

【作者】 林榕

【导师】 周颂伦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 “铁路是资本主义工业的最主要部门即煤炭和钢铁工业的总结,是世界贸易发展与资产阶级民主文明的总结和最显著指标”(列宁)。铁路及港湾的开发建设促进了欧洲殖民者对东方的侵略。 十九世纪末二十世纪初的中国东北,是列强争夺的主要目标,也是中国与列强以及列强之间的矛盾焦点。日本近代以来一直奉行大陆政策,攫取东北路权以扩大其经济侵略,即以铁路为总枢实行其军事侵略、经济侵略、移民等三大政策,进而实现其独霸满蒙的野心。本文力图通过对吉会铁路的策划、建设及沿线地域经济的变化以及俄、日、美等国对东北的权益争夺的分析叙述而窥日本满蒙侵略政策之一斑。 第一部分主要论述吉会路的策划、俄日美等国对路权的争夺及中国人民的护路自建运动。1905年日俄战争后,日本逐渐确立了在满蒙的特殊地位,并通过1917年的日美《兰辛—石井协定》、1918年的西原借款等基本完成了独霸满洲的态势。由此而以日中合办的名义取得了吉会线的借款、筑路权。 第二部分主要论述吉会路的建设及满鲜铁路的一体化经营。吉会线的全面通车及殖民经营,对日本的“满蒙”殖民统治起到了极大的作用。 第三部分主要论述吉会路的运营及由此带来的地域社会经济的变化。日本在吉会及其沿线的殖民经营,成为日本满洲殖民统治体系的重要结构之一。该地区的中国民族资本始终没有发育起来。 在新的国际形势下,吉会路在东北亚经济圈诸国共同繁荣、共同进步的框架下所能够发挥的作用不容忽视。

【Abstract】 Railway is the result of development of the two most important departments: the coal industry and the steal industry. It is the summary and the most salient index of the development of world commerce and bourgeois democratic civilization.(V.I.Lenin) The development and construction of railway and harbour accelerated the invasion of the orient by the European colonists.In the late nineteenth century the northeast of China was the target of big powers and focus of contradiction between China and Powers. In modern times Japan had adopted the continental policy to seize the right of railway in the Northeast in order to expand its economic invasion, which meant to fulfill its ambition of self-dominion of Manchuria-Mongolia with railway as the hub of the three dominating policies: military invasion, economic invasion and immigration. The paper intends to reveal the aggressive policy of Manchuria-Mongolia by Japan through the description and analysis of the plan and construction of JiHui railway, the change of the regional economy along the railway and the fight for the right and interests of the Northeast between Russo, Japan and America.Part one chiefly describes the plan and the fight for the right of the railway between Russo, Japan, America and other countries and the self-construction and protection revolution of Chinese people. After the War Japan-Russo in 1904-1905, Japan gradually established its special status in Manchuria-Mongolia and generally completed its self-dominion of Manchuria through the Lansing-Ishii Treaty between Japan and America in 1917 and Nishihara Loan in 1918. Thus, Japan seized the loan of JiHui railway and the right of construction in the name of cooperation between Japan and China.Part two chiefly describes the construction and unified management of Manchuria-Korea railway. The complete open to traffic of JiHui railway and the colonist management had great effect on the colonist ruling of Manchuria-Mongolia by Japan.Part three chiefly describes the operation of JiHui railway and the subsequent change of the community economy. The colonist management of Japan along JiHui railway constituted important construction of Manchuria colonist ruling system. The Chinese national bourgeois in this region did not develop.In the new international situation, the prospective effect of JiHui railway under the frame of joint prosperity and effort of all countries in the northeast Asian economic circle can not be neglected.

  • 【分类号】K313.4;K262.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】211

