

The Cultural Interpretation of the Discrepancy Between "Ming" and "Shi"(Name and Reality)

【作者】 于霞

【导师】 常金仓;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 专门史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 对名实关系的探讨在战国时成为一个热点问题,对名实的关注缘起于“名实相怨”的社会现实,而其深层原因则在于礼乐文明本身,它从产生之初就是由内容和形式两部分组成的,这是名实分离的潜在因素,春秋时期的“礼坏乐崩”将这种潜在因素引发出来,从而导致社会生活各个领域严重的名实不符现象。所以对名实关系的研究不能脱离中国文化本身,而应从其浓厚的现实性出发来认识,以往多从逻辑的角度对名实关系进行探讨,忽视了名实关系的社会现实意义。同时,名实关系问题也是中国文化的一大特点,在礼乐文明这种文化形态下,名利是一体的,所以中国人总是通过混淆名实关系来取利,时至今日名实混淆问题仍在我们的社会生活中以不同的形式存在着,而得不到有效的解决。其实名实的反复错位与复合呈现出了中国文化发展的规律,认识这一规律对于治理当今社会的弊病很有价值。 本文共分为六个部分,第一部分对以往的名实研究进行了反思,过去我们从逻辑学的角度对名实关系进行研究,这忽略了它的现实性,并且存在对西方传统形式逻辑的盲目比附现象,虽然许多学者已经指出这种研究方法的缺陷,但积重难返,很难跳出这一思想框架的束缚。所以在符号学理论传入之后,又从符号的角度来解释中国的“名”。并且这些倾向导致了对名实关系的研究仅限于别墨一派以及惠施、公孙龙等人的思想,极大地缩小了“名”的内涵。所以本文在探讨名实关系时从战国时的名辩思潮入手,着眼于当时的社会现实,从文化的角度对名实关系作一个客观、全面的分析与把握。 第二部分分析了名实之乱产生的根源。中国古代的礼仪由内容和形式两部分组成,因此以礼乐为表现方式的整个古代文明也不可避免地形成了内容与形式的对立统一,这是构成名实分离的内在因素,春秋时的礼坏乐崩将这种潜在的因素引发出来,从而形成了一个普遍的社会问题,才引起了战国诸子对名的大辩论。 第三部分阐述了“名实相怨”现象在社会生活各个领域的表现。中国万事皆先有“名”,而随之以“利”,在这一文化规律的指引下,中国人总是想方设法通过混乱名实关系来取利,而不轻易地公开破坏“名”,这一做法体现在社会各个领域中:在政治领域,大小官吏、士人群体通过混淆名实来谋求私利;经济领域中在亩制、度量衡上作手脚:在法律领域中则通过曲解律文和钻法律的空子来捣乱名实关系;道德领域中的名实不符引起了道德概念的变质,许多传统美德不再被人珍视:在思想领域,诸子的“托古”之辞,即是通过混乱名实来实现自己的主张。 第四部分通过分析上述种种混乱名实的手段,总结出三种主要的方式,分别是:以名乱名,以名乱实和以实乱名,对这三种方式的归纳概括不仅可以更本质地认识历史,并且对抬理现实社会的相关问题有重要意义。 第五部分论述了从孔子开始对“正名”所做的努力,一是要求名实相符,结果引起了新的名实混乱:二是主张名实分开,去名取实,从而使投机者于名实之间无机可乘。这两种思路对我们解决现在的社会问题有很大的借鉴意义。 第六部分是结语。

【Abstract】 In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period the various schools of thought and their exponents approached the relationship between Name and Reality from different angles, because at that time it was a very serious social problem that the Name fell short of the Reality. They wanted to know how to make the Name match the Reality by studying the relationship between Name and Reality. Although they made great efforts, they achieved little. The discrepancy between Name and Reality existed from the day it produced right up to now as the aspect of Chinese culture. At the turn of the 20th century, with the spread of the traditional Formal logic of the west, the scholars tend to treat the relationship between Name and Reality in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period as a logic issue, while neglecting the social reality. So their conclusion go against the realism which is the outstanding characteristics of Chinese culture. -This issue originates in the Civilization of Rite and Music, which includes its form and content. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the breakdown of the Civilization of Rite and Music brought forth the separation of the form and the content, which finally resulted in the discrepancy between Name and Reality. As a serious social problem, the discrepancy at that time extended so far as to influence politics, economy, law, morality and ideology and continues to have an impact on our present life. Gradually influenced by the Civilization of Rite and Music, Chinese people pay more attention to the Name, because Name link up profit. It means that you get profit when you get the Name. So in order to get profit they will use all kinds of means to confuse Name and Reality and so it is very difficult for us to solve it.Before solve the problem, we must know how they confuse Name and Reality. By studying we get three patterns which the other means evolve from, and there are two ways to solve it: The first, try to make the Name match the Reality. This is not aThe second, separate Name from Reality. This is a better way because it is impossible for people to seize a chance to seek private gain by confuse Name and Reality, then people will switch to other way to get profit and now the problem is resolved.By studying the pattern and the resolution of the discrepancy between Name and Reality of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, we can find that it is also helpful in dealing with the discrepancy of the present society. On the one hand, Chinese culture can be remolded. On the other hand, the society can get rapid development.

  • 【分类号】K231
  • 【被引频次】2
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