

Tragic but Beautiful Female Spirits World

【作者】 张虹

【导师】 王忠祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf,1882—1941)是英国现代文学史上最重要的女作家。她是本世纪英国现代主义文学和意识流小说的杰出代表,同时又是女性主义运动的先驱。 伍尔夫属于维多利亚女王时代形成的“知识贵族阶层”,一出生便生活在一个荟萃了当时伟大的思想、伟大的著作和伟大的人物的环境牛,得天独厚的条件使她年仅九岁便显示了非凡的文学才能。当她正式走上文学创作的道路后,布鲁姆斯伯里集团的那种蔑视传统、男女平等的精神又对她的思想产生了巨大的影响。伍尔夫一生都致力于小说的改革与艺术的创新,共著有九部长篇、一些短篇小说、一个剧本和一本传记,并且发表了三百多篇随笔、书评和论文,对现代小说的改革意识和意识流小说的理论作了较为全面的阐述。 从本质上说,伍尔夫当时所生活的英国社会,是一个男权中心社会,妇女在社会、经济、政治和文化教育等方面都毫无权利可言,伍尔夫虽然家庭条件优越,但也从未接受过正规的学校教育,而且,当时有些大学的图书馆也将她拒之门外。这种因受到不平等待遇而引起的愤慨情绪,正是形成伍尔夫女性主义思想的来源之一。除此以外,她早年强烈的性屈辱体验,更是她形成女性主义思想的重要来源。伍尔夫认为,承受来自男性的性凌辱和性压迫,乃是女性的历史命运;而寻求一种新型的两性关系,寻求女性的被承认、自由和话语权,成了她孜孜向往的目标。 伍尔夫想摆脱男性的价值标准和观念体系对自己的内在束缚,可男性主流话语权的无形压制又使得她的内心时时陷入焦虑与惶惑,充满了无助的茫然。与此同时,从13岁起,伍尔夫就陆续承受了母亲、姐姐、父亲、兄弟等亲人去世的沉重打击,深刻感受到了命运的残酷性。这两方面的精神折磨,让伍尔夫性格孤僻内向,忧郁寡言,再加上心理学家弗洛依德的死亡本能理论的影响,使得她的作品中突出地呈现着死亡意象,包含着她对死亡的敏锐感受和深沉思考。 为了更好地表达自己对男性中心体制的反抗、对生命的死亡问题的思考,I\硕士字位论父w NtaSTER’S TffeSIS 伍尔夫在其小说创作中大胆革新。采用了意识流的表现手法。她的作品的基础 并非建立在传统的准确表达某人的意思之上,而是建立在意义的多种可能性之 上,这些意义通过含混和隐喻超越个人控制而扩散增殖。伍尔夫不断完善着自 己的这一风格:《墙上的斑点》首次体现了她对意识流技巧的尝试,体现了她 以时间与意识为核心的创作原则;《达洛卫夫人》和《到灯塔去》巧妙处理心 理时间与客观时间的关系,姻熟运用蒙太奇、内心独白、象征等手法,是其意 识流小说的代表作;《海浪》则超越了一般的意识流小说,具有浓郁的诗意, 是诗和小说的结合。 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫以向乌斯河的纵身一跃,结束了自己的生命,但她以她 的敏感和细腻为我们创造的悲怆而奇美的女性精神世界,值得我们久久回味。

【Abstract】 Virginia W6olf(1882-1941)was one of the distinguish female writers in British contemporary literature history. She was an outstanding representative of 20th century’s British contemporary literature and novels on stream of consciousness, as well as a pioneer of women movement.Woolf was at the intelligent aristocrat stratum formed at Queen Victorian Period. She was born at a time with great thoughts, great works and outstanding writers. This brought her the distinguish literature capacity at the age of 9. After she has stepped into the field of literature, Bloomsbury group’s spirits of despising tradition, loving truth and holding the view of equivalence between men and women, have great effect on her ideas. Woolf has devoted her life to the reform of novels and the innovation of arts. Before her death, she has wrote 9 long novels, some short novels, a drama a biography, and more than 300 of jottings, book reviews and articles, which completely discusses the reform ideas of contemporary novels and the theory of novels on the stream of consciousness.In fact, the Victorian society in which Woolf lived was a man-center society, hence, women had no rights on economic life, politic life and education. Although Woolf was born in the rich family, she had never received the regular school education, what’s more, she had ever been refused by some universal libraries. The unfair treatment aroused great indignation in Woolf, which was one of the sources bringing her feminism ideas. Besides this, the strong experience on sex humiliation was the most important sources helping her to form her feminism ideas. Woolf thought the sex humiliation and pressure from men were women’s historical facts, as a result, she devoted herself to constructing a new co-sex relations, fighting for the acceptance of women’s freedom, and women’s rights.Woolf was eager to get rid of the bondage from man’s value standard and ideas system, but the man-center utterance rights at that time filled her heart with anxietyand terrified her. Moreover, her mother, older sister, father and older brother, one after another died, which shown her the cruelty of life. These tortures kept her lonely, and made death protruding in her works, which expressed her understanding and thinking of death.In order to express her ideas against the man-center society and her deliberation on death, Woolf made good use of and modified the stream of consciousness in her novel creation: Spot on the Wall was the first novel, in which the stream of consciousness was used. In the novel, the principle that time and consciousness are the central has been set up; Mrs. Dalloways and To the Lighthouse had shown the very good use of skills on the description of inner monologue, inner analysis, feeling, the shift of time. Hence, the two novels were her representative works; the Wave oversteps the frame of novels on the stream of consciousness. It is the combination of poem and novel. Although Virginia Woolf ended her life in the river, the sad but beautiful woman spirits world created in her works are worthy digesting forever.

  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】3
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