

【作者】 戴国斌

【导师】 李自如;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , MBA, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 监督机制是民营企业重要的管理机制。监督机制的落后是制约民营企业发展的重要管理瓶颈。民营企业对监督机制建立普遍缺乏激励。本文对民营企业监督机制建立的激励进行研究。 本文在前言提出问题。第一章阐述对监督与监督机制的理解。第二章在回顾企业激励理论后,指出目前理论假设与民营企业监督机制实际状况的差距和现实的需要。第三、四、五、六章分析监督机制建立激励的四个必要条件的成因,这四个条件是:所有者的补偿激励和自身努力、清除文化积淀、解决操作中的信用问题、成功的项目管理;同时在各章中对满足各必要条件提出企业运作的设想。

【Abstract】 Superintending mechanism is an important part of the magagerial system in private-owned enterprises. Insufficient superintending mechanism is the bottle -neck of the management of private-owned enterprises. The paper lays enphasis on research of the motivation of the establishment for superintending mechanism.The paper brings forward the problem in the preface. In the first chaper, the paper sets forth the understanding of superintenging and superintending system. After the retrospection of the enterpiese motivational theories in the second chapter, the paper indicate the distance between the theoretical assumption and what are actually happening. From the third chapter to the sixth, the paper expatiate on the foundation of the four neccesary conditions to the motivation of the esatblishment of superintending mechanism, which are the owner’ s self-effort and his compensatory motivation to mananger, purify the cultural deposition, resolving the crediting problem, and successful project management. The paper conceives of how to meet each of the four neccesary conditions at the point of practical enterprise operation.

【关键词】 监督机制建立激励
【Key words】 superintending mechanismestablishmentmotivation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【下载频次】291

