


【作者】 刘剑

【导师】 孟勤国;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 民商法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 检讨时效概念的传统理论得知,时效是一种权利不行使持续一定期间即导致权利行使受到限制的法律制度;时效的宗旨是维护事实关系,以保持社会秩序的稳定。时效限制权利行使的方案有二:一是使义务人取得一项权利;二是消灭权利人的权利,包括部分消灭和彻底消灭。历史证明,这两种方案分别形成了时效的两种基本类型,即取得时效和消灭时效。取得时效效力应限于取得支配型的财产权。物权和无形财产权虽同属于支配型财产权,但各有自己的特点,这使得物权取得时效与无形财产权取得时效在构成要件和效力上有所区别,从而使二者成为取得时效的两种具体类型。消灭时效的效力应限于消灭请求权和形成权。由于请求权和形成权也有各自的特点,使得请求权消灭时效与形成权消灭时效在具体规则上有所区别,从而使二者成为消灭时效的两种具体类型。在立法上,要体现出时效是一个有机整体和作为一项民法基本制度的地位,必须采取统一的立法模式。

【Abstract】 The summing up and examining the traditional conception of prescription reveals that civil prescription is a legal system that has the civil rights restrained from being exercised if the holder of civil rights has ignored his rights for a period. The principal aim of prescription is to preserve the social relations of fact and stabilize the social order. In history, prescription restrains the obligee from exercising his rights in two methods -extinguishing the rights or making the obligor acquire rights, which causes to produce two basic types of civil prescription including acquisitive prescription and extinctive prescription. There should be only property rights of control which can be acquired by the obligor in accordance with acquisitive prescription. Though both real right and incorporeal property right belong to property right of control, they are different from each other in nature, which make them need different conditions and cause different effect on the obligee when they are acquired by the obligor due to acquisitive prescription. So the acquisitive prescription of real rights and the acquisitive prescription of incorporeal property rights become two types of acquisitive prescription. Meanwhile, there should be only rights to petition and rights of formation which can be extinguished according to extinctive prescription. Because there are differences in nature between rights to petition and rights of formation, some different rules are applied when they are extinguished due to prescription. So the extinctive prescription of rights to petition and the extinctive prescription of rights of formation are two types of extinctive prescription. Therefore, a centralized legislation model should be adopted to establish the system of prescription in order to embody that prescription is a legal organic unity and a basic system of civil law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D923.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】296

