

The Propagation of the Television News Review

【作者】 李华刚

【导师】 孙文宪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文重点论述了电视新闻述评的传播策略问题。意在说明电视新闻述评作为电视新闻评论的一种样式,它充分发挥了电视媒体的传播优势,有效地表达政论性内容,同时又符合受众的认知规律,易于让电视观众接受和理解,因而具有较好的传播效果。 本文拟从电视新闻述评的内涵入手,初步探讨它具有较强生命力的原因所在,并在分析、总结其传播特色的基础上,进一步寻找那些具有操作意义的传播技巧。 在本文的序言部分,简述了电视新闻述评,是电视新闻评论经过长期的适应和改造,并借鉴其他电视节目的特点而逐渐形成的新的节目样式,从目前情况看,这种样式具有较强的生命力。 在本文第一部分,着重论述了电视新闻述评的基本内涵。主要从三个方面界定了它的定义。电视新闻述评作为电视评论体裁的一种样式,并不等同于述评性节目,也不等同于体裁,它只能是一种具体样式;它具有就事论理,述评结合的显著特点,它以新事物、新问题、新事件作为论述对象,它与主要诉诸于逻辑推理的评论有着明显的区别,它是以“述”与“评”紧密联系的有机结合,是电视评论中最具特色的一种形式;它强调的是两个方面,既具有强烈的时效性,又具有较大的评论价值。 在本文的第二部分,简要论述了电视新闻述评的传播特点。它充分发挥电视媒介中声音与画面的“双通道”优势,实现形象思维与逻辑思维的结合,理性与感性的有机统一;它较好地顺应了受众认知事物的一般规律,在电视线形传播的条件下,为观众提供了一种渐悟的理解程序。电视述评的结构特点有效地围绕事实展开分析评论,用具像的事实谈论抽象的道理。 在本文的第三部分,重点论述了电视新闻述评的四个传播特色。“双线互补”作为电视新闻述评的结构核心,是体裁适应媒介的必然产物。述评的政论性特点决定了节目必须以议论、分析为主,其内容抽象不易理解。只有以优势 /A 硕士学住论文 \砧了和y *“”仁R’S*m卜 互补的原则把声音和画面这两条线有机结合起来,充分调动蛔直观的画 面来表现“简单熟悉的形象\然后用解说和论述谈论抽象的内容,并引导观 众回到原来的形象上去,形成“双线互补”,发挥符号传播的特性,避免“死 线抽象”。“双程统一”,是这样两个过程,即节目中评论者认识新闻事实的过 程与节目中的分析说理的过程。用以引导人们在伴随事物发展的过程中,一步 一步加深认识,展开分析并逐步形成自己的观点,从而实现认识过程与说理过 程的统一。“双程统一”是评论体裁适应线形传播特性的产物。“群体论证”, 是在述评的分析论证过程中,适当引入当事人、相关群众及专家权威,来就新 闻事实展开分析和论证,这种方式,比主持人一人评说要灵活得多,参与论证 的受众现身说法,更贴近受众,更易为受众理解和接受。“主体评说”,就是评 论员作为认知主体,充分发挥主观能动性,在对事实的分析评论中,起核心的 决定性作用。同时,也使节目上下过度,前后串联。同时还运用了一系列电视 新闻镜头实例,说明了电视新闻述评的核心功能。 在本文的第四部分,详述了电视新闻述评的表现方法。论证了电视的声画 语言是一种“短路符号系统”,能够以直观形象产生一种不言而喻的论证力量, 让观众在看到事实的同时,也看到问题的结论,这种力量在很大程度上产生于 镜头的蒙太奇效果。现代心理学认为,人们认知事物都是从个别到一般,从感 性到理性,从具体到抽象。由于电视是一种过程性的传播媒介,对电视的理性 认识也必然呈现一定的渐进理性和层次性,因此在述评中就要构建引导观众逐 渐接近理性认识的有效手段。 在本文结语部分,本文尝试论述了电视新闻述评作为评论体裁适应电视媒 介的一种样式,己开始显现出它的生命力与发展前景。本文还分析了电视新闻 述评还不能称为完善的形式,还处在不断深入的过程中。随着社会的进步和 电视事业的发展,它必将在实践中进一步地得到快速发展。

【Abstract】 The focus of this essay lies in the propagation tactics of the television news review. As a type of television commentary, the television news review makes good use of the propagation advantage of television medium, and expresses effectively the political contents because it complies with the law of how the audience accepts and understands matters.Starting from the deep meaning of the television news review, the author of this essay explores the reason of its powerful life and searches out the practicable propagation tactics on the basis of analyzing and concluding its propagation characteristics.The first part of the essay focuses on the deep meaning of the television news review, which is defined from three aspects. Firstly, as a type of television commentary, the television news review is neither as same as review program nor television commentary. Secondly, it notices itself with combining matter with logic and the new things, new problems and new events are its objects. So it is quite different from the commenting which focuses on logical inference. Thirdly, it emphasizes on two parts, effectiveness in time and worth of commenting.In the second part of the essay, the author elaborates the propagation character of television news review. The television news review gives the superiority of "two-way channel" - the sound and the picture in the television vehicle into full play. It combines the image thought with the logic thought. It unites the reason and the perceptual. It complies with the law of how the audience understands the matters. It helps the audience to understand the matters. The television news review analyzes the concrete facts with abstract logic.Four specialties of television news review is the center of the third part. As the structure core of it, "double-thread supplementary" is the inevitable product of style adapting medium. The political character of review decides that the program shouldfocus on commenting and analyzing which makes it abstract and hard to understand. But the television news review makes it different. It combines sound and picture at the same time. With the vivid and direct picture that makes the image simple and familiar, it is easy for the audience to understand and accept the sound of abstract illustration, which avoids "dead-line abstract". "Double-process unification" means the unification of process of learning the news and process of analyzing the events. "Community proof is also a specialty of television news review that makes the comment reliable and acceptable with proof from different aspects like the litigant, relevant masses and experts. "Main body comment" is the core of the television news review that makes a conclusion on the basis of analysis.The forth part centers on the performance methods of television news review. In this part, the author shows the language of television sound and picture is a "short-circuit mark system". It produces evident comment power with direct image and picture, which presents the facts and the conclusion of problem to the audience at the same time. Modem psychology shows that the law of learning goes from special to normal, from perceptual to rational, and from concrete to abstract. So television news review should rightly makes good use of this law and construct a right way to direct the audience to learn the news.In the last part, the author shows as a type of commentary adapting television medium, television news review has demonstrated its life force and prospect. But it is far from perfect and needs further development in future practice.

【关键词】 电视新闻述评电视媒介传播
【Key words】 Television news reviewReviewTelevision mediumPropagation
  • 【分类号】G222.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】367

