

【作者】 孟祥俊

【导师】 赵改书;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 产业经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 生物医药产业作为六大高新技术产业之一,近些年来以惊人的速度发展,并且为生产这些生物药品的企业和国家带来巨额利润,受到各国的高度重视。但由于生物医药产业具有高技术产业的特性,在发展初期,单靠企业的力量很难迅速成长起来并在国际市场上竞争。因此,各国纷纷把生物医药产业作为战略产业来扶持,创造其竞争优势,各国实行这种政策的理论基础就是战略性贸易政策。 近二十年来,我国生物医药产业得到迅速发展,但其贸易和产业发展中仍存在许多问题,与国外仍有很大差距,需要政府进行政策扶持。 本文首先对战略性贸易政策理论进行系统阐述。其次,在理论分析的基础上,结合生物医药产业的特点和我国生物医药产业所具有的优势,说明把我国生物医药产业列为战略性产业进行扶持的必要性。然后结合对我国生物医药进出口状况的分析,结合我国生物医药产业技术创新不足和产品无自主知识产权而无法走出国门的现实,从贸易和产业两个角度分析了我国生物医药行业存在的问题及其原因。最后,从政府角度出发,针对这些原因提出一系列的政策性建议,建议的核心内容是主张将产业政策和贸易政策结合起来对我国生物医药产业进行政策引导和扶持,鼓励技术创新和新药的研究开发,以促进我国生物医药产业和贸易的发展。

【Abstract】 Recently bio-medicine industry has been developing at high speed. All countries seriously pay attention to it because it has created a lot of profits. Faced with severe international competition, many governments have taken all kinds of measures to support national bio-medicine industry as a strategic industry. The policies of supporting were based on strategic trading policy.In the last twenty years, our country’s bio-medicine industry has also been accelerating. But there is a wide gap in scale of bio-medicine between China and foreign countries. So proper industry and trade policies should be established.In this thesis, based on strategic trading policy, I analyzed the present situation especially the difficulties and existing problems in development of national bio-medicine industry and trade. Then I analyzed the main reasons to hinder the bio-medicine industry and trade. At last, I try to put forward some suggestion in the standpoint of the government.

  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】411

