

【作者】 邵安岑

【导师】 邱敏秀;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的飞速发展,塑料制品在民用和工程领域的应用日趋广泛。同时也对其外观质量、性能、注塑工艺以及注塑机控制系统提出了更苛刻的要求。集压力、流量比例调节于一体的电液比例压力流量复合控制阀(简称PQ阀)以其复合程度高、控制性能好、节能等特点在注塑机液压控制系统中得到了日益广泛的应用。本文在综合了目前国内外各种PQ阀技术现状的基础上,分析研究了由浙江大学研制的BYL系列PQ阀的静、动态性能,并结合仿真和试验研究,提出了改善PQ阀静动态性能的机理和有效措施,为今后实际工程应用和系列扩展设计提供了很好的理论依据。 第一章阐述了论文的选题背景和意义,包括注塑机液压控制系统的概况和国内外PQ阀的发展与技术现状。 第二章通过对PQ阀内部结构原理、液压半桥控制原理、级间反馈等原理的分析,阐明了PQ阀系统的工作原理。 第三章通过建立PQ阀的稳态数学模型,分析研究了PQ阀内部结构参数和液压参数对其稳态特性的影响趋势。 第四章通过建立PQ阀的动态数学模型和阀的传递函数,从理论上定性地分析研究了BYLPQ阀有关结构参数和液压参数对其动态特性的影响趋势。 第五章在理论分析的基础上,利用专用的“DSH液压动态仿真软件”对PQ阀在不同工况和参数条件下的动态特性进行了数值仿真,其仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性。 第六章在理论分析和仿真结果的基础上,进行了PQ阀在不同工况和参数条件下的静、动态特性的试验研究。试验结果和仿真结果吻合,并得到了该PQ阀的一组综合静、动态性能的最佳结构参数和液压参数。 第七章对论文的研究工作和研究成果进行了简要总结,并对今后工作提出了展望和设想。

【Abstract】 With the rapid growth of China’s economy, plastics products are being used widely ranging from civil area to industrial area. As the demand for their high quality and good outline is increasing, the hydraulic control system of molding machine must be able to offer accurate pressure and flow control at the same time to its injection system. The proportional pressure/flow hybrid valve (PQ valve),which adjusts pressure and flow rate simultaneously, is increasingly adopted for the hydraulic control system in molding machine, due to its advantages of high integration degree, stable and energy-saving performance. Based on the analysis of various types of PQ valve, this paper investigates the control performance of the BYL 16 series valve, including the static and dynamic characteristics.Chapter 1 gives an overview of the background and significance of the research theme, including the general situation of the hydraulic system in molding machine. The development of PQ valve has been introduced in detail as well.By studying structural principle of BYL PQ valve, its work principle is introduced in Chapter 2.Chapter 3 analyzes the static performance of BYL PQ valve by building its static model, and studies the disturbing ingredient that affects the static performance of PQ valve.Chapter 4 studies PQ valve’s dynamic performance by building its dynamic model mainly based on its force balance and flow continuation. It offers the theoretical base and direction for further research.In chapter 5, based on theoretical analysis of PQ valve’s dynamic performance, digital simulation has been done by using hydraulic dynamic simulation software DSH(digital simulation for hydraulic). It validates the legitimacy of theoretical analysis.In Chapter 6, the PQ valve’s static and dynamic performance is studied through experiment. Resorting to the means of simulation and experiment, the comparatively proper parameters for the PQ valve system are obtained.The last chapter is the summary of this paper and the prospect for the future work.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TH137.5
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】688

