

Brand Name Translation: An Adaptation-based Approach

【作者】 全小敏

【导师】 刘季春;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界全球化进程的加快和中国加入世界贸易组织,我们与世界各国的经济交流空前广泛。在参与国际市场竞争时,打造知名品牌已成为市场运营战略中塑造企业形象的核心。其中不容忽视但往往被忽视的环节就是如何贴切而又独特地翻译出品牌的名称。因此,探究品牌名称翻译是一个具有现实意义的热点问题。 本文从社会符号学的三方面含义入手,分析品牌名称翻译这种具有特殊意义及功能的专用符号翻译,译者不仅要译出原品牌名称的指称意义,言内意义,更重要的是应译出其联想意义和象征意义,从而使异地的目标消费者对该产品或服务产生同样的有时甚至是更浓厚的兴趣。 本研究的理论框架由 Verschueren*)的“语言顺应论”提供。在此基础上作者尝试构建了一个品牌名称翻译的操作模式,主要从翻译语言的变异性、商讨性和顺应性等特性的角度去考虑,语料从现实生活中的产品,服务以及新兴的房地产品牌命名和翻译译例中提取。研究揭示及阐述了译者如何灵活选择翻译方法,多方推敲斟酌译名以及在此过程中如何对译入语信息接受者的心理世界,社交世界及物理世界作出主动或被动的动态顺应。品牌翻译的创意在于以移情主义的手法在传情,而且是在传导和迎合消费者最熟悉的情感追求。 本文切入分析品牌名称翻译的两大方面:语言与文化。译文除了从语言规律上寻求与原名对等的契合点外,还会受到语言外其它复杂各异的现实因素的制约。鉴于此,译者必须对译名接受者的接收渠道和原文接受者渠道之间的差异进行深入细微的了解,根据新的接收渠道的特点改变或调整信息形式,使译名音,形,义的统一体适应新的接收渠道。要达到这一目的,译者在翻译过程中就不必拘泥原文,而是应大胆创新,不求貌似,但求神和。本文的结论是:品牌名称翻译实质为品牌的再命名过程。品牌的译名是在译人语语境中顺应语言及非语言因素的结果。

【Abstract】 The present study largely derives from a feeling of increasing unease about the status quo of Chinese brand name translation. China’s entry into the WTO and the trend of globalization will dramatically increase competition for the Chinese businesses. We are convinced that it is now a matter of urgency to understand how we should conduct the problematic brand name translation. With a retrospective presentation of the related literature in translation studies and brand naming, we observe that scant attention has been paid to this field and most researches linger on the level of describing translating techniques superficially. Rather than merely focus on a particular dimension of brand naming, this paper attempts to provide a holistic exploration by integrating a sound theoretical foundation into the practice of brand name translation. On the strength of the Adaptation Theory proposed by Verschueren (1999), we build up a brand name translation model and investigate the translator’s language use from a pragmatic perspective. Translating brand name is, in nature, a generation and regeneration process in which the adaptation approach functions in various aspects to produce the ideal target brand names. We sort the objects of adaptation into two categories: linguistic adaptation and extra-linguistic adaptation. In effect, brand name translation entails that the translator must grapple not only with structural differences between languages but also with extra-linguistic motivations and constraints. To adapt or not to adapt on the part of the translator determines the fate of the translated brand names in the target market context. In practice, the decision-making goes through the entire process of translating brand names. As compared to brand naming, translating brand names is a linguistic, artistic, strategic, and creative endeavor. We hence tentatively redefine brand name translation as a brand renaming process. The translated brand name is the result of the translator’s adaptation to the linguistic as well as extra-linguistic parameters in translation.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1541

