

The Literary Reputation of Henry James in China--A Doxological Study

【作者】 周琳

【导师】 张少雄;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 亨利·詹姆斯是美国著名的小说家、文体学家和文学批评家。作为一名杰出的小说家,詹姆斯有自己明确的小说理论。他创作的《一位女士的画像》、《专使》等大量长短篇小说和《小说的艺术》、《小说的未来》等文论及他为自己的小说集所写的十八篇序言为他在英语文学史上最终赢得不朽声誉。国外对亨利·詹姆斯的研究从1934年、即詹姆斯诞辰一百周年开始就长盛不衰:美国颇有影响力的文学期刊《猎犬与号角》于当年六月出版“亨利·詹姆斯专号”;著名的传记作家Leon EDE1因其编著的五卷本《亨利·詹姆斯传记》获得1963年的普利策奖和国家图书大奖;从1979年开始,由霍普金斯大学出版《亨利·詹姆斯评论》每年出三期,至今已有二十二期;1989年出版的《亨利·詹姆斯百科全书》比任何单卷本著作提供更多的相关信息;亨利·詹姆斯的影响甚至涉及到电影界,他的四部小说被拍成电影,其中《金碗》入围去年的戛纳电影节,受到广泛的好评。尽管亨利·詹姆斯的名声早在半个世纪前就得到复兴,但遗憾的是对大多数中国读者来说,詹姆斯依旧是个陌生的名字。中国读者第一次接触他的作品是在1934年,然而第一次得到系统认识是通过赵铭所撰写、1956年香港今日出版社出版的《碧庐冤孽》的前言。读者大多通过《一位女士的画像》、《黛西·米勒》泛泛地了解他,而其后期更为杰出、更具有詹姆斯个人独特风格的三部力作却只有《专使》被译成中文,介绍评论文章更是寥寥无几。本人对近七十年来(即从亨利·詹姆斯第一次介绍给中国读者至今)各类资料进行收集、整理,发现对詹姆斯的评论甚少,而这数量不多的文章都是纯文本分析。本文从比较文学名声学角度描写与阐述詹姆斯在中国的接受。文章采用历史的、比较的方法研究其作品在中国的接受情况,对其在中国声誉状况做出整体性描述并做出解释,探讨詹姆斯在中国接受状况的深层原因。正文包括五个章节。第一章简要叙述亨利·詹姆斯在中国的接受情现实;第二章力图对亨利·詹姆斯作品在中国的出版做综合研究;第三章旨在从历史的角度对亨利·詹姆斯在中国的评论,并简要介绍致力于亨利·詹姆斯研究的几位学者的基本成绩;第四章讨论中国冷落亨利·詹姆斯这样一位著名作家的根本原因;最后一章展望亨利·詹姆斯在中国得到接受的光明未来。

【Abstract】 Henry James was the consummate American man .of letters. There is not much doubt that he deserves to be called the first of English-writing novelists today. The criticism of Henry James has been among the most prolific in the academy. 1934 saw the publication of a special number of Hound and Horn., "Homage to Henry James." The Henry James Review, founded in 1979, is most notable for its fine balance between contemporary analysis and traditional scholarship. Leon Edel, the uncontested dean of James studies, won both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for the five volumes of his Life oj Henry James. Henry James Encyclopedia published in 1989 provided more helpful information on James than any other single-volume works.James’s revival was initiated half a century ago in the English-speaking world but it did not happen in China until the last two decades. Even so, Henry James is quite a new name to most of Chinese readers. His work was first translated into Chinese in 1934, however, the first attentive study on James and his works appeared more than twenty years later. People in China tend to regard The Portrait of a Lady and Daisy Miller as his best works . There has been little mentioning of his works of the major phase which can best represent his unique technique of writings.This paper is to provide a careful description of James reception in China. It focuses on the doxological study of James. The historical and comparative methods are adopted in the research work. The Chinese references are given together with a translation made by myself; for full information, please refer to the select bibliography.The thesis is composed of five chapters.The first chapter gives a brief introduction to the reception of Henry James in China. The early figures enjoy more attention in this part.Chapter Two tries to make a comprehensive study of the publication of the works of Henry James in China. Much emphasis is placed on the history of the publication of the novelist, and a detailed discussion follows on some of the works.Chapter Three is devoted to a thorough explanation of Henry James criticism in China from historical respect and then to a focused introduction of some figures who dedicated themselves to James studies in China.Chapter Four aims to examine the reasons why Chinese treat this distinguished novelist in such an indifferent way.The last chapter presents a possibility of a marvelous future for Henry James reception in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】I712.06
  • 【下载频次】457

