

Design and Implement of Distance Teaching System Based on .NET Component Technology

【作者】 康玲

【导师】 吾守尔·斯拉木;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着现代信息技术的飞速发展,以卫星电视和闭路电视网、邮电通讯网以及Internet为基础的现代远程教育体系正在形成,联合国教科文组织指出:“新的信息和传播技术迅速发展,将进一步改变知识的发展,获得知识的途径”。为了迎接远程教育新时代的到来,我们急需研究现代信息技术对教育带来的新变化,做好充分的思想准备,在课程开发、网上教学、教学组织、教学资源管理、远程教育技术标准化的研究与推广等方面积极探讨和研究,构建包括校内课堂教学和校外社会教育在内的终身学习体系,形成面向社会的开放教育网络,使现代远程教育成为教育在21世纪发展的新天地。 本文在对远程教育的历史与现况进行阐述,对内外环境进行综合分析及对发展趋势进行科学预测的基础上,从系统的体系结构、数据的组织形式、web数据库的设计与使用、web应用开发技术等诸多方面,探讨了远程教学系统的开发模式及技术手段,设计并实现了基于学习资源相关标准的远程汉语教学系统。具体来说,本文作了如下工作: 1.研究和探讨了当前远程教育领域的发展状况,着重讨论了远程教育的标准化问题,就与学习资源相关的IMS内容组装规范、DLTS-9规范进行了详细的研究,并在本系统的设计当中严格遵循了这两个规范; 2.分析和探讨了学习对象中资源文件的组织问题,即物理存放问题,提出了以内容为核心的组织方式,并将这一组织形式应用在本系统中; 3.分析和探讨了当前web应用的开发模式,将面向对象、面向组件的编程思想综合运用于本系统的开发当中,在开辟新的web开发模式上进行了多方面的尝试和探索; 4.综合采用了关系型数据库和XML文档两种组织形式来组织管理数据,而在数据交换、数据传输中则大量采用XML文档格式,为今后系统资源的共享及不同系统间传输数据提供了可能; 5.分析和探讨了网上考试的实现方式,对传统考试和自适应考试形式进行了分析和对比;将XML文档引入随机抽题过程当中,提出了基于XML文档的随机抽题算法。 6.研究和探讨了组件技术,重点讨论了.NET组件技术,将.NET组件理论应用到了本系统的设计当中。 从章节划分上,本文共分为五部分,每一部分围绕一个相关主题讲述,且五部分之间逻辑地连接在一起,这五部分叙述的主题分别是: 第一部分:远程教育的发展概况 这部分主要从三个方面阐述:(1)目前国内外远程教育的发展概况与现状。从支持技术上看,随着计算机网络技术和多媒体数字技术的不断发展,远程教育将在这种数字化环境下发生根本性变革;(2)实行远程教育的理论基础。远程教育的发展既是教学手段发展演变的必然结果,也是计算机科学和教育科学相互作用的结果;(3)远程教育的研究领域。 摘要 第二部分:远程教育技术标准化的研究 这一部分包括:(工)远程教育技术标准化研究工作的重要意义;(二)目前国内外远程教育技术标准的研究状况;(3)各组织机构制定的技术标准和规范。着重介绍与学习资源有关的相关规范,由此引出基于这些规范的远程教学系统的设计部分。 第三部分:远程教学系统的系统设计 具体包括:(l)系统体系结构;(二)系统组织结构;(3)各功能模块的设计。 第四部分:远程教学系统的技术实现 提供了系统的部分界面及相关代码,并详细讨沦了系统实现过程当中的难点及关键技术问题。 第五部分:总结与展望 总结了本文目前所做的主要工作;提出近期内,需要继续的工作;以及今后在整个远程教育领域需要继续研究的课题。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology, modern distance education system, which is based on satellite communications, wired television network, telegraphic communication and Internet, comes into being. UNESCO (United Nation Educational Scientific and Culture Organization) point out: "the rapid development of new information and transmittable technology will transform progress and approach of knowledge." For the coming of this new age, we need urgently to research the new changes of education that are brought by modem information technology, keep our power dry, and get into the swing of following work: courses design, network teaching, teaching organization, teaching resources organization and modern distance education technology standard, and build learning system for life including teaching in classroom and social education out school, produce open education network in society.The paper talks about the history and present situation of distance education, analyze the condition inside and outside, forecast the development tendency of distance education system in the future. Under these discussions, considering the system organization structure, data organization form, design and apply of web database and web application technology, we discuss the develop mode and technical method of distance education system, design and implement distance Chinese education system based on some learning resources standards. Concretely, our main works are:I. Research and discuss the development of distance education fields, emphasis on standards of distance education technology. Give a deeply analysis of IMS Content Packaging Specification and DLTS-9 Specification, and follow these specifications in the system.II. Analyze and discuss the organization problem, viz. physical storage problem. Bring forward an organization mode based on contents, and apply it into our system.III. Analyze and discuss the development mode of current web application, we implement the system by using object oriented and component oriented programming ideas and take lots of attempt and explore in the fields of web development mode.IV. Use two forms to manage data: related database and XML document. Choose XML document to exchange and transfer data in order to share system resources and transfer data between different systems.V. Analyze and discuss the implement method about examination on Internet, make difference between traditional exam and self-adapted exam form; Introduce XML technique to the procedure of random selection, and bring forward a random selection method based on XML.VI. Research and discuss component technology, focus on .NET component technology, and apply the technology to the design of this system.The paper divides into five parts. In each one, there is a concerned theme. In addition, these five parts are related each other. The themes are following:The first part: A general outline on the development of distance education researchIn this part, discuss mainly from three aspects: (i). An outline on the development of distance education inside and outside of our country. According to the supporting technology, with the development of network technology and multimedia digital technology, distance education will change thoroughly, (ii). The theoretic base for distance education, distance education is not only the result of the education in teaching methods, but also the result of interaction of computer science and educational science, (iii). The research fields of distance education.The second part: The standardization research of distance education technologyIt includes the following: (i). The significance of the standardization research, (ii). At present, the research status of the technology standards inside and outside of country, (iii). Some important standards and specifications established by international organizations, focus on specifications that are concerned with study resources.The third part: system design of the distance

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】327

