

Studies on Adaptation of Signalmen’s Vocational Psychology

【作者】 朱霞

【导师】 皇甫恩; 苗丹民;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 应用心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 心理素质对军事作业有重要的影响,军事领域对此进行了大量的研究,但有关通信兵的研究尚未见诸报道,本文主要研究军队通信职业特点与通信兵应具备心理素质之间的关系,建立通信兵心理选拔标准。研究对象为某军区工作1年以上的通信专业技术人员469名,另有作为预测效度检验的报训队新兵70名,分别接受图形数字编码能力测验、瑞文标准推理测验、记忆广度测验、注意分配测验、敲击板测验、选择反应时测验、动作速度测验、动作稳定性测验、卡特尔16PF测验、康奈尔测验、抑郁自评量表测验、焦虑自评量表测验;同时进行专业水平评价。评定方法是根据考核成绩,由单位直接领导根据通信兵工作过程中的实际表现,按由高至低分为5、4、3、2、1五级给予评定。结果通信兵整体智力与专业水平呈正相关,但其它测验通信兵不同岗位人员与专业水平相关关系存在差异。报务专业是通信兵的重要岗位,报务人员记忆广 第四军医大学硕士学位论文度、敲击速度、注意分配、动作稳定性与专业水平相关显著,而且新兵报务人员训练前后记忆广度、敲击速度、动作稳定性与训练成绩正相关。依据本项结论提出并建立了通信兵的选拔与分类标准。

【Abstract】 Psychological trait has important effects on military work. Lots of research has been done in the fields of the military while little has been done on the signalmen. The aim of this research is to discuss the relationship between mental and vocational adaptation of signalmen and to set up psychological selection standard. 469 signalmen who have worked for more than one year and 70 new telegraph operators are subjected to Pattern Number Coding Ability Test, Raven’s Progress Matrices, Memory Span Test, Distribution of Attention Test, Knocking Board Test, Choice Reaction Time Test, Action Speed Test, Action Stability Test, 16PF Test, Cornell Medical Index, SAS and SDS. hi the meanwhile their supervisors appraise the performance levels based on five grades from 5,4,3,2 and I . There is a positive relationship between the intelligence of signalmen and their performance level, signalmen at different positions differ in other test. The memory span test, distribution of attention test of telegraph operators who-3-work at important station is positively related to the performance level. Meanwhile, there is a positive relationship between the knocking board test, action stability test, memory span’s score of new telegraph operators and performance level. Psychological trait has an important impact on signahnen’ performance level, so we can use it to select and classify the signalmen.

  • 【分类号】B845
  • 【下载频次】152

