

【作者】 袁中智

【导师】 魏朝富; 高明; 王玄德;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 土壤学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 房产产籍管理是国家对城市房产产权管理中所产生的产权档案、图纸、帐册、表卡及其他反映产权现状和历史情况的文件资料的管理。房产产籍管理是政府实施管理的一项重要职能,它与产权管理一道,对维护社会的安定,保障房地产业和社会经济的发展,都有重大意义。 目前的房产产籍管理技术状况是:一是管理手段落后;二是检索速度慢;三是统计汇总难;四是删除修改繁。为了使房产管理部门彻底摆脱繁重的手工操作,提高工作科学化、规范化水平,高效利用各种信息,保证资料的完备性、现实性,提高查询检索速度,促进信息共享,建立完善的房产产籍管理信息系统是很有必要的。 随着房地产业的蓬勃发展,房产产籍信息与日俱增。如何开发庞大的产籍信息,及时、准确地为社会各界提供咨询和服务,为房地产开发、建设、使用,及旧城改造、新区建设、市政工程、道路交通、环保、绿化等城市建设和管理提供辅助决策信息,已显得越来越重要。 从20世纪90年代开始,利用微机实现房产现代化管理在我国得到迅速发展。各种有关房产管理的计算机软件纷纷出现。综合目前房产产籍管理软件,虽然都不同程度具有交互查询、检索、统计等功能,也能完成产籍管理中的大部分业务。但共同的缺点是:一是不具有空间分析功能,不能充分利用产籍这个庞大的信息库中的信息,进行加工、提取,为政府部门提供高质量的决策信息。二是有关房产的数据信息均用二维系统描述,未用三维系统描述,因此不能精确地反映、分析或显示有关信息。三是网络化虽在部门内部一定范围内实现,但远未达到整个部门内或部门间的资源共享。四是所有房产产籍管理软件还仅停留在电子数据处理EDP或管理信息系统MIS阶段,未对决策支持系统DSS、专家系统ES等进行探讨。 为改变落后的管理方式,推进产籍管理现代化。开发房产产籍信息,为房地产业的发展、城市规划、建设、管理提供辅助决策依据。本研究运用了结构化系统分析方法、结构化系统设计方法及结构化程序设计方法,以MapBasic为二次开发语言,Mapinfo为开发平台,开发了房产产籍管理信息系统:采取各种检验方法和正确的作业流程,完成了数据库建立工作;最后,以重庆市北碚区为例,运用指数和法,专家系统的理论与方法,房地产估价的理论与方法,对系统进行了房屋类型划分、房屋质量评价、房屋使用咨询、房屋估价等方面的应用研究。 通过系统开发一数据库建立一数据分析处理一结果讨论等一系列研究,本研究取得的主要成果: 1.开发了县级房产产籍管理信息系统 通过系统分析、系统设计、系统实施等开发过程,开发出的县级房产产籍管理信息系统具有数据输入、数据变换、显示查询、空间运算与分析、数据库、应用模型等基本功能。其中为适合房产行政管理人员对产籍信息的管理,系统主要开发的功能有:缓冲区查询统计、打开/关闭平面图、查询与检索(包括楼栋信息的查询与检索和分户信息的查询与检索)、房屋类型划分、房屋质量评价、房屋使用咨询、房屋估价等。 工 建立了北殆区房产产籍数据库 通过数据预处理与数字化、图形编辑、属性数据与空间数据的联系、坐标转换与图幅拼接等过程,将北殆区地形图、北暗区土地利用现状图、北暗区行政图、北暗区交通图、房屋平面图等图形数据,及其他统计数据、文献资料、图表等正确无误地录入数据库系统,建立了北暗区房产产籍数据库。 3.进行了北殆区房屋类型划分 运用系统中房屋类型划分功能,对北殆区房屋按其担负的功能进行划分。划分结果表达形式有:北殆区房屋类型分布图、北暗区房屋类型面积分配表。 北暗区房屋类型面积分配:居住491.6万旷,占城区土地总面积20.5%;公共设施456.7万 mZ,占城区土地总面积 18.9%;工业 548.3万旷,占城区土地总面积 22.7%;仓储 IS.5万 m\ 占城区上地总面积 0.6%;交通 99.95万 mZ,占城区士地总面积 4.l%;其它 74.9万旷,占城区土地总面积 3.l%。 北硷区房屋类型划分结果表明:北暗区城区用地结构不合理,功能布局紊乱。由此提出北硷区城区土地可持续利用的途径:门)充分利用城区闲置地及废弃地;(二)加强旧城改造;u)积极推进土地置换。 4.进行了北殆区房屋质量评价 运用系统中房屋质量评价功能,选取影响房屋质量的主导因素,将北殆区房屋按质量划分为五个等级。划分结果表达形式有:北暗区房屋质量等级图、北硷区房屋质量评价结果统计表。 北砖区房屋质量评价结果:一等 148.7万 m‘,占全区房屋总面积 5.88%;二等 636.4万 m\ 占全区房屋总面积 25.15%;三等 1733.90万 m\ 占全区房屋总面积 68.52%;四等 7.34万 mZ,占全区房屋总面积 0.29%;五等 4刀5万 m\ 占全区房屋总面积 0.16%。 北砖区房屋质量评价结果表明:北暗区房屋质量整体较差;建成区房屋质量较差,

