubation fluids. (3) Rumen microbes had adaptation to the frozen-dry Allium mongolicus powder addition gradually, at first BCP content in the incubation fluids droped down, after few hours, decrease of BCP was stopped and entered into an increament stage; however, for the frozen-dry Thymus mongolicum powder addtion, there was no stable regularity of the adaptation, which awaited a further research.. It was found in In Vitro trail that the optimum addition levels were 12-21g/Kg, for the allium powder, and 41.3-68g/Kg for the thymus powder, respectively.3. 50 crossbred growing sheep aged 3-5months were used in a feeding trail and finally 30 out of the 50 sheep were slaughtered to study on the effects of addition of the frozen-dry allium and thymus powders as well as allitridi (in comparision with allium powder) on perfomance, meat composition and flavour. The results shown that addition of the two powders and allitridi had significant effects on body gains and slaughter rates, also pH value, contents of protein, palmitic and oleic acids in the meat of sheep. The results indicated that the addition had no significant effects on fat, amino acids and most of fatty acids contents in the mutton.<WP=4>It was concluded that Allium mongolicus and Thymus mongolicum were a potential plant resource for developing meal flavour additive in sheep feeding.

  • 【分类号】S826.5
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】469

