

The Research of Cementitious Capillary Cristaline Waterproofign Coatings

【作者】 谷青华

【导师】 王子明; 刘元新;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 材料学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 水泥基渗透结晶型防水涂料是一种通过其含有的活性组分在硬化水泥、混凝土毛细管内渗透和反应而起到防水作用的新型防水涂料,它具有防水效果持久、自愈合性能好、耐老化、耐腐蚀性能好等特点。 本文在对水泥基渗透结晶型防水材料的作用机理和应用性能分析研究基础上,选择能与水泥混凝土中未水化水泥及部分水化产物反应的活性物质和其它的辅助成分,利用正交设计方法,研究不同组分对涂料防水性能的影响,并详细分析了原料化学成分、掺量及养护条件等参数的变化对涂料渗透结晶性能的影响,研制成功了一种以硅酸盐水泥为基础的水泥基渗透结晶型防水涂料—GT防水涂料。按照中华人民共和国国家标准GB18445—2001(水泥基渗透结晶型防水材料)中要求,对该涂料进行了一系列的性能研究;GT防水涂料与同类型涂料X1和成膜覆盖型涂料X2(均为目前应用最广泛的防水涂料之一)进行了性能对比试验,结果表明,GT防水涂料的抗渗压力、二次抗渗压力、强度、自愈合性能、耐腐蚀性等均达到或超过上述两种防水材料的性能指标。 在对GT防水涂料进行性能研究的基础上,采用体式显微镜、扫描电镜、X射线衍射等测试手段,从材料的微观结构方面分析涂料的防水机理,证明了GT防水涂料是通过渗透结晶反应提高材料的防水抗渗能力。 研究表明,GT涂料具有如下性能特点: a.防水性能良好,涂刷1.0~1.2mm厚度,可使抗渗压力提高3倍以上; b.在有水条件下,结晶反应可以不断进行,从而能自愈合裂缝,永久性防水; c.对基体有很强的渗透性,28天可渗透至50mm深度; d.对环境适应性强,在PH值3.0~12.0情况下均可正常使用; 此外,GT涂料为无机刚性涂料,无毒无污染、生产和施工工艺简单,适应大面积复杂表面混凝土工程,在地下工程、水利工程、公路桥梁、蓄水池、污水处理厂等工程防水中,具有良好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing coating(CCWC), characterized by its permanent waterproofing effect, self-rehabilitating ability, good aging resistance and corrosion resistance, is a new type of cement-based waterproofing material which reactive ingredient can permeate into the internal part of concrete structures through capillary pores or cracks and react with cement hydrates and anhydrates.On the basis of the comprehensive study and analysis of the literatures concerning the mechanism and properties of CCWC, the substances that can react with anhydrate or hydration products and other supplementary ingredients were selected, and variety of experiments were conducted by means of cross experimental design. The effects of chemical composition and dosage of raw materials, curing condition, and chemical admixtures on waterproofing ability were tested and analyzed. A optimum formulation of cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing coating(named as GT waterproofing coating) was successfully developed, based on silicate cement., The performances of GT waterproofing coating were examined in accordance with GB18445?001, and the results were compared with those of two types of widely used waterproofing coatings Xi and Xi. Test results showed that the properties such as impermeability, strength, self-rehabilitating ability and corrosion resistance are superior to those of the counterparts.Stereomicroscope, SEM, and XRD analysis were employed to investigate the mechanism of waterproofing and the improved microstructure of concrete structures. Positive results were obtained for the occurrence of the permeation and crystallization processes.The study indicates that GT coating has the following advantages:a. The waterproofing effect is remarkable. Brushed with the thickness of 1.0-1.2 mm, it can improve the impermeability pressure up to 3 times that of blank samples;b. The crystalline reaction can continuously carry out, sealing the crack and waterproofing for ever if water is existent;c. It has very strong capillary ability in pores or cracks that it can penetrate into 50mm depth in 28 days;d. Very good environmental adaptability, and can be used as normal at PH 3.0-12.0;In addition, GT coating is inorganic rigid material, and it can be easily fabricated and applied, suit to complicated and bulk concrete structure surfaces. Therefore it has a bright market prospect in the field of underground structures, water conservative engineering, bridges, ponds and water disposal plant, etc.

【关键词】 硅酸盐水泥渗透结晶防水涂料
【Key words】 Silicate CementCapillaryCrystallineWaterproofingCoating
  • 【分类号】TQ637
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1144

