

Thinking about Administrative Approval System Reformation in China

【作者】 王定天

【导师】 王端;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在世界经济一体化趋势不断加快的今天,在中国已成功加入世界贸易组织的21世纪,如何改革和完善行政审批,以适应新时代经济发展的要求,已成为各级行政机关所面临的一项艰巨任务。我国的行政审批制度要由适应原高度集权的计划经济体制转变到社会主义市场经济的基础上来,无论在制度的内容或运行方式方面都需要进行改革。但如何进行行政审批制度的改革,这是一项系统工程,也是一篇大文章。 当今世界许多国家为适应市场经济发展的要求,率先对行政审批制度进行了多次改革,并通过改革,提高了公共管理及服务的质量和效率。我国的审批制度改革,不能简单地理解为审批事项的增减,或认为行政审批了,就不是改革了,行政审批少了,就是改革了。改革行政审批制度,绝不等于取消审批制度,审批制度仍然是政府实施行政管理的一种手段。应该说,改革行政审批制度的关键在于弄清哪些该审批,哪些不该审批,实质上是要突破传统行政管理体制的束缚,使行政审批制度更好地适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求。 正是从上述这一改革主要指导思想出发,本文从阐释行政审批制度相关理论入手,重点剖析了现行审批制度存在的主要问题,并在此基础上从改革指导思想、目标、原则和举措方面提出了一些改革建议。 全文共分四个部分:第一部分,对行政审批制度及其相关概念的内涵进行了阐释。文章在对“行政”不同学术观点进行评析的基础上,强调行政有广义和狭义之分,本文对行政的理解是采用广义解释的。与此同时,对行政审批的概念作了诠释。文章指出:行政审批是指国家机关根据相对人的申请,依法以颁发特定证照等方式,准许相对人行使某种权利,获得从事某种活动资格的一种具体行政行为,并从四个方面分析了行政审批的特点。文章还对行政审批制度的定义作了界定,特别分析了我们现行行政审批制度建立的体制基础。第二部分,论述了改革我国行政审批制度的重大意义。文章指出,改革我国行政审批制度,不仅有利于推进政府职能转变,以适应社会主义市场经济的发展要求, /艺巴八硕士学位论文 w A4ASTEll’S THESIS 而且有利于与国际经济接轨,具有深远的历史意义。第三部分,对我国现行行 政审批制度存在的突出问题进行了剖析。文章指出:现行行政审批制度随着我 国经济体制的转轨,己夫去体制上的依存性:现行行政审批制度的许多规定与 国际经济严重脱轨;行政审批的范围和标准缺乏科学界定,审批行为不够规范: 特别是行政审批程序混乱,暗箱操作多,缺乏公开性和公正性,监督机制也不 完善。通过这些剖析,为行政审批制度的改革明确了方向。第四部分,针对我 国现行行政审批制度存在的问题提出了改革的举措。文章提出这一改革不是对 原来审批制度的全盘否定,而是要着眼于新的社会情况,总结历史的经验教训, 通过改革,实现制度创新。改革的总体目标应该是:减少行政审批,规范行政 行为,强化监督机制。因此,改革要遵循“适应市场经济体制要求的原则”、“有 利于政府职能转变的原则”、“符合依法行政的原则”和“便民服务的原则”。文 章从四个方面提出了改革的基本举措。 论文注意广泛吸收学术界研究的最新成果,同时在己经研究的基础上,努 力做到有所创新,并提出了一些有新意的观点。诸如论文对我国行政审批制度 性缺陷的分析,有一定的深度,从四个方面所作的概括有一定新意,特别是对 行政审批制度的体制基础所作的分析有自己的见地。文章提出“从根本上转换 行政审批制度的体制基础”的观点,在同类文章中更是不多见的。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, integration of the world economy is constantly developed and China has become an official member of World Trade Organization (WTO). How to reform and improve the existing administrative approval system to adapt the requirements of new-style economic development is an arduous task for administrative organs of all levels in China. The reformation of the administrative approval system from the highly centralized plan economy to the socialism marketing economy in China needs to reform both content and running method of the system. However, how to reform the administrative approval system is not only a systematic project but also a magnificent article.Presently, many countries in the world have made frequent reformation on the administrative approval system, by which the quality and efficiency of public management and service have been enhanced. The reformation of China’s administrative approval system cannot be simply understood the increase or decrease of the administrative approval procedures. That doesn’t mean the administrative approval system shall be cancelled. This system is still a means of administrative management implemented by the Government. In other words, the key point of the administrative approval system is to make clear which items shall be approved and which are not. Essentially, it is to break through the astrict of conventional administrative management system and meet the requirements for the development of socialism economy. Based on this reform philosophy mentioned above, and theory analysis of the administrative approval system, the emphasis of this paper is to study main problems of the current administrative approval system. Moreover, some suggestions have been made for the reformation philosophy, target, principle and measures.This paper consists of four parts. The first part is to expatiate concepts of theadministrative approval system and organs. Based on different learning standpoints of "administration", it is stressed that there are administrations of general and narrow sense. General expatiation of the administrative approval system is adopted in the paper. Meanwhile, explanation of the administrative approval system concept is made in the paper. It is indicated that the administrative approval system is a concrete action for permitting a relativist to award some right and qualification of an activity in issuing special license and certificate in accordance with a relativist’s application. Four characteristics of the administrative approval system have also been studied in the paper. The definition of the administrative approval system is stated, especially the system foundation of the current administrative approval system establishment in China. The second part is to study the significance of reforming the existing administrative approval system. This paper indicates that the reform of the existing administrative approval system is not only favorable to improve transformation of the economic system in China to meet development requirements of socialism market economy, but also favorable to promote the system be completely consistent with international economy. The third part is to study the existing problems of China’s current administrative approval system. It indicates that the current administrative approval system has lost its dependence with transformation of the economic system. Many regulations of the current administrative approval system are inconsistent with those of international economy. The scope and standard of the administrative approval are devoid of scientific definition. And approval activity is not normative, especially the disordered administrative approval procedures, backroom operation, less publicity and equity and incomplete supervision mechanism. By this study, it demonstrates the reformation direction of the administrative approval system. The fourth part is to put forward reform measures in accordance with the problems existing in the current administrative approval system. It is indicated that this reformation is to summarize historical

【关键词】 行政行政审批制度改革
【Key words】 administrationadministrative approval systemreformation
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】300

