

【作者】 欧义蓉

【导师】 刘兴银;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 产业经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 现今,服务主导型经济的时代已经来临,服务渗透于经济生活的各个方面,成为社会财富的主要来源,高度发达的工业对产业服务的需求不断上升,对服务质量也提出了更高的要求。产业服务如何能实现顾客满意(TCS)受到越来越多的关注。本文从服务的一般理论研究出发,结合产业服务的特点,提出了以顾客为核心的产业服务体系的构成,并对如何运用服务管理不断提高服务质量进行了阐述。 本文共分两篇,第一篇产业服务体系的构成:共分五章,第一章概述,介绍了本文的研究背景、目的、范围,阐述了产业服务的特点,提出了产业服务体系的基本内容;第二章论述了以顾客以核心的产业服务组织结构,这是整个产业服务体系的基础;第三章论述了服务运作策略,分析了如何将运作管理的高效率与服务过程结合起来,实现人员管理和技术运用的有效结合;第四章分析了服务流程的建立及完善;第五章论述了产业服务体系中的信息系统,它有利于企业随时掌握客户信息,提高服务效率,同时企业内部信息共享能提高信息决策处理速度,降低成本,重点介绍的客户关系管理(CRM)系统是企业提供实时服务的必备条件。第二篇产业服务质量的评估和管理:共分三章,第一章论述了服务质量的定义,及其特点;第二章介绍了当今国际通用的ISO9000服务质量标准体系以对服务质量进行定性定量分析;第三章提出了服务组合管理系统的观点,运用服务管理来不断促进服务质量的改善。 为符合产业用户对服务快速、高效、专业的要求,必须着重于产业服务体系中的服务组织、服务运作、服务流程、服务信息的有机结合,以系统的运作来保障服务管理的高标准,并且通过服务管理来不断改进服务质量,从而实现产业服务的顾客满意。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the time of service economy is coming. Service is affecting every part of our economic lives, and has become the main source of social wealth. Fully developed industry needs more and more industrial services, and also ask critical criteria of service quality. How to fulfil TCS (Total Customer Satisfaction) of industrial customers has caused more attentions. The aim of the thesis is to make studies on the industrial service system that makes customers as the center, and how to improve the service quality by Service Management.The thesis consists of two parts. The first part is about the composition of industrial service system, including 5 chapters: Chapter 1 is the introduction to the whole thesis. It focuses on the research background and purpose. Then the major issues that will be discussed for the study of industrial service system are presented. Chapter 2 analyzes the organization structure of industrial service. Here the philosophy of taking customers as the center is emphasized, and the basic structure of service organizations is illustrated. Chapter 3 illustrates service operation strategies, and chapter 4 is how to use service flow management to reengineer process. Chapter 5 focuses on Customer Relationships Management (CRM) system, which is the important means to provide service. The second part is about the management of service quality that includes 3 chapters: Chapter 1 tells the concept and characters of service quality. Chapter 2 introduces the popular IS09000 system that is used to analyze service quality. Chapter 3 illustrates how to use Service Management to improve the service quality.In the end of the thesis, get the conclusion that if we can provide industrial service by operation of industrial service system, and improve service quality by Service Management, finally we can meet the goal of TCS.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【下载频次】233

