

【作者】 李鹏

【导师】 张忠军;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 法学理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 1999年3月15日,第九届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过的宪法修正案明确把“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”作为我国的治国方略,这是一个伟大的历史性进步。但是,在中国这样一个人治传统浓厚的国家中,实现法治将是一个困难重重的变革过程。如果没有与之相适应的广大公民法律意识的转变,及对社会主义法治建设的认同和支持,法治是不可能实现的。因此,提高公民法律意识就显得尤为重要。本文拟从法律意识的概念结构、法律意识的必要性、我国公民法律意识状况和提高途径等方面探讨我国公民法律意识的提高问题。全文共分为四个部分:第一部分是对法律意识概念和结构的分析。在分析西方、前苏联及我国法学界的相关理论的基础上,文章认为,法律意识泛指人们对于法律,特别是本国现行法律的思想、观点、心理或态度。与之相适应,它的结构主要包括法律心理、法律观念和法律思想体系三部分。不同的社会,不同的历史时期,法律意识所包涵的具体内容是不同的。在我国现阶段,应引导公民树立与市场经济和民主政治相适应的现代法律意识。第二部分论述提高公民法律意识的必要性。提高公民法律意识是实现法治的观念基础、是市场经济的必然要求、是社会主义道德建设的需要、是与世贸组织规则相适应的要求。第三部分对中国公民法律意识的状况进行评析。中国公民法律意识是在传统法律文化的基础上,吸收西方的法律理论发展而来的,呈现出与变革时期社会状况相适应的多元性和矛盾性。主要表现在对法律本身的了解逐步理性化,但仍存在着误解;权利意识开始觉醒,但发展具有不均衡性;诉讼意识有所增强,但仍存在厌诉心理;对法治有所了解,但缺乏真正的法治意识。在此基础上,从经济基础、传统文化和现实举措的不足等几个方面分析我国公民法律意识淡薄的原因。第四部分探讨提高我国公民法律意识的途径。提高公民法律意识是一项复杂的社会系统工程,涉及到诸多领域。在我国目前的情况下,以下几方面的措施是必不可少的:首先应深化法学理论研究,并提高专业法学教育的质量。其次继续进行全民普法教育,并将教育目的由普及法律常识转变为向公民阐释法律精神,启发公民的权利意识。最后是要通过完善立法、依法行政和公正司法来培养公民对法律的信任感。

【Abstract】 The constitutional amendment passed by the second session of the ninth People’s Congress on Mar. 15th, 1999 stipulates that "ruling the country in accordance with the law and building a socialist country of law" is the fundamental strategy of governance. The establishment of this principle is really a great step forward in China’s history. But given the strong legacy of feudalistic rule of man the implementing of rule of law would be a difficult process of transition. And it is almost for sure to say that nothing could be done without the corresponding transition of the people’s legal consciousness and identity and support in the socialist legal construction. That is why the improvement of people’s legal consciousness demonstrates unique importance. This paper intends to explore this issue from four aspects.First, part one examines the conception and the structure of the legal consciousness. Based on the analysis of related theories of the West, the former Soviet Union and China, a definition of the legal consciousness is made to refer to people’s ideas, perspectives, mentality and attitudes about the existing legal system. And its corresponding structure includes legal mentality, legal ideas, and legal ideology. Of course the legal consciousness varies from time to time and from society to society. The major task of China’s current legal consciousness building is to guide the people in the direction of establishing the modern legal consciousness which should be corresponding to market economy and democracy.Second, the paper expounds the necessity of improving people’s legal consciousness. The paper concludes that improving the legal consciousness is the ideological foundation of achieving the rule of law, the inevitable requisite of the socialist market economy, the necessary step in socialist virtue construction and the urgent request of China’s adaptability to the WTO rules.Third, the paper gives an evaluation of the current status of China’s legal consciousness. China’s legal consciousness was shaped by contributions of traditional legal culture as the basis and of the western legal thinking as the absorption and it takes on the outlook of intertwining multiplicity and contradiction which could be further explained by the following four tw<WP=5>ains. Considerable progress has been made in rationalizing the understanding of law, but misunderstanding is still present. The consciousness of rights has been wakened up, but the development is still in disparity. Major steps forward have been made in the improvement of consciousness of resorting to law in dispute settlement, but hesitation in doing that is still evident. The principle of rule of law has been well accepted, but the understanding of the meaning and request of the principle are still weak. And causes of such problems are also discussed in various aspects.Last, the paper touches on the approaches of improving the legal consciousness in China. The task is a complex and systematic project involving various aspects of efforts. In the case of China’s current status, the following steps are necessary. Number one is to deepen the legal studies and upgrade the quality of professional education. Number two is to strengthen the popularization of legal education to the public and to shift the emphasis of basic knowledge to the emphasis of enhancing the legal spirit and awareness of rights of the public. Number three is to cultivate the public’s trust in the legal system by optimizing the legislation and practices of legal justice.

  • 【分类号】D920.0
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】776

