

【作者】 彭修彬

【导师】 朱立群;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 冷战结束,随着国际格局的变化,印度战略地位凸现。美印安全关系的发展演变更是引人注目。跟冷战期间相比,冷战后的美印安全关系发生了巨大的变化。而且,冷战后美印安全关系的转变并非一帆风顺,而是呈现出阶段性、渐进式的发展。美印安全关系较之冷战期间的转变,主要源于国际体系的变动以及两国安全利益的变化。而两国安全关系在冷战后之所以呈现出阶段性、渐进式的发展,则主要源于在美印关系极不对称的情况下,美国对印度战略地位认识和评价的转变。 文章共分四章。第一章简要回顾了冷战期间南亚次大陆的安全机制,以及美印安全关系的发展演变。第二章描述了从冷战结束到9.11期间,美印安全关系发展转变的三个阶段。 第三章是文章的主体,详尽阐释了冷战后美印安全关系发展转变的深层次原因,即国际体系的变动、两国安全利益的契合与分歧、美国对印度战略地位的评价以及意识形态和印裔美国人等因素。 第四章简要分析了美印加强安全合作对南亚安全格局和亚太安全形势的影响。

【Abstract】 The end of Cold War has witnessed great changes in international relations, a protruding strategic role of India as well as a knockout development trend of US-Indian security relations in particular. Comparing with that in Cold War period, US-Indian security relations in post-Cold War era enjoy tremendous changes. The transformation of US-Indian security relations in post-Cold War, however, is not progressing smoothly, but featuring gradualness and phased state. The great changes of US-Indian security relations in post-Cold War era against Cold War period mainly result from the alteration of international system and security interests of the two countries. While the gradual and phased development of them in post-Cold War era is mainly due to the changing understanding and evaluation of India’s strategic status by the US, particularly when US-Indian relations are extremely asymmetric.The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 briefly reviews the security regime on South Asia Subcontinent and development course of US-Indian security relations in Cold War period. Chapter 2 lists the three transformation phases of US-Indian relations in post-Cold War era.Chapter 3 is the main body of the thesis. It expounds the deep-rooted causes of the transformation in US-Indian security relation at large, namely the change of international system, common grounds and differences of security interests, evaluation of India’s strategic status by the US as well as ideology and Indian American factors.The last chapter briefly analyzes the influences imposed by strengthened US-Indian security relations on security situation in both South Asia and Asia and Pacific region.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D815
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】235

