

【作者】 康剑莉

【导师】 周银生; 顾大强; 李立新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机辅助教学作为一种新型的教学方式受到了愈来愈多的重视,近年来得到飞速发展。该软件的设计正适应了这种形势,具有很好的应用前景。本文介绍了基于Web的CAI软件的开发意义、系统方案以及技术实现的方法,分析了CAI的各种模式;运用多媒体技术,生动形象地解决了教学中的难点;对基于Web的CAI软件的设计和开发做了系统而详尽的研究,并应用所研究的方法开发了基于Web的多媒体机械设计课程的CAI软件。 首先,叙述和分析了CAI的发展历史和趋势,明确了对CAI进行设计和开发的重要意义与优越性,研究了CAI软件开发的现状及其存在的问题,探讨了教师所需要的真正的CAI是什么。 其次,从各个角度对CAI的模式进行深入研究,阐述心理学对CAI模式的影响,以及开发CAI教学课件应该进行的选择和定位。 第三,确定了要开发的软件应具有的功能,设计了课件的目录导航结构和系统程序模块化的结构,并为软件设计了合适的支持平台和开发工具。 第四,选择了HTML作为课件的媒体语言,设计了方便的课件制作方法,实现了课件的版面控制、课件内容的交互和控制功能。 第五,引入IE控件作为呈现多媒体的内核,并利用IE控件接口提供的方法、属性和事件,设计了呈现多媒体课件和目录导航课件内容的实现方法。 第六,设计了在系统程序中集成功能模块的实现方法,从而使系统程序具有了网络交谈、信息共享和程序远程控制的功能,并且使用ASP编程技术进一步设计了网络认证系统和讨论区系统。 第七,运用工具软件制作和收集了多媒体素材,从而在教学中应用以充分体现CAI课件的优越性。 第八,把本课题中研究的设计方法充分运用到机械设计CAI软件的开发中,不仅实现了机械设计CAI的多媒体能力和基于Web功能,而且对本文所设计的基于Web的CAI软件的开发方法进行了验证。 最后,对全文的研究内容进行了总结,并指出本课题研究的基于Web的设计方法具有的局限性,以及对进一步开发的建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer and Internet, CAI gets more and more recognition and gains flying development as a way of a sort of rising educational model. Therefore it has good prospects in future. In this dissertation, the courseware design of CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) based on Web was introduced and the system scheme and method of realization in technology of the software were also explained. The CAI mode was analyzed deeply. Many problems in teaching can be solved in mechanical design vividly by taking the advantage of multimedia Design method of CAI based on Web and multimedia was researched deeply and used to implement CAI for course of the mechanical design.First, through recounting the history of CAI development and analyzing the existing problems, determined that design method of CAI based on Web and multimedia is important and indispensable. Briefly stated the fundamental and current situation of CAI.Second, from many points of view study the CAI mode, which is influenced by the psychology. Expound how could to make choice and orientation before designing CAI.Third, based on defined function of software, designed the structure of courseware that directed by menu navigation with a link and the modularization structure of system program, then selected appropriate platform and tools.Fourth, based on selecting HTML as the form of courseware, designed the implemental method for mutual controlling in the courseware and a convenient method for courseware making.Fifth, designed the implemental method of multimedia courseware playing and menu navigating courseware content, based on utilizing interface of IE control.Sixth, designed and collected multimedia materials by tool software, such as Flash, 3DMAX and AutoCAD etc. and applied them in this CAI design.Seventh, by utilizing interface of functional ActiveX module control and program design such as VB and ASP, gifted software many strong functions, like as chat, information share, registration in server and terminal connecting.Eighth, through applying the design method of CAI based on Web and multimedia to design of CAI for course of the machine design, implemented function of based on Web and multimedia for CAI.Eventually, reached a conclusion to research content of entire dissertation, pointed out the limitation of design method based on COM (Component Object Model) control and the development orientation.

【关键词】 CAI模式Web网络多媒体机械设计教学
【Key words】 CAI modeWebInternetmultimediamechanical design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

