

General Commercial Documents Data Convert System Based on XML

【作者】 刘雅丽

【导师】 周小兵;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 可扩展置标语言XML(eXtensible Markup Language)是由W3C(World Wide Web Consortinum)组织于1998年2月制订的一种面向Internet应用的置标语言。作为对SGML(标准通用置标语言)的一种改良,XML具有良好的扩展性和自描述性、形式与内容分离、遵循严格的语法要求以及提供对多语种的支持等特点,使其成为数据交换的一门新兴技术。 一个功能完善的商业管理信息系统(MIS)系统,不仅要有内部的电子数据交换,也要有与贸易伙伴之间准确无误的电子数据交换,才能充分发挥MIS系统高效、准确、及时的优势。采用XML作为商业系统之间数据交换的数据中介,实现了异构数据源之间的数据交换。将XML文档与关系数据库之间的数据转换技术构件化,提高了数据转换技术的可重用性、可扩展性和可维护性。 本文针对商业系统间单据交换的基本需要,结合面向对象的方法和构件技术,设计并实现了基于XML的通用数据转换系统。提出了用标准XML模式作为交换单据的数据表示;详细探讨了描述关系模式与XML模式之间映射关系的转换脚本XML文档;讨论了XML文档与关系型数据库之间相互转换的数据转换构件的设计和实现接口;并基于DOM解析器,详细介绍了数据转换构件中客户端和服务器端数据转换的算法。 在系统具体实现时,只要对每种单据都生成一份简单直观的转换脚本,并调用数据转换构件的接口,可以非常容易的提取(或存储)带有层次关系的XML文档。

【Abstract】 Extensible Markup Language (XML), a new Internet-oriented markup language, was put forward by W3C (World Wide Web Consortinum) in February 1998. As an improvement of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), XML has many advantages, such as good extensibility,self-description, content-presentation separation, comforming to rigid grammar definition and supporting multi-language, which makes it a novel technology in the fields of data exchange.An advanced management information system (MIS),Having accurate EDI both inside and between trading partners (there should be inside EDI. Have it with the accurate EDI among the trading partners too), can fulfil the advantages of MIS, efficiency, veracity etc. it makes data exchange between data sources having different structure come true to adopt XML as the data media of data exchange among Business Systems. The modularization of data conversion technologies between XML and Relational Database can improve reuse, expansibility and maintainability of data conversion technologies.Considering the basic requirement of bill of document exchange among the business systems and combining Object-Oriented (00) and software component technologies, this paper has designed and realized the general data convert system based on XML. We use standard XML module to express the data exchange and design the converting script XML file to describe the reflection relation between relational module and XML module. Here, The design and actualization of data converting component exchanging data format betweenrelational database and XML document are discussed, and, based on DOM parser, data converting algorithms inside the components of both server end and client end are introduced in detail.While concretely implementing these algorithms, as long as we produce an simple and intuitionistic converting script for each kind of bill document, and call the data converting component interfaces , we can easily draw ( or store ) the XML files with hiberarchy relation.

【关键词】 XML数据交换关系模式XML模式软件构件
【Key words】 XMLData ExchangeRelational ModuleXML ModuleSoftware Component
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【下载频次】112

