

【作者】 胡玉芬

【导师】 支大林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着金融一体化的迅速发展,金融创新已成为我国商业银行发展的当务之急。本文以“金融创新”为主线,借鉴西方商业银行金融创新的理论,从商业银行金融创新的内涵、分类、动因、影响等方面进行深入的分析。针对加入WTO对我国商业银行带来的种种挑战与机遇,结合我国商业银行改革开放以来金融创新的实践,剖析了我国金融创新中存在的主要问题,并以此为突破点,从制度创新、组织创新、业务创新、管理创新等几方面探讨了我国商业银行金融创新的策略选择。本文旨在通过对商业银行的金融创新进行深入研究,探索我国商业银行在新形势下的创新空间,以提高我国商业银行在国际上的竞争能力。 本文共分三章。 第一章着重介绍了商业银行金融创新理论。包括以下内容:明确了商业银行金融创新的内涵。将金融创新分为三大类:业务创新、组织结构创新和制度创新。结合西方商业银行的经济背景,剖析了金融创新的动因:需求和供给方面的原因,技术进步的推动,变动中的金融管制环境的影响。多种因素共同作用导致金融创新的发展。就金融创新对金融业运行机制上和经济生活方面的影响,从正反两方面进行了论述。 第二章结合加入WTO带来的挑战和机遇对我国商业银行金融创新的实践、特点加以分析,指出我国银行业金融创新过程中存在的主要问题。首先,加入WTO的中国银行业在与外资银行的竞争能力上、市场份额的占领上、优秀人才的争夺上、中央银行的监管力度等几方面都存在劣势,面临严峻的挑战。机遇表现在:一是有助于我国银行业的市场改革;二是有利于国内银行拓展海外业务;三是有利于推动金融运行和金融监管向国际标准靠拢。回顾我国改革开放以来商业银行业务创新的实践,总结了我国金融创新的特点。提出滞后性、被动性、单一性和非技术主导性是我国银行业金融创新中存在的主要问题。 第三章以商业银行金融创新存在的问题为突破点,探寻我国商业银行金融创新的策略,并就分业经营和混业经营下的业务创新空间进行分析。结合自身工作实际,对如何处理好金融创新过程中的几个关系提出了自己的见解。 一、探索国有商业银行体制创新的道路,构建现代商业银行的企业制度。提出商业银行股份制改造的思路,从国有商业银行的现状来看,可考虑选择经营管理状况较好的省级分行进行股份制试点,在此基础上建立由股份制分行为控股于公司和国有独资分行为分公司组成的总行控股的集团银行。 二、积极推行银行体系的业务创新,改善资产质量,提高收益能力。通过对我国金融产品中存在问题的分析,提出自己的见解,即要彻底改变传统的经营观念,站在可持续发展的战略高度,围绕市场,找准定位,要在保持传统业务主体地位的基础上,大力拓展中间业务,积极开发新的金融工具。 三、逐步加强银行体系的管理创新,提高风险管理水平。茵先,在用人机制上,必须建立和完善一套切实可行的考核激励机制,并迪过分配制度的改革,进一步调动广大职工金融创新的积极性。其次,加强资产负债管理,建立严密的内控制度。最后,完善和优化信贷管理与风险监控模式,建立一套合理、客观、科学评价信贷经营工作绩效的方法。 四、大力开展银行体系的组织结构创新,降低经营成本。针对我国目前组织结构分散、臃肿、低效的现状,本人提出三点设想:第一,构建面向市场、协调高效的内部组织机构。应从市场需要出发,在成本效益核算、合理布局的基础上形成大、中、小银行分工协作的金融业务服务体系。第二,应将推动我国商业银行的机构和业务重组作为组织创新的主要内容,鼓励银行间的吸收和合并。第三,大力探索建立无形电子网络,改变单纯依赖有形分支机构的做法,降低经营成本。 五、进一步探索我国在分业经营模式下的业务创新空间。同时,指出混业经营是全球金融一体化的必然趋势,对混业经营下的业务创新空间提出尝试性的意见。 且L互 六、结合自己的工作实际,阐述要处理好金融创新过程中的几个关系。即要处理好金融创新与风险防范的关系,金融创新与依法经营的关系,金融创新的可行性与可能性之间的关系。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of financial innovation has been urgent for the further development of China’s commercial banks. This article centers on financial innovation using the western theory in this field for reference and makes a deep analyzes from its definition, classification, motivation, influence and so on. It analyzes the major problems existing in the financial innovation in our country according to the various challenges and opportunities arising with the entrance into WTO, associated with the financial innovation practice of our commercial banks since the policy of reforming and opening was carried out. Breaking through from that, this article inquires into the strategic option of the financial innovation of China’s commercial banks from the innovation in systems, organizations, business and management, etc. This articlesaims at exploring the innovation space of China’s commercial banks in the new conditions through further analyzing the financial innovation of commercial banks, so as to improve the international competitive ability of China’s commercial banks.This article is composed of three chapters.The first chapter emphasizes the theory of financial innovation of commercial banks, including: a)It clarifies the definition of financial innovation of commercial banks; b) It classifies the financial innovation into three categories: business innovation, organizational structure innovation and system innovation; c)It analyzes the motivations of financial innovation associated with the economic background of the western commercial banks 梩hey are supply and demand, technological progress and the influence of the changeable environment of financial control. The development of financial innovation is the result of many causes; d)It deals with the influence of financial innovation on the financial operational machinery and the economic life.The second chapter explains the characters and practice of financial innovation of China’s commercial banks, associated with the challengesand opportunities brought by entering WTO, and points out the main problems existing in the process of financial innovation of China’s commercial banks. First of all, after entering WTO, Chinese banks take a position of disadvantages in competitive ability, holding of marketing share, attraction of excellent talents and the controlling dynamics of center banks, and so it is faced with severe challenges. The opportunities are shown by the following aspects: a)It will help with the marketing reform of China’s banks: b)Help with the overseas business extension of domestic banks; c)Help to approach the international norms of financial innovation and control. In retrospect of the business innovation practice of commercial banks since the reform and opening of our country, this article sums up the characters of financial innovation in our country. It suggests that the inelasticity, passiveness, monotype and non-technological predominance are the major problems existing in the financial innovation of China’s banks.Beginning with the problems in the financial innovation of commercial banks, the third chapter seeks for the strategy of financial innovation of China’s commercial banks and expounds the business innovation space under separate and mixed operation. It gives original ideas in how to well handle the relationship existing in the process of financial innovation.The first point is to inquire into the way of system innovation of state-owned banks. It suggests the revamping of stock-joint commercial banks桰n view of the present condition of state-owned banks, we can consider to choose the provincial branches that are comparatively better operated as the trying points of stock-joint banks, and based on that, we can set up a center-controlled grouping banks made up of stock-joint branches as holding subsidiaries and state-owned branches.The second point is that we should actively advance the business innovation of bank system, improve the asset quality and the profitability of the bank. Through analyzing the probl

【关键词】 商业银行金融创新策略
【Key words】 Commercial banksFinancial innovationStrategy
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】506

