


【作者】 贾存灵

【导师】 邹隆树;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 广西盛产香蕉,其收获后近乎等量的副产品—茎叶是一种比较好的饲料来源,但因含有较高的单宁而未能广泛用于反刍动物饲料。因此,本试验设添加1%的尿素(Ⅰ)、2%的糖蜜(Ⅱ)、2%的石灰(Ⅲ)、0.5%的田液(Ⅳ)、0.2%的单宁酶粗酶液(Ⅴ)及对照组六个组,青贮香蕉茎叶60天。通过对青贮料的品质鉴定、粗蛋白、酸性洗涤纤维及单宁变化的测定,和奶牛的适口性试验结果,来对青贮后的香蕉茎叶营养价值进行综合评价,为进一步开发香蕉茎叶作为反刍动物的饲料提供一理论依据。结果表明:①糖蜜组的青贮品质较其它试验组要好,颜色呈青绿色、有较浓的酸香味、质地柔软而不粘手、pH3.92。②各试验组的粗蛋白(CP)含量均有所提高,分别比对照组提高1.77%(Ⅰ)、0.13%(Ⅱ)、0.16%(Ⅲ)、0.33%(Ⅳ)和0.22%(Ⅴ),尿素组与对照组及其它各组差异显著(P<O.05),而其它各组间差异均不显著。③各试验组的酸性洗涤纤维含量(ADF)均有所降低,分别比对照组降低了3.37%(Ⅰ)、4.58%(Ⅱ)、7.25%(Ⅲ)、2.38%(Ⅳ)和0.69%(Ⅴ),除单宁酶组ADF含量与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)外,其它各组与对照组差异都显著(P<0.05);各添加剂组间除尿素组与EB液组无显著差异外,其它各组之间均差异显著(P<0.05)。④各添加剂组的单宁含量(除石灰组外)都比对照组有所降低,分别比对照组降低了0.10mg/g(Ⅰ)、0.37mg/g(Ⅱ)、0.15mg/g(Ⅳ)和0.19mg/g(Ⅴ),石灰组比对照组增加了0.02mg/g;糖蜜组显著低于石灰组及对照组(p<0.05),其它各组间差异均不显著。⑤通过适口性试验表明,糖蜜组适口性较虫子。本研究表明,各试验组均不同程度改善了青贮品质,尿素组明显提高CP的含量,石灰组明显降低ADF含量,糖蜜组明显降低单宁含量,且有较好的适口性。

【Abstract】 Bananas are extensively planted in Guangxi province. There leaves banana stems and leaves after the fruit harvested whose yield is almost as many as that of the bananas. And banana stems and leaves are the better feed resource to ruminants. At present, they haven’t been widely used for ruminants, because they contain higher tannin. I nth is study, forage was ass i gned to s i x treatments: no add i t i ve (contro I), 1% urea (I), 2% molasses (II), 2% lime (III), 0.5% EB (IV) and 0. 2% tannase crude extract (V). They were ensi led for 60d. The nutritive value after ensiling banana stems and leaves was evaluated, which was based on the results of the si I ages character i st i cs, the content of crude prote i n, Ac i d Detergent Fibre(ADF)and tannin and palatability experiment in lactating cows. The aim of this study was to exploiting the banana stems and leaves into the feed of ruminant. The result showed that the si I age qua Iity of molasses group was better than that of any other groups, with has turquoise, strong acidic and sweet-smelling, the tendentious texture, not adhibit ing hands, and pH3. 92. The content of the crude protein (CP) in every additive groups was all increased, 1.77%(I), 0. 13%(II),0. 160/o(III), 0.33% (IV), and 0.22% (V), respectiveIy,compared with the control. Among these groups, the urea group was significantly higher than any other groups in crude protein content (p<0.05). These additives resulted in a decreased ADF by 3. 37% ( I ), 4. 58% (II), 7. 25% (III), 2. 38% (IV), 0.69% (V), respectively, compared with the control . In ADF content, there was significant difference among these groups only except for tannase group and the control, as we I I as urea group and EB group. In tannin content, additive groups were reduced by 0. 10mg/g ( I ), 0. 37% (II), 0. 15% (IV), and 0. 19mg/g (V), respectively, compared with the control, except that I ime group was 0. 02mg/g higher than control group. The tannin content in molasses group was significantly lower than lime group and control group (p<0. 05). The find ings indicated that a I I these groups improved the qua I ity of the si I age to some extent, that urea group increased obviously the content of crude protein, I ime group decreased the content of ADF, and that molasses group significantly decreased the content of tannin and enhanced the palatability of the silage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】S816.35
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】479

