

Web-based Examination System for Office

【作者】 岳桦

【导师】 王恩波;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 计算机应用, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要论述了一个OFFICE软件操作题网络考试系统的开发过程。这个网络考试系统的建立,是以教育部推荐的QTI规范为理论基础,是对该规范的具体实现。为了完成OFFICE软件操作题的考试,我们依照QTI规范,并充分利用它标准化和灵活性两方面的特点,对QTI规范加以扩展,使之能够以QTI规范所规定的标准格式定义OFFICE操作题考试的试卷和答卷。 该考试系统的总体结构采用基于浏览器方式的网络三层结构应用体系,将系统的功能划分为表示、功能及数据三大块,在表示层提供网络考试系统的用户接口部分,在中间层上部署了负责完成系统中全部的核心处理功能的COM组件,在数据库中存储试卷、学生、教师等数据。 这个网络考试系统能够完成试卷管理、试卷选择、答卷格式转换、答卷管理的功能,能够通过网络完成OFFICE操作题考试的命题、组卷、判卷的一体化、自动化工作。该系统实现中的技术难点是完成考试系统自动对OFFICE操作题考试的答卷进行判卷的功能,我们的解决方法是,利用VBA从OFFICE操作题考试的答卷中提取出OFFICE文档的设置信息,再将答卷从OFFICE文档转换为XML格式文档,把答卷的设置信息记录在XML文档中,之后再由XML文档中获得设置信息,与标准答案对比后判定答卷的得分。 这个考试系统具有伸缩性好、易用性、易维护性、易扩展性、安全性较好等优点。它能容纳400人同时参加考试,采用负载均衡和缓存技术,处理速度快,响应延时短。它以浏览器为表示层,使用户使用系统方便。它在客户端不安装客户端程序,使系统的部署与维护容易。它以COM组件封装系统核心功能,使系统功能的升级与扩展十分容易。它根据用户登录的身份进行操作权限管理,安全性高。 该网络考试系统也存在着一些值得改进之处。首先是在网络安全性方面,如果在考试数据传输过程中加入加密和解密功能以及数据校验功能,就可以保证数据的可靠和完整性。对考试后考生上交的答卷文件,可以考虑加入数字签名,以保证答卷的不可否认性。

【Abstract】 This paper primarily discussed the of an web_based examining system’s development. This system is able to test OFFICE operation. .This web_based examination system is based on IMS Question & Test Interoperability Specification(QTI),which Ministry of Education recommend.For completing the OFFICE operate, we extend the QTI’s data structure, make it can define testpaper’s data structure and response’s data structure with QTI.The web-based examine system is based on trie-layer construction,which consist of pressent layer/middle layer/data layer.User interface is in the pressent layer. Core deal logic is in the middle layer .Data is stroed in the data layer.This web-based examination system can complete to manage testpaper file, select testpaper file,manage response file,transfer response file’s format.All is done automatelly To complete work., the most difficult thing is to judge the response file to point it by the web_based examination system automatelly. The solution is VBA,which can get OFFICE files’ setup information. First,we get OFFICE files’ setup information from response file.Second,we write these setup information into XMLfile.Last we get the response from XMLfile and then standard answer contrast again get a goaling of answer book.This examination system flexibility, easily use, good maintenance and good extention.We use load_balace and cache usual data to impress the system.So it can accept 400 people use the system at the same time and complet all handles quickly, respond to postpone short.Its present layer in the web browser , so users use the system very easy. It is no need to install any files on the client,so installing and maintenning the system is easy.Its logic deal process is sealde in COM, so extent and add function to the system very easy.Any user who want to use the system must pass securite check,so the system is high safety.This web-based examination system also exsitses some not perfect place.Is an aspect first in the network safety, can consider of data encryption and CRC in deliver. The next in order is current to try a winding the conversion is a QTI norm of try a language righteousness for of the method, hereafter can consider to join the language righteousness to identify the function, and can directly pass rightly trying an elucidation of text word to identify to complete the format conversion.

【关键词】 网络考试QTI规范VBADOM
【Key words】 web-based examination systemQTIVBADOM
  • 【分类号】TP311.52;TP317
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】361

