

The Effects of FSH、LH Receptor Peptide Vaccines on Testosterone Secretion and Development of Some Traits in Cashmere Male Goat

【作者】 赵金山

【导师】 郑云胜; 德伟; 陈玉琦;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验分别用促卵泡素受体肽疫苗(FSHR)和促黄体素受体肽疫苗(LHR)及其混合疫苗,分三种疫苗组合(实验1组RNA、SKV、SDL、GAL;2组RNA、SKV、SDL;3组GAL、GLAT)对内蒙古绒山羊公羊进行注射免疫。实验分对照组8只、实验1组12只、2组12只、3组8只共4组,从1月龄开始至12月龄,每45天为一周期将疫苗进行股部及体两侧三点皮下注射(对照组注射等量PBS)。同时采集实验羊的血清,用ELISA(酶联免疫测定)方法测定血清的抗体水平,用RIA(放射性免疫)方法测定各实验组羊血清雄激素水平;同时在实验中对羊的体重、体高、体长、胸围、管围、角长、角围、绒厚、抓绒量等性状进行了测定和观察。结果表明免疫的三个实验组羊的抗体水平明显高于对照组。G1、G2组公羊的雄激素分泌水平,在性成熟期与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05);实验3组的雄激素分泌水平在性成熟期明显低于对照组(P<0.05),说明实验3组的肽疫苗在性成熟时达到了抑制公羊雄激素分泌的目的。对部分性状的测定结果表明实验组与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),说明疫苗注射对山羊的生长发育无不良影响。并且实验3组羊的平均体重比同龄羯羊平均体重高4.5公斤,其饲料转化率也高于同龄羯羊。对公羊的行为观察发现,实验3组公羊的爬跨次数明显低于对照组,而且其行为比其它组温和,易于管理。

【Abstract】 In this study, 40 male cashmere goats were divided randomly into four groups (groupl(Gl)-12, group2(G2)- 12, group3(G3)- 8 and control Group- 8). During the period between Imonth age and 12 month age, the treatment groups of Inner Mongolia male cashmere goat were injected intradermally at three sites on the back skin and midside skin with different receptor peptides vaccine respectively (Gl RNA, SKV > SDL, GAL, G2 RNA, SKV, SDL, G3 GAL, GLAT) at 45days intervals and the control group was injected with PBS simultaneously. At the same time, all the animals were bled and the serum anti-body concentrations were tested with ELISA, the serum testosterone were determined with RIA, The results indicated that the serum concentrations of the corresponding anti-body of the three vaccinated groups were significantly higher than those of the control group. The serum testosterone concentration in Gl and G2 were not significantly(p>0.05) different from that of control group, while the animals at 7 month age in G3 the serum testosterone concentration was significantly(p<0.05)lower than that of control group, which implied the receptor peptide vaccine could inhibit the secretion of testosterone during the sexually mature in this group . Also, the body weight, cashmere length, cashmere weight in all treatment group were determined, and the results indicated that there were no significant different(p>0.05) among Gl, G2, G3 and control group, which implied that there was no negative effect of vaccine injection on the performance of cashmere goat. The results also indicate that the body weight and feed conversion ratio in G3 was 4.5 kg heavier and higher than those of the castrated animals at the same age. During the periodof observing the behavior of all the cashmere goat ,the sexual behavior of the animals in G3 were significantly lesser than that of control group and the agonistic behavior of the animals in G3 were correspondingly weaker than that of other groups, which indicated the animals in G3 was easy to be managed .

  • 【分类号】S814
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】95

