

Effects of Seed Film Coating with Cold-Resistant Agent and Natural Matter Agent on Seed Vigor and Field Performance in Supersweet Corn

【作者】 励立庆

【导师】 胡晋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 种子科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以玉米sh2胚乳突变体(特甜1号利增甜2号)为材料,研究了自配抗寒型种衣剂(6号利7号)和天然型种衣剂(8号和9号)包膜种子在低温逆境条件下对超甜玉米种子发芽、幼苗素质及生理生化变化的影响,大田试验中对田间出苗、幼苗生长发育、产量性状及收获后种子质量的影响。探讨了种子包衣对增加超甜玉米抗低温冷害和产量的作用。结果表明: 种子在低温逆境条件下,两种抗寒型种衣剂处理后,特甜1号的种子发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、壮苗率,苗高、根数、根体积、苗鲜重、苗干重、根冠比均显著高于未包衣对照,根长显著下降。且种衣剂7号处理的发芽率、活力指数、壮苗率、苗高、根数高于6号,而苗鲜重和苗干重低于6号。两种抗寒型种衣剂处理后,增甜2号的种子发芽率与对照无显著差异,对苗高和根长的影响与特甜1号一致。种衣剂6号处理的根体积和苗干重低于对照,种衣剂7号处理的发芽指数下降、活力指数上升、畸形曲率增加,苗干重增加。种衣剂6号根长短于种衣剂7号。 幼苗在低温逆境条件下,两种抗寒型种衣剂处理后两个品种的质膜相对透性在低温逆境结束后均显著低于对照。低温逆境前,特甜1号的脯氨酸含量高于对照,而增甜2号低于对照;低温逆境后,特甜1号的脯氨酸含量低于对照而增甜2号高于对照;恢复3天后,两个品种两种抗寒型种衣剂处理的脯氨酸含量均低于对照。低温逆境结束后,两个品种两种抗寒型种衣剂处理的过氧化氢酶(CAT)利过氧化物酶(POD)活性均比对照高,而丙二醛(MDA)含量显著比对照减少。 播期一中,两种抗寒型种衣剂处理的增甜2号田间出苗率均比对照下降,种衣剂7号处理的增甜2号出苗指数和田间成苗率下降,而特甜1号田间出苗率增加。两种抗寒型种衣剂处理的两个品种茎长、茎干重和苗鲜重均增加,其中种衣剂6号处理的特甜1号茎干重显著高于种衣剂7号。特甜1号种衣剂处理的理论产量显著增加。播期二中,两个品种两种抗寒型种衣剂处理的田间出苗率、出苗指数和成苗率均提高,苗高、第二叶面积、叶片数、茎干重、苗鲜重和苗干重均显著增加,其中特甜1号种衣剂7号处理的出苗指数显著高于6号,叶片数多于6号。两种抗寒型种衣剂能有效控制苗期虫害。 特甜1号两种抗寒刑种人剂处理的实际l。“茨均提高,增甜2号种衣剂7号处理的理论)“‘ 量和实际产量也增加。 种于在低温逆境卜,大然乃师Ph剂89处理后,特甜1号的种于发芽率卜降、畸 形苗上升,根数、根体积、苗鲜重、苗干重和根冠比增加;增甜2号的根数利根体积减 少,苗鲜重、苗干重和根冠比山卜降。种衣剂9号处理后,特甜1号的发芽率、壮苗率、 根数、根体积、苗鲜重、苗干重和根冠比均增加,增甜2号的根体积增加。 幼苗在低温逆境条什卜,两种大然汀州Ik剂对超甜玉米生理生化的影响与两种抗 寒则种衣剂有相同趋势。种衣剂gq处理的根系活力比种衣剂8号高,而POD活性比8 号低。特甜1号中,种衣剂9号处理的**A含量比种衣剂8号处理低;增甜2号中, 种衣剂8号处理的**A含纣比种衣剂9号处理低。 播则一中,种衣剂8号处理的增酬2号田间成苗率-卜降。种衣剂9号处理的特甜 1号田间出苗率和增甜2号的田间成由率均提高;两个品种的出苗孔穴率显著下降,苗 高、第二叶面积、叶片数、牛干重、根鲜重、根干重、苗鲜重和苗干重显著增加,理论 ,“量均显著增加。描期二中,种衣剂9号处理的增甜2号田间出苗率、出苗指数和田间 成苗率提高,出苗孔穴率卜降。两种大然江师卜衣剂均有效控制了幼苗虫害率。两种大然 I师11衣剂处理的特甜1号曲高和第-i 11 面积以及增甜2号l汁片数和根数增加。两个品种 种衣剂9号处理的茎干重、根干重、削地和的干巫显著增加,实际产量均显著提高。 两种大然地种衣剂处理后,IJH品种收获后种-厂的发芽率和千粒巫好丁或与对照无显著差 异。

