

Idioms: Cultural Loading and Translation

【作者】 芦有珍

【导师】 黄焕猷;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 语言是人们进行交流的最重要的渠道,而经过言语社会长期应用而形成的习语就象镶嵌在语言中的宝石一样熠熠生辉。汉英两种语言都有丰富的习语,它们象一面镜子,反映出一个民族的特质。习语言简意赅,生动活波,并常常反映出民族文化色彩。这正是习语在英汉互译中使译者大伤脑筋的原因。 许多有关论述习语的文章甚至专著都对习语的翻译,尤其是成语类的习语的翻译,进行了论述。但是大多数这样的文章或专著对习语的翻译都没有明确的限定与线索。有些指出不同文化中习语的差异,有些提供某些习语翻译的方法,但却都没有解释在习语的翻译中为什么要使用这些方法。本论文以关联理论为理论基础,讨论中译英,英译汉中的习语翻译问题。解决习语中的文化负载问题。本文采用习语的广义定义:包括成语,短语,俗语,谚语,歇后语等。一言蔽之,本文中习语的意义包括英汉两种语言中的任何固定词组。这是一个老话题,但我们试图用新的方法来处理习语的翻译问题,并从新的角度看待习语。 首先,我们介绍了意象与文化负载这两个重要概念,并以习语中是否存在这两种成分为标准把习语分成三组:一,直来直去的习语;二,包含意象但不含文化负载的习语;三,包含意象又包含文化负载的,或称民族色彩的习语。 然后,我们以关联理论与有关等效理论为指导分析讨论了这些问题。得出这样的结论:中英两国都有丰富的语言,两国也有相似的经历,所以这两种习语互译是可能的。甚至象歇后语这样的习语也能使英国人理解。 最后,我们采用了一系列技巧来处理习语的翻译问题。从以上的分析与习语翻译技巧中我们得出这样的结论:翻译毕竟是翻译意义。习语只是整个篇章的一个部分,所以在翻译的过程中,我们首先必须把意义搞明白,首先要保证交流的成功,并在尽可能的条件下保留原作的文化负载,再现原语的文化色彩。以上所有的翻译技巧都是以关联理论为指导来进行分析的。

【Abstract】 Both English and Chinese abound in idioms. They are colorful md, like a mirror, reflect the national character of a people. Idioms are ;erse, vivid and often culturally loaded. They give translators a big leadache in translating-between Chinese and English in our case. Therefore this study focuses on cultural loading in idioms and treatment of such idioms in the process of translating.A lot of articles and even books have written about the translation of idioms especially about the translation of the genre of proverbs. However, most of these articles and books do not have a very clearly defined clue. They only pointed out the differences between idioms in different cultures or suggested methods to be used in dealing with idiom translation, but didn’t explain why we should choose these ways in dealing with them. This study focuses on the cultural loading in idioms translation. It discusses the treatment of idioms in translating from Chinese into English and vice versa. The definition of idioms used in this paper is a very broad one-any type of set phrases in English and Chinese, including proverbs, four-character phrase and two part saying in Chinese. This is an old topic, but we try to handle it in a new way and view idioms from new perspectives.First we introduce the important concepts of imagery and cultural loading. With the presence or absence of these two elements as the criteria, we divide English and Chinese idioms into three neat groups: 1) straightforward idioms, that is, idioms that contain no images and metaphors; 2) idioms containing images that do not have cultural loading, or national coloring; 3) idioms containing images that are culturally loaded to different extents, in other words, have different degrees of national coloring.Then we try to analyze the problem in the light of relevance theory and Nida’s remarks about equivalence. We hold that both English and Chinese are rich languages and the two nations have similar experiences, idioms can be translated between these two languages. Even such difficult ones as two-part sayings can be made understandable to English readers.Finally, we come up with a series of useful techniques that can be used to treat idioms in translation. From our analyses and the techniques we put forward, we can draw this conclusion: Translation is, after all, translating meaning and idioms are only part of the text to be translated. Therefore, we must get the meaning across by all means, and try to reproduce the original cultural loading in the target language as far as possible. And, just as we did in the previous chapters, every technique offered here is analyzed in the light of relevance theory.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【下载频次】1618

