

【作者】 许建广

【导师】 王家平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着定量金相分析技术的发展和体视学原理的完善,计算机辅助定量金相分析技术在科研工作和生产实践中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文结合具体的科研课题,探讨了定量金相分析技术,在此基础上,利用COM(组件对象模型)技术开发了一个定量金相分析专家系统。 本文的绪论部分阐述了定量金相分析的重要意义和国内外相关领域的发展状况;分析了定量金相分析专家系统的重要作用,以及组件化程序设计方法在专家系统软件实现中的作用。 第二章对和本专家系统相关的COM技术进行了较为深入的探讨,并分析了Windows操作系统对COM技术的具体支持。 第三章分析了专家系统的原理和特点,并根据这些特点和组件化的程序设计方法,设计了定量金相分析专家系统的体系结构。 第四章根据定量金相分析的需要,选择了本专家系统的图像处理方法,并用图像处理组件进行了实现。 第五章采用现有的组件开发工具具体实现了专家系统的各个功能组件,并利用MTS将这些分散的组件组装成一个完整的专家系统。 第六章总结了本专家系统的优点和不足,提出了系统未来的发展方向。

【Abstract】 With the development of quantitative metallography analysis (QMA) technology and the maturation of the stereology theory, computer-aided quantitative metallography analysis technology is playing a more and more important role in science study and production practice. According to the practical study, this dissertation talks about the design and accomplishment of a computer-aided quantitative metallography analysis expert system based on COM technology.In the 1st chapter, the dissertation introduces the importance of the computer-aided QAM and the relevant development and research in and out , the significance of the computer-aided quantitative metallography analysis expert system, the importance of COM technology in the accomplishment of the expert system.In the 2nd chapter, the dissertation talks about the COM theory and the character of the COM technology and analyses the support of Microsoft Windows to COM technology.In the 3rd chapter , the dissertation introduces the expert system theory and analyses the character of the expert system and the design of the computer-aided quantitative metallography analysis expert system.In the 4th chapter , the dissertation talks about the design and accomplishment of the image procession object.In the 5lh chapter ,the dissertation introduces the accomplishment of the other objects who make up of the expert system .In this chapter you also can see how to use the MTS to integrate so many objects.In the last chapter, the dissertation analyses the advantage and the shortage of the expert system and describes its future character.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TG115.21
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】159

