

The Construction of core competence in our enterprises after WTO entry

【作者】 姚文

【导师】 段豫川;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农业经济管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 企业核心竞争力构建研究在当前是一个比较热门的课题。构建和提升企业的核心竞争力,使企业取得长期竞争优势,是企业取得良好的经济效益、不断发展壮大的基础,也是提高整个国民经济运行质量的根本保障。这对刚刚入世、企业整体竞争力不强的我国来说具有重要意义。 市场竞争规律表现为优胜劣汰,只有具有强大核心竞争力的优秀企业才能在竞争中脱颖而出并长期取得良好的经济效益。核心竞争力具有系统性和动态性的特点,需要企业从各个方面长期不懈努力,并在一定程度上受外部环境影响。基于此,本文从便于研究核心竞争力的构建的角度,对核心竞争力进行了重新界定,分析了影响核心竞争力的各个因素及其相互关系,提出构建核心竞争力的方略与基本手段以及在各个方面应采取的措施。全文分为六部分: 第一部分为问题的提出。本部分从中国企业寿命明显低于国际平均水平的不正常现象,以及入世后我国企业面临的严峻形势这两方面提出了破解企业寿命之谜的问题。 第二部分为核心竞争力理论。本部分从企业竞争力开始,分析了企业竞争力与企业核心竞争力之间的关系,从便于研究核心竞争力的构建的角度界定了核心竞争力,分析了核心竞争力的特点及表现:核心竞争力是企业所拥有特殊资源以及有效利用这种资源从而使企业获得长期竞争优势的能力,它具有独特性、价值性、不可完全替代性、系统性、长期性、动态性等七个特点,产品的竞争力是它的最终体现,而产品的竞争力表现在需要、质量、成本、速度、服务等五个方面。同时本部分还指出,构建强大企业核心竞争力是企业长寿的根本保证。 第三部分为构建核心竞争力之方略探讨。本部分从构成企业核心竞争力的资源和能力的独特性、获取经济利润以及谋求长寿之道等三个角度,提出了知识创新是构建核心竞争力的基本手段,并指出实事求是、一切从实际出发是构建核心竞争力的指导思想。同时,从核心竞争力的系统性出发分析了影响核心竞争力的主要因素及其相互关系,提出必须把构建核心竞争力当作一项系统工程来抓。最后,从动态角度提出了构建核心竞争力的工作步骤(即如何进行核心竞争力管理):识别、规划、培养、部署、维护。 第四部分为构建核心竞争力工作的内容。本部分从企业经营管理所需知识的角度指出,构建核心竞争力应从观念创新、管理创新(包括制度创新)、经营创新、营销创新、技术创新、产品创现管理信息化。 3.在经营创新方面.企业要选择适当的经营领域和恰当的竟争战略。企业在选择经营领域时把握以下几个原则:竟争力原则、发展前途原则、积累经营资源原则、亮了东方再亮西方原则。在选择竟争战略方面,企业要转变竞争砚念:放弃低水平竞争,以创新抢占战略制高点,确立企业在竟争中的优势地位;变零和博奕为非零和博奕,努力创造双赢局面。 4.在营销创新方面。企业要建立市场需求变化预警系统,真正实现按需生产:更新营销观念,确立主动性社会市场营销观念;准确预测市场需求及其变化,及时椎出新产品:及时根据市场需求变化,不断改进产品;搞好市场定位,警惕“多数谬误”。同时,企业要密切关注企业经营环境变化,及时调整营销组合。另外,企业还要重视品牌建设。 5.在技术创新方面。技术创新包括生产技术和组织技术两方面。在生产技术创新方面,企业要外部引进与自主研发并重,走以突破性技术创新为主,兼顾增量性技术创新的技术创新道路,掌握具有自主知识产权的核心技术井不失时机地把新技术应用到产品创新中去;在组织技术方面,企业应实行全面质量管理,并根据本企业实际情况有选择地引入敏捷制造技术、准时生产制与精细生产技术以及虚拟企业技术等先进的生产组织技术。 6.在产品创新方面,企业产品创新要立足于现代产品观,同时要选择适当的产品创新模式。 7.在资本运作方面,企业既要善于利用本企业己有的有形资产和无形资产通过金融市场和资本市场筹措企业生产经营所需资金,又要善于保持合理的资本结构,还要通过兼购重组,优化资本(资源)结构,同时防止竞争对手恶意并购。 第五部分为把企业建成一个学习型组织。本部分从核心竟争力的动态性出发提出企业要持续保持强大的核心竞争力必须不断学习、在学习的基础上不断创新,指出应该把企业建成一个学习型组织,并探讨了把企业建成学习型组织的一般方法:要培养员工学习意识,要引入标杆管理,适时确立学习的目标,要为员工营造有利于学习的条件和氛围,要做到学以致用。 第六部分为企业核心竞争力构建过程中政府的角色及作用。本部分先从我国经济管理体制尚不成熟、还有一定计划经济体制残余的实际国情出发,探讨了市场经济体制下政府应在经济管理中扮演的角色及发挥的作用:裁判、导师和保姆、公仆,然后具体探讨了在构建企业核心竞争力方面政府应作的工作:倡导创新意识,培养创新人才;以国家政权力量为依托,以立法、司法为手段,协助企业制度创新、保护企业创新成果;为技术创新创造良好的市场环境;以国家财力为依托,加强基础研究,建

