

On the Agricultural Cooperative Movement during the Period of the Nationalist Government of Nanjing

【作者】 雷芳

【导师】 张九洲;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 南京国民政府倡导的农村合作运动始于三十年代,随着国民党政权在大陆的垮台而失败。充分认识、总结这场运动的失误,从中吸取经验教训,对当今中国农村现代化建设有着一定的借鉴意义。就这场农村合作运动的研究,本文主要从如下几个方面进行分析和思考: 第一部分,回顾了早期改良人士及团体对合作社的探索。这种探索对后来南京政府倡导和推动农村合作运动起了一定的影响作用。 第二部分,就南京政府对农村合作运动的提倡、合作运动发展的原因及各个不同阶段的情况,进行了叙述、分析和研究。 第三部分,归纳了农村合作运动的特征,即以信用合作为主,肩负政治、军事、社会等多种功能,缺乏稳定资金来源,合作社主要靠外力制造而不是社员自发组织的一场运动。 第四部分,从正反两方面分析了合作运动的绩效。虽然合作运动在调剂农村金融、救济灾荒;发展农业生产、支援战争;改造农村社会等方面有一定的作用。但从总体上看,其作用是微不足道的,既没有解决农村金融的枯竭,也没有改变农民生活的困苦。 第五部分,多角度、多层次地分析了合作运动失败的原因,即政局动荡不安,战争连绵不断,政府政治腐败,避开土地问题,背离合作原则,合作社本身素质差等因素。 本文结语部分从总体上对农村合作运动作了简单的评价。合作运动尽管对恢复和发展农村经济的作用收效甚微,但它却是南京政府企图把中国农村推向近代化的一次有益的尝试。

【Abstract】 The agricultural cooperative movement which the Nationalist government of Nanjing initiated began in the 1930s. With the Kuomintang regime collapsing on the China’s mainland, the movement ruined accordingly. It can help us draw its lessons to our present rural modernization construction to understand and analyze the reasons of the failure of the agricultural cooperative movement at that time. The paper studies from the following aspects:The first part gives a retrospection on the exploring of cooperatives by the initial reforming figures and organizations. The exploration effectively influenced on the agricultural cooperative movement which the Nationalist government advocated and carried out later.The second part studies how the cooperative movement was advocated by the Nationalist government, the development of its different phases and reasons of the development of the movement.The third part sums up the characteristics of the cooperative movement. Its main business was credit cooperation, and with other functions such as political, military and social functions and it lacked stable sources of funds. Furthermore, the cooperatives were not voluntarily organized by theirs members but mainly by coercive measures.In the fourth part, the paper analyzes the merits and shortcomings of the cooperative movement. Although the movement played an active role in making up the rural finance and relieving the famine, developing agricultural production and supporting the Resistance War against Japan and reforming rural society to a certain extent, generally speaking, the role was very insignificant because itneither solved the exhaustion of rural finance nor improved the peasants’ life.In the last part, the thesis makes a detailed analysis on the reasons for the failure of the campaign from various angles. The reasons for it failure were the turbulence of political situation, successive wars, corrupted government, the unsolved problem of land, the deviation from the principle of cooperation and the poor quality of the cooperatives themselves etc.The thesis finally makes a full evaluation of the cooperative movement. In spite of little effect on recovering and developing the rural economy, it was the Nationalist government’s beneficial attempt to promote our nation’s agricultural modernization.

【关键词】 南京国民政府农村合作运动
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】K262.9
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】598

