

【作者】 李萌

【导师】 郭继勋; 王贵卿;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 草业科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 据调查,吉林省西部草原的退化自八十年代起呈逐年加强的趋势,通过对大安市的详细调查显示,八十年代中后期,草原退化以每年1%左右的速度增加,到九十年代,草原退化更加严重,退化以2%左右的速度增加,严重的92年草原退化的增加速度以达到3.7%,九十年代后期,随着对草原三化治理力度的加强,草原三化的速度有所缓慢。本文主要从两方面对草原三化进行了分析,首先从表面上看有以下几方面原因,人口多、牲畜数量多、草原利用不合理、新技术推广差、草原自然灾害频繁、人工半人工草地少产量低。其次又挖掘了草原退化的深层原因,第一对草原资源的功能和作用的认识具有片面性,只重视草原的经济效益,却忽略了它的生态效益;只重视草原资源的再生性,却忽略了它的适宜可利用性。第二草原法制建设步伐缓慢,执法部门是事业单位,不能行使行政执法职能,削弱了它的执法力度。 本文通过对大安市的草原现状进行调查分析,利用线性规划对割草场进行了研究,得出了割草场合理利用的最优解。7月15日在一等草地割草面积为0万亩,二等草地割草面积为22.0万亩,三等草地割草面积为0万亩,8月1日在一等草地割草面积为0万亩,二等草地割草面积为35.5万亩,三等草地割草面积为19.2万亩,8月15日在一等草地割草面积为38.0万亩,二等草地割草面积为0万亩,三等草地割草面积为0万亩。割草场的最优解不是一个不变的值,而应该根据各年的不同情况,如牧草产量、质量的不同重新进行线性规划。为了割草场的永续利用,必须进行施肥、补播、灌溉、轮刈等措施。对大安市而言,应采取五年五区的轮刈制。同时,对放牧场也进行了研究,放牧场的合理利用管理是关键,管理重点应放在放牧时间、放牧制度、适宜载畜量的确定上。放牧场要实现可持续发展,也必须采取一定的培育措施,如施肥、补播、灌溉等。 为了草原的可持续发展,根据以草定畜的原则,建立了畜草动态平衡方程。 、。。…_。、__,____回_____ 畜翰-调:沙在一>耳t-1)i}=三一工可60卜亡+yo e一用 一 … 一yy 夕 * 等号左边的式子根据各年的实际可以算出,为己知,等号右边式子中的。、p、Y不是一个确定的数值,可根据每年的生产实际及市场行情调节。

【Abstract】 According to investigation, the devolution of rangeland in west Jilin province has been increasing gradually since 1980’s. The investigation in Da An county Jilin province showed that the speed of devolution has been increased at the rate of 1% each year since later 80’ and even heavier in 90’s,the speed of devolution has reached the rate of 2% each year. The most serious devolution happened in 1992.The rate deterioration of had reached 3.7%.Then the speed of devolution, desertation,salinization and solonization have slowed down with the increasing degree in harnessing those deteriored grassland. The causes of devolution, desertation, salinization and solonization were analysed in two aspects: it is apparently due to overpopulation, overstocking, unreasonably using, lacking of new technique, frequent occurrence of nature disaster, small area and low output of artificial pasture and semi-artificial pasture, but the more deeply reason was that the function of grassland was not completely understood only emphasizing the economic efficiency and regrowthful resource in grassland while the ecological efficiency and its potential use were neglected. Another important reason is that the developing of grassland legal system is slower than it is needed. And the law is executed by the governmental agency not by the judicial department that weakened the function of the law.The best answer to the utilization of cutting grassland by linear programing based on the investigation of the status quo in Daan county. According to the linear equation, the cutting area in top class cutting grassland is 0 ha; the cutting area in second -class cutting grassland is 22.0 ha and the cutting area in third -class cutting grassland isO ha on the 15th July 2001. The cutting area in top class cutting grassland is 0 ha; the cutting area in second -class cutting grassland is 35.5 ha and the cutting area in third -class cutting grassland is 19.2 ha on the 1th October 2001. The cutting area in top class cutting grassland is 38.0 ha; the cutting area in second -class cutting grassland is 0 ha and the cutting area in third -class cutting grassland isO ha on the 15th October 2001. The best answer to the utilization of cutting grassland changes with the situation of years, such as the production and quality of forage .The measures such as fertilization, oversowing, irrigation and rotating cut should be taken to utilize cutting grassland sustainablely. As far as Daan county is concerned , five year-five plot-rotating cut regime should be taken. Meanwhile, grazing land isstudied .The proper utilization of grazing land should be focused on grazing time ,grazing regime and stocking rate. The measures such as fertilization, oversowing and irrigation should be taken to reach the goal of sustainable development in grazing land. So the homeostasis equation between forage and livestock based on the principle of the number of livestock determined by the output of forage .The homeostasis equation: and y are determined by the output of forage and market quotation each year.

  • 【分类号】S812.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】171