【Abstract】 The construction of core competence is a hot topic nowadays. The construction and improvement of core competence can make enterprises get long-term competitive advantage and good economic benefits. It is also the foundation for their further development and even the basic guarantee for the promotion of operating quality in our national economy. It is great significance for our total competitive ability is not strong enough to meet the challenge.Survival of the fittest is the result of market competition. Only those enterprises with solid core competence can survive and obtain long-term economic benefits. Core competence is characterized by its systematicness and mobility. The construction of it needs unremitting efforts from every aspect and it is also influenced by external factors to some extent. Thus this paper redefines core competence and analyses its concerning factors and their relation. Then the paper presents general plan and specific ways and measures in construction of core competence. It can roughly be divided into six sections.Section one is about the discussion of problems. One is about abnormal phenomenon that the life span of our enterprises is below the world average. The other is the harsh situation that we are confronted with after WTO accession. Then it is about the solution to the problems.Section two is on the theory of core competence. After its comparison with enterprises’ competitive ability, the paper redefines core competence and unveils its characteristics and embodiments. Core competence refers to enterprises’ ability to use its own special resource effectively and gain long-term stable competitive advantage. It is characterized by its specialty, value, irreplaceability, systematicness, protracted nature and mobility. The competitiveness of products is its ultimate embodiment. And the competitiveness of products is manifested in demand, quality, cost, speed and service. Meanwhile this section also points out the construction of core competence can ensure enterprises’ long life span.Section three is devoted to general plan of construction of core competence. In view of special resource and ability in constructing core competence, obtaining of economic benefits and pursuit of a long life span, it draws out the basic way ?knowledge innovation. The leading thought in constructing core competence is to seek truth from facts and try to be realistic and practical. Then after the analysis of some influential factors and their relation, the paper states that core competence construction should be regarded as a system engineering to deal with. Finally it comes to its operating step (how to conduct core competence management) : identifying, planning, cultivation, disposition and maintenance.Section four is on how to construct core competence. As the management of enterprises involves knowledge, core competence construction also needs innovation in concept, administration, management, marketing, technology, producing and capital utilization.The following are the concrete measures:l.Concept innovation: Both the administrative personnel and employees should seek truth from facts as well as form innovative concept of globalization, openness and crisis-conscious, talent-treasured and cooperative spirit. They should never stop learning and going backwards. They should integrate these brand-new concepts into their daily work.2.Administration innovation: Enterprises should give their priority to regulation construction to separate ownership of capital-providers from property of right of enterprises. Enterprises should establish a "dumbbell" and flat organization construction, a talent-considering personnel-recruiting system. They should also conduct strict, effective and flexible administration as well as improve information and technology to make administration informationized.S.Management innovation: Enterprises should choose proper field and appropriate competitive strategies. With regard to proper field, enterprises should follow the principle of competition, promi

  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】351

