

Research on Amino Acids Requirements of 10~20kg Landrance×Rongchang Crossbred Piglets

【作者】 姚焰础

【导师】 宋代军;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 为了验证NRC(1998)生长模型对我国瘦肉型仔猪的适用性,确定长×荣杂交仔猪的氨基酸需要量。本试验选用10~20kg不同性别长×荣杂交猪30头猪,等分为6组,3组公猪、3组母猪,参照NRC(1998)标准并结合我国生产实际配制日粮,通过饲养试验和屠宰试验测定其生产性能、胴体指标和无脂瘦肉生长指数等指标,结合杨飞云等(2002)20~100kg长×荣生长肥育猪的试验结果,建立日增重与体重、胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数与体重、体蛋白沉积速度与体重之间的回归方程。根据胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数与体重的回归方程以及无脂瘦肉的蛋白质沉积系数和蛋白质沉积的赖氨酸需要系数,建立长×荣杂交猪赖氨酸需要量的数学模型,利用此数学模型预测10~20kg长×荣杂交猪的氨基酸需要量,并用全胴体法进行验证。 试验结果表明: 1.10~100kg长×荣杂交猪全期平均日增重为709g/d,日增重Y(g/d)与体重X(kg)的回归方程为Y=0.0006X3—0.2224X2+21.974X+172.67,R2=0.9978。 2.10~100kg长×荣杂交猪全期胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数为222.5g/d,公猪比母猪高7.4%;胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数Y(g/d)与体重X(kg)的回归方程为:Y=-0.0011X3+0.1177X2—0.3548X+110.24,R2=0.9840。 3.10~100kg长×荣杂交猪全期体蛋白沉积速度为87.26g/d;体蛋白沉积速度Y(g/d)与体重X(kg)的回归方程为:Y=-0.0004X3+0.0462X2—0.1409X+43.246,R2=0.9839。 4.根据NRC(1998)生长模型,用胴体分离法建立10~100kg长×荣杂交猪赖氨酸需要量的数学模型为:真可消化赖氨酸需要量(mg/d)=-0.0515BW3+5.5412BW2-16.904BW+5189.6+36Bw0.75,据此模型计算10~20kg长×荣杂交猪的真可消化赖氨酸需要量为6.28g/d,总赖氨酸需要量为7.26g/d;按占风干日粮百分比表示的真可消化赖氨酸需要量为0.69%,总赖氨酸需要量为0.80%。其它必需氨基酸的需要量按NRC(1998)推荐的理想蛋白氨基酸模式中各种氨基酸与赖氨酸的比例计算。 5.用全胴体法测得10~20kg长×荣杂交猪的赖氨酸沉积速度为5.32g/d,根据日粮真可消化赖氨酸转化为体蛋白中赖氨酸的效率和维持的赖氨酸需要量,求得10~20kg长×荣杂交猪的真可消化赖氨酸需要量为6.46g/d,总赖氨酸需要量为7.47g/d;按占风干日粮百分比表示的真可消化赖氨酸需要量为0.71%,总赖氨酸需要量为0.82%。 试验结果表明,用 N’RC ( 998)生长模型嗣体分离法估测的 10~20kg长 X荣杂交猪的赖氨酸需要量与用全胭体法测得的赖氨酸需要量无明显差异,证明N’RC( 998)生长模型对我国的瘦肉型仔猪同样适用。

【Abstract】 This study was conducted to examine the growth model of NRC (1998) and then establish the model of amino acids requirements of LandracexRongchang crossbred pigs for our country and determine the amino acids requirements of them. 30 LandracexRongchang crossbred piglets were involved to determine the growth performance, carcass indexes and free-fat lean index at the stage of 10~20kg by feeding and slaughter trial. The piglets were alloted to six pens with five piglets per pen, of which three pens were barrows and the other three pens were gilts. The piglets were given pelleted diets based on NRC (1998) and adjusted according to practice in China. One piglet from each pen was slaughtered at liveweights of 10 and 20kg approximately. With the determined indexes of this study and Yan Feiyun et al (2002), the regression equations were established to predict average daily gain (ADG), free-fat lean index (FFLI) and protein accretion index (PAI) by liveweight. With the prediction equation for FFL1, and with the coefficient of free-fat lean index to protein accretion and the lysine requirement of protein accretion, the mathematical model of lysine requirement was established, and then the amino acids requirements of 10~20kg LandracexRongchang crossbred piglets were predicted by the mathematical model and were examined by the method of whole carcass. The .results showed that:1. ADG at the whole stage was 709g/d. The regression equation for ADG was Y=0.0006X3 - 0.2224X2-21.974X+172.67, R2=0.9978.2. FFLI at the whole stage was 222.5g/d. The free-fat lean index of barrows was 7.4% highter than that of gilts. The regression equation for FFLI was Y= - 0.001 IX3 + 0.1177X2-0.3548X+110.24, R2=0.9840.3. PAI at the whole stage was 87.2g/d. The regression equation for PAI was Y=- 0.0004X3+0.0462X:-0.1409X+43.246, R2=0.9839.4. The mathematical model of lysine requirement according to NRC (1998) growth model was: the true digestible lysine requirement (TDLR) (mg/d)=?.0515BW3+ 5.5412BW2-16.904BW+5189.6+36BW?5. Based on the model, TDLR was 6.28g/d at the liveweight of 10~20kg, while the total lysine requirement (TLR) was 7.26g/d. TDLR’and TLR were 0.69%, 0.80% respectively, based on air-dry diet when the daily feed intake was 910g/d. The requirements of the other amino acids could be predicted on the basis of the ratio of the other amino acids to lysine in the ideal protein.5. The lysine accretion index (LAI) at the stage of 10i~20kg was 5.32g/d determined by the method of whole carcass, and with the coefficient of the true digestible lysine in diet to the lysine in protein accretion, TDLR was 6.46g/d while the total lysine requirement was 7.47g/d. Based on air-dry diet when the daily feed intake was 910g/d, the TDLR was 0.71% while the total lysine requirement was 0.82%.The results suggested that:The difference of the lysine requirement of 10 ?20kg LandracexRongchang crossbred piglets was insignificant between the prediction of NRC(1998) growth model and the method of whole carcass. So we can draw a conclusion that NRC(1998) growth model was applicable to LandracexRongchang crossbred piglets in our country, too.

  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】152