【Abstract】 The management of house property registry is to manage records of property right, maps, account books, tables and cards which are produced from the management of house property right, and other files which report the present and historical situation of property right. The management of house property registry is an important function of the government management. Along with the management of property right, it has great significance on safeguarding social stability and guaranteeing the development of real estate and economics.The present situation of management method of house property registry includes: (1), the method of management is backward. (2), the speed of searching is slow. (3), it is difficult to count and collect data. (4), it is complicated to delete and modify object. In order to free the management department of house from heavily manual manipulation and speed up the search and inquiry it is necessary to found a perfect house property registry MIS.The information on house property registry accumulated with each passing day, with the development of real estate. In order to provide advice and service for all circles and assisted policymaking information for exploiting real estate it became more and more important to exploit enormous information on house property registry.Since the 1990’s, computer is widly used to manage house property in our country. Various softwares on house property management appeared one after another. Although all the present softwares on house property registry management have the functions of searching and statistics, and can finish the most professional work of property registry management, they have common shortcoming: they have no spatial analysis function, therefore, they can’t make full use of property registry information to provide governmental department with high quality policymaking information; all the data of house property are described in the two-dimensional system, but not in the three-dimensional system, so they can’t exactly reflect, analyze or display the relevant information; network has been realized within lunits inside department,but it has not yet been used in the whole of department or among the departments;the development of all the softwares on house property registry management remains on the stage of EDP or MIS, there is no software of this kind has inquired DSS or ES.To change the backward management method so as to carry forward the process of modernized management of property registry; To exploit information resources on house property registry so as to provide assisted policymaking basis for city planning and urban construction, etc. The author made mapBasic6.0 as exploitive language, and mapinfo6.0 asexploitive platform, and applied SA, SD and SP method to the exploiting of HRMIS, and established database with various inspection methods and correct work flow. At last, taking Beibei as example, the author applied the index plus method and the theory and method of ES and real estate appraisal to applied research of house type classification, house quality appraisal, house use inquiry and real estate appraisal, etc.Through a series of studies which from the exploiting of HRMIS to the establishing of database, and to the analyzing and processing of data, and to the discussing of outcomes. The main achievements are as follows:1. HRMIS that adapt to county department was exploited2. House property registry database of Beibei district was established3. House type distribution electronic map of Beibei district in Chongqing4. House type area assignment table of Beibei district in Chongqing5. House quality grade distribution electronic map of Beibei district in Chongqing6. House quality appraisal outcome statistics table of Beibei district in ChongqingThe research attained the desired goal. HRMIS not only carried out effective management to house property registry and greatly raised management efficiency, but also made full use of enormous registry information and provided assisted policymaking basis for city p

【关键词】 房产产籍MISMapinfoMapbasic
【Key words】 house propertyproperty registryMISMapInfoMapBasic
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】240

