

【作者】 姜延迪

【导师】 姜安;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 国际政治学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 对美国霸权的研究,是当代国际政治领域中的一个焦点。随着全球化、信息化及经济一体化的加剧发展,美国霸权逐渐改变了其最初形式,即美国霸权已经不仅仅体现在它在经济和军事上的优势地位,更体现在美国文化价值观、意识形态和生活方式对全世界的影响和渗透上。换言之,追逐文化上的霸权以达到最终“美国治下的和平”成为美国霸权战略的首要选择。本文试图廓清美国如何确立并实施其文化战略,并对构建中国文化安全战略问题进行一些探讨。 全文共分四部分。第一部分,阐述美国霸权的演变,提出文化霸权概念。第二部分,阐释文化霸权战略形成的理论基础及美国政府对这一战略的确立。第三部分,对美国强化文化霸权的举措及影响进行分析。第四部分,根据上述分析,从文化本身利益及中国文化安全两个方面论述应对美国文化霸权的相关战略。

【Abstract】 The research on American Hegemony is a central issue in contemporary International Politics. With the globalization of economy and information explosion, the nature of American Hegemony is changing as well. Different from the power such as economic and military establishment, the "cultural hegemony" means the attractiveness and inspiration of the values, life style and social arrangement, and the capability of the assimilation and rule-making based on them. The fast expansion of the "cultural hegemony" changed the way and the subject of the power competitions, and put challenges to all of the major countries, especially to China.The article is composed of four parts as a whole. In part one, the author defines the concept of the "cultural hegemony" and expounds the changing of American Hegemony. Part two, explains the theories which the "cultural hegemony" is based on, and also interprets the establishment of the cultural hegemony strategy by American government. Part three, points out the acts and the effects which American government strengthen the cultural hegemony as a result. Based on the analysis given above, part four discusses two aspects to cope with American cultural hegemony. One is the interests of culture itself; The other is establishing and founding the cultural security strategy of China.

【关键词】 美国霸权文化霸权挑战启示
【Key words】 American HegemonyCultural HegemonyChallengesSuggestions
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【下载频次】621