【Abstract】 The effects of seed film coating by cold-resistant (No.6 and No.7 ) and natural matter coating agent (No.8 and No.9) on germination, seedling quality and physiological and biochemical changes in supersweet corn, cv. Tetian No. 1 and Zengtian No.2 (with sh2 gene), were investigated under low temperature stress condition (at 5~6"C). The effects of the seed film coating on seedling emergence and establishment, plant development, yield and vigor of harvested seeds were also studied in field experiment with two sowing stages. Main results obtained are as follows:After germinating seeds met low temperature stress, the percentage germination, germination index, vigor index, vigorous seedling percentage, seedling radical number and volume, fresh and dry weight of total seedling and dry weight ratio of root to shoot in Tetian No.l treated by both cold-resistant coating agents were significantly higher than that in the uncoated controls. Between cold-resistant coating agents No.6 and No.7, coating agent No.7 was better than No.6 in percentage germination, vigor index, vigorous seedling percentage, radical number, coating agent No.6 was better than No.7 in fresh and dry weight of seedling. The decline of root volume and seedling dry weight in treatment of coating agent No.6 was observed, the increase of abnormal seedling, vigor index and seedling dry weight and the decling of germination index in treatment coating agent No.7 was also observed in Zengtian No.2. Two cold-resistant coating agents elevated shoot height and decreased seedling radical length in two varieties.After seedling met low temperature stress, two varieties treated by two cold-resistant coating agents maintained a lower level in the relative permeability of plasmmembrane before and after the stress and recovering growth for three days as compared with the control. The proline content increasing in Tetian No. 1 was less than that in Zengtian No.2 after treated in two cold-resistant coating agents in low temperature stress. Both cold-resistant coating agent keeped radical vigor in a higher level and protected chlorophyll in two varieties The activities ofcatalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) in seedling treated by two cold-resistant coating agents were higher than that in the control after low temperature stress, however, malondialdehyde (MDA) content was lower than that in control at all time.In the first sowing stage, both cold-resistant coating agent decreased seedling emergence percentage in Zengtian No.2. The seedling emergence index and stand establishment was declined in Zengtian No.2, the seedling emergence was increased in Tetian No.l after treated by coating agent No.7. In the second sowing stage, seedling emergence, seedling emergence index and stand establishment were improved by both cold-resistant coating agent in two varieties. In the two sowing stages, two cold-resistant coating agents accelerated seedling growing, improved seedling quality and controlled pest damage effectively. In the first sowing stage, the theoretical yields of Tetian No.l coated with coating agent No.6 was significantly enhanced. In the second sowing stage, real yields of Tetian No.l was increased by two cold-resistant coating agents, theoretical and real yields were significantly enhanced by coating agent No.7.After germinating seeds met low temperature stress, germination was declined and abnormal seedling percentage, fresh and dry weight of seedling and dry weight ratio of shoot to root were increased in Tetian No.l treated by coating agent No.8. After treated by coating agent No.9, germination, vigorous seedling, root number, root volume, fresh and dry seedling weight and dry weight ratio of shoot to root were increased in Tetian No. 1, the increase of root volume was observed in Zengtian No.2. After seedling met low temperature stress, two natural matter coating agents were similar to two cold-resistant coating agents in physiological and biochemical changes.In the first sowing stage, coating agent No.8 significantly decreased stand establishment pe

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】S513.041
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】338

