

Research on the Relationship between Email Usage and Satisfaction of Interpersonal Relationship among College Students

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 佐斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 已有研究表明,长期使用网络会引起人际交往的变化。如因为长期沉迷网络,人与人之间的面对面联系、电话沟通或书信往来不断减少,持续下去,人们感到自己的人际关系陷入不良状况;还有研究表明,因为有了网络交往,人际交往变得更容易,尤其是与陌生人的交往更为成功,因此他们感到自己的人际交往更充实,人际关系更良好。本研究探索大学生以email作为一种人际交往方式进行交往而导致的人际关系满意感的变化。研究运用访谈法、问卷法、实验法,以武汉市不同大学不同专业不同年级共635位男女大学生为正式被试,使用方差分析、相关分析、回归分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析等统计方法对所收集的数据进行分析,对自编的人际交往行为问卷、网上人际交往态度问卷进行项目分析、信效度检验,探索变量之间的关系,结果发现: (1)自编问卷能被用来参与正式统计。(2)大学生收发email的频率为平均每周一次左右;高年级大学生(大三大四)显著比低年级大学生(大一大二)用得多;高频率使用email的大学生绝大多数是男生;使用email不存在专业差异。(3)大学生主要有5种交往行为特征:爱在网上与生人打交道、爱在网上网下交新友、爱在网下交熟人、网上交新友旧友型、爱在网上交熟人。(4)使用email和用多种人际交往方式与不同人联系,两种情况下,与兄弟姐妹的人际关系满意感总是最高,与父母的人际关系满意感总是位居第二。但在使用电子邮件后,与兄弟姐妹的人际关系满意感比用多种交往方式联系时显著下降(P=.004);与父母的人际关系满意感也在使用电子邮件后下降,但是尚未达到显著水平。而与老师、同班同学、非同班同学的人际关系满意感则都在使用电子邮件之后上升了,其中,与老师的人际关系满意感由倒数第二位升至第三位,这个变化达到显著水平(P=.029);与非同班同学的人际关系满意感由最差升至第四位,变化也是显著的(P=.004);与同班同学的人际关系满意感则由第三位变为最差,但变化尚未达到显著水平。大学生的总体人际关系满意感与电子邮件的使用频率之间存在显著的正向相关关系,即电子邮件使用多时,人际关系满意感也随着增多。(5)预测人际关系满意感的一个主要变量是人际交往行为,另一个主要变量是年级,年级能对人际关系满意感产生直接的预测力,电子邮件的使用能对人际关 dteed\硕士学位论文 W y1ASTER’S TI IESIS 系满意感产生直接的比较微弱的预测力,但主要通过影响人际交往行为而对人际 关系满意感发生较强的影响。电子邮件的使用通过直接影响人际交往行为和通过 网上人际交往态度来影响人际交往行为而对人际关系满意感产生较强的预测力。 (6)在实验中,大学生的书信反馈次数比email多;email的回复时间跨度大, 从71分钟至37天;用书信回,时间跨度不大,从2天至40天,一般都在8天 至I4天;大学生在书信交往里更容易坦诚,更愿意继续人际交往;而在eeail 里,大学生更多表现出不信任感。

【Abstract】 The society has come into a period of rapidly development of IT. Former studies have shown that, long using of Internet will cause the changing of intercourse, such as indulging in Internet, less and less of face to face interaction and exchanging of letters, so that people fall into the bad relationship. But there also have the studies on the other contrary reporting that, because of Internet, interpersonal interaction has became easier than ever, especially when people make friends with strangers, which make them feel better.Therefore, this paper began with an investigation among the college students to find whether their satisfaction to the relationship has changed after they use email to contact others. Basing on the different study methods as interviewing, questionnaire and experiment, the subjects analyzed the dates collected from the male and female college students of different majors, different grades and different universities (the size of testees’ sample is 635) with different statistical ways as the reliability and validity of the self-developed scales, also methods of variance analysis, correlation, EFA, CFA, regression, SEM etc.Major findings are as follows:(1) Questionnaires of interpersonal interaction behavior of college students can be put into use, also does the questionnaires of attitude towards intercourse on Internet. (2) College students’ ordinary frequency of email usage is about once time per week, and the email usage frequency of high grades such as Junior and Senior is markedly higher than the low grade as Freshmen and Sophomore. Almost of high frequency of email usage belongs to the male students. There is no distinctive difference of email usage of majors. (3) There have five main intercourse behavior types, such as, being fond of making friends with strangers on Internet, being fond of making friends with new friendsboth on Internet and off Internet, being fond of making old friends off Internet, being fond of making friends with old and new friends on Internet and being fond of contacting with old friends on Internet. (4) Relationship satisfaction with different people ranks differently, from the most satisfaction to the lest, with sisters and brothers, parents, classmates, teachers, non-classmates. Also, there’s a remarkable difference after using emailo Though satisfaction of relationship with parents or with sisters and brothers is still high, it has fallen (P=. 004) ; the satisfaction of the relationship with teachers has remarkable improved and ranks the third (P=. 029); non-classmates, from last to the fourth (P=. 004); While of the classmates, last. Satisfaction of relationship will increase with more and more usage of email. (5) The most influent factor of satisfaction of relationship(RS) is interpersonal interaction behavior (IB), email usage will influence RS though influencing IB. (6)The results of experiment say that college students are inclined to answer letters but email. The response time of email ranges from 71 minutes to 37 days, as to the response time to letters, from 2 days to 40 days, usually from 8 days to 14 days. The answer in the letters shows much more straight-out than in email, and people are much more likely to make further touching after intercourse of letters. What’ s more, the college students show much more mistrustful to the news in email than in letter.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】580

