

An Empirical Study on B2B E-Commerce Industry in China: Based on Website Investigation

【作者】 樊丽

【导师】 林丹明;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 产业经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对我国从事B2B电子商务网站的网上调查,分析我国B2B电子商务行业的现状、特点以及发展趋势。 从B2B电子商务的起源、内涵出发,本文回顾了国内外学者对电子商务模式不同角度的定义和分类,比较了国内外学者对电子商务模式研究的分析框架,由此根据网站是否具有传统产业企业背景以及运作方式的不同,将我国从事B2B电子商务的网站分为独立企业网站、传统中介类网站与虚拟中介网站三大类,并利用Internet信息采集的优势设计了“网上调查”的方法,通过两次对国内著名门户网站的搜索引擎检索关键词获得近千家样本网站,然后一一访问、观察并记录各网站的运作特点与方式。 在所获得的第一手资料的基础上,本文首先从样本网站的宏观数据着手,动态的分析了我国B2B电子商务行业中不同模式与不同程度功能实现的网站比例构成及增减变化,并深入探讨了网站模式与功能实现的联系。其次,本文从市场定位、价值创造、收入来源和成本结构的微观角度探讨了B2B网站不同模式的运作以及功能实现情况,并结合了相关的典型案冽分析。从对样本网站的研究显示:我国从事B2B电子商务的网站数目增长较快,且大多数网站都具有传统产业背景,政府对企业信息化建设推动作用显著,而中介类网站无论在运作还是在功能实现方面都较中小企业的独立网站更有价值。

【Abstract】 The thesis intends to study the situation of the B2B E-Commerce industry in China empirically by investigating the relevant websites on the Internet.By reviewing the origin of B2B E-Commerce, the definition and sort of E-Commerce, comparing the relative research framework, the.thesis classifies the websites in the B2B industry into three types, namely, individual enterprise website, traditional intermediary website and virtual intermediary website, in light of the different background of the website and the different operations. The "Internet Investigation" method is designed according to the abundance and convenience of the Internet. By searching about one thousand relative websites from the search engine of the well-known portals, we visit, observe those and try to explore the character and operation of the B2B web sites.Based on the first-hand information collected, the paper analyses the proportion and transformation of the website in the B2B E-Commerce industry, and go deep into the relation between the model and the function of the website at first. Secondly, it discusses the details about the different models of the websites as well as the typical cases on the angles of market position, value creation, revenue origin and cost configuration. The conclusion shows that the B2B E-Commerce industry in China develop gradually, and most websites are based on the traditional industry, but the function of information interaction is expected to enhance. The promotion of the government in the industry is significant. The intermediary websites do better than those individual ones built by medium and small-sized enterprises either in terms of operations or that of functions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】F724.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】635

