

The Effect of Different Anti-heat Stress Additives on Performance and Blood Biochemical Indices of Broiler

【作者】 张道敬

【导师】 阚培翔; 王士长;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 基础兽医学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 挑选300只健康14日龄艾维茵肉仔母鸡随机分成五组,每组60只,每组设3个重复,笼养。其中第Ⅰ组为常温对照组(24~27℃),第Ⅱ组为高温对照组(30~35℃),第Ⅰ、Ⅱ组饲喂基础日粮;第Ⅲ组为V_C试验组,第Ⅳ组为电解质试验组,第Ⅴ组为V_E试验组,分别在基础日粮中添加200ppmV_C、0.5%小苏打+1%氯化铵、250ppmV_E;Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ为添加剂高温试验组。第二阶段试验期为18天,每9天称重一次,试验期间鸡自由采食和饮水,全日制光照。第三阶段挑选270只38日龄健康艾维茵肉仔母鸡称重差异不显著后随机分成五组,每组54只,每组设3个重复,试验分组和试验日粮同第二阶段;第三阶段试验期为9天,试验期间鸡自由采食和饮水,全日制光照。两阶段相对湿度为70~85%。研究高温对肉仔母鸡生产性能、血液生化指标、体温及鸡肉品质影响,并探讨不同抗热应激添加剂对肉仔母鸡生产性能、血液生化、体温及鸡肉品质的影响。试验研究结果表明: (1)温度为30~35℃,相对湿度为70~85%环境条件可显著降低肉鸡采食量、日增重和饲料转化率;对14~22日龄肉鸡而言,分别比常温对照组下降了9.65%(p>0.05),13.22%(p<0.05)和3.97%(p>0.05);对23~31日龄肉鸡而言,分别比常温对照组下降了10.54%(p<0.05),19.37%(p<0.05)和9.78%(p<0.05)。将遭受上述热应激的肉鸡饲养在32.5~35℃,相对湿度为70~85%环境条件下,肉鸡采食量、平均日增重和饲料转化率都明显下降,分别比常温对照组下降了22.02%(p<0.05),39.15%(P<0.05)和22.05%(p<0.05)。 广酉大学硕士学位论又 沁02年5月 (2在励0的抗缸脑稻蛹励剂中,05O/ONaHCQ+IO/Ox.------O 7FexH肉仔母鸡日增 氦口饲料转牌效果能:对14~31日龄肉鸡而,其平均日龌比高飘嘲I 坞幼D刁了6.43}仓pJ习:7寸38~46日卤令肉叉鸟而而言,日X刍重手m厉伴斗茨引七司牵5于别k*淳辜汪完 灭抡囵图团瞎功DT 2754O/O(t)v.pfD 20.19O/O(d.05);仕L三为阿亢劳M还盔出锰刃D剂聪力口肉 滁除遣无显著效果。 m硼慢性热应腿响了晌内正常物质的棚过程,使血清总蛋白水平下降, 血糟浓度显著升高,血请酶话性升高,但ALP却吼氏,而ALP is’-v与WM关 系密切,碱性磷酸酶的龌与成骨细胞的活性成正比,正常椰下与骨胶原蛋白的 形成、骨盐沉积及动物生长发育有关;甲状腺激氯L,T0吼民 说明高舢制了·肉鸡生长、发育:而皮质醇先升高后 氏。不同抗热应激添加剂能通过不同作用途 径缓解热应激对肉鸡血液生化指标的影响,使机体达字常温时的水平,从而更好地 适应环境,髓一。总亿,高温环境条件下,肉鸡血液生化指标受到鸡的品 种、年龄、恰拐、热应激强度及峨时间等多种因素影响,因而其变化【顷复杂。 (4)试验研兢明,在 27~33”C和 28~M℃两个温度区间内,随着环境温度的升 高,体温也随之升高,当温差进暨u4℃,体温变仆龙兵u踞水平。一天中不同的时 间肉鸡体温上下有所波动,且体温变u显著水平。环境高温可以明显使肉鸡体 温升高,VC在一定生长阶段对维持肉鸡体温有益。’(SHU&Mo以明显造成免赂官(法氏囊、脾、斓翻,使其绝对重量显舒 降,相对重量也相应减轻;不同D剂对肉鸡免疫器官绝肉叵匠纪财B对重 — ———。 1 张近敬 不同抗热应激须加剂对刑鸡主产性能和血娩主儿指标的影响 (6)H\lis;gyillu肉踞有一黝g朋用,显著地增加了嘲旨率,并且容易引起 PSE 肉的粉,同时 脐能昆图阉删旨率。 (7)…明糙受过热应激肉鸡的日粮中励口 VC、05O/O*在泞卜IO/O氯化按 对肉鸡食欲肩改善作用,锄DV未炭妄显著水平,而淑*’xrrl~氯化按明员腥纳 采食量:但14叶二日断口38叫日龄肉鸡饲养试验表明,嗣D VC、0*%,]砌 门 O/O氯化按在改善肉鸡食欲方面孤懈。

【Abstract】 300 two-week-old Avian female broilers were randomly divided into 5 groups. During the first stage, all the groups received a basal diet formulated according to the Feeding Standard of female broiler. The two control groupsf I . II) received a basal diet formulated according to the Feeding Standard of female broiler. The other three experimental groups (III,IV and V ) were given the basal diets plus 200ppm Ascorbic Acid, 0.5% sodium bicarbonate and 1% ammonium chloride, 250ppm vitamin E respectively. The first group named normal-temperature-control group( I ) were reared under 24 癈 to 27癈. the second group named high-temperature-control group( II ) and the other three experimental groups(III.IV and V) named additive trial groups were reared at 30~35癈 in the second stage and 32.5~~35癈 in the third stage. The relative humidity of experiment chamber was maintained between 70% and 85%. The trial was conducted to study the effect of heat stress and different addictives on performance blood biochemical indices, rectal temperature, the qualities of chicken meat. The results as follow:(1) Our studies showed that daily feed intake, average weight gain and feed efficiency significantly decreased in 300 Avian female broilers exposed to 30-35 癈 environmental temperature at 14 days old of age. Daily feed intake, average weight gain and feed conversion ratio decreased by 9.65%(p>0.05), 13.22%(p<0.05). 3.97%(p>0.05)respectively in 14-22 days old female broilers. Daily feed intake, average weight gain and feed conversion ratio decreased by 10.54%(p<0.05), 19.37%(p<0.05), 9.78%(p<0.05) in 23-31 days old female broilers. For the whole second stage, daily feed intake, average weight gain and feed conversion ratio decreased by 10.18%(p>0.05). 16.67%(p<0.05),9.74%(p>0.05) respectively.(2) A total of 270 Avian female broilers were exposed to high environmental temperature (32.5-35癈) again, studies showed that heat stress could decrease dailyfeed intake, average weight gain and feed conversion ratio by 22.02% (p<0.05). 39.!5%(p<0.05). 22.05% (p<0.051 respectively. So the experiment showed that the older female broilers were, the less growth production they had.(3) The results showed that some anti-heat stress additives in feed significantly prevented heat stress. Additive in feed at the level of 0.5%NaHCO.i and T/oNHjCl gave the best results. It increased average weight gain by 6.43%(p<0.05) for the 14-31 days old female broilers and increased the body weight and feed conversion ratio by 27.54%(p<0.05) and 20.1 9%(p<0.05). As far as additive III in feed at the level of 200ppm vitamin C concerned, it could increase average weight gain by 4.24%(p<0.05) for the 14-31 days old female broilers.(4) Avian female broilers at 14 day old of age exposed to 30-35癈 environmental temperature, studies showed that heat stress could significantly increase the concentration of glucose and corticosteroid. Heat stress decreased the concentration of serum ALP, T3 and T4, but serum corticosteroid declined in the third stage. The effect of heat stress on inorganic ions concentration in serum was very intricate.(5) Heat stress also made immune organs atrophy such as bursa, spleen, thymus. and their absolute weight decrease significantly, and their relative weight decrease at the same time. However, anti-heat stress additives had no good significant effects on immune organs. On the contrary, additives made them atrophy.(6) Heat stress affected qualities of chicken meat; it increased abdominal fat ratio, incidence of pale, soft, and exudative broiler meat (PSE meat). But vitamin E improved the qualities of chicken meat. Three kinds of additives decreased the abdominal fat ’body weight ratio significantly.(7) The rectal temperature of female broilers changed with high ambient temperature significantly in the same day. Between 27~33癈and 28~34癈

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】490

