

Studies on Microstructure and Infrastructure of Testis of Little Salamander, Batrachuperus pinchonii

【作者】 王宏元

【导师】 张育辉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 动物学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 精子发生是发育生物学的重要内容之一,性激素对精子发生的调节是一种重要的调节方式。间质细胞是精巢中雄激素最主要的分泌细胞,对生精细胞的分化成熟起着至关重要的作用。支持细胞在生精细胞发育中,处于信息和物质交换的中心地位。因此,研究三者之间的关系一直是生殖内分泌学的核心问题。山溪鲵(Batrachuperus Pinchonii Davi)属两栖纲、有尾目、小鲵科,可做药用、食用,具有一定的经济开发价值。为深入探讨其精子发育机制,丰富其生殖生物学基础理论,为两栖动物资源开发奠定基础。本研究以山溪鲵为材料,就其精子发生和精子发育过程中支持细胞和间质细胞的关系进行了显微和超微结构研究。研究结果如下: 1 山溪鲵的精子发生属于不连续型的精子发生,有典型的季节变化。精子发生起始于4月,此时次级精原细胞占优势。在5月份,精巢小叶开始出现初级精母细胞。在6月的精巢中,初级精母细胞开始进行成熟分裂,形成次级精母细胞。在7月末精子细胞开始变态形成成熟精子。8月末成熟精子开始出现。9月份,精巢中出现大量精子。10月份,精巢中成熟精子开始减少。 2 在山溪鲵,4月份精巢尾部有一个特殊的结构一管泡结构。在管泡壁周围有分泌物,管泡中有成熟精子的存在。推断其具有分泌营养物质功能,可以贮藏精于过冬。在两栖动物精巢的尾部发现贮藏精子的特殊结构,目前未见报道。 3 山溪鲵精子与蟾蜍等无尾类精子结构比较相似,精子尾部具有轴丝纤维、轴丝和波动膜等结构。但山溪鲵有尾类轴丝旁纤维与轴丝微管的第八组临近,而蟾蜍等无尾类轴丝旁纤维与轴丝微管的第三组临近,与无尾类差异显著。 4 支持细胞的形态变化有明显季节变化。在精子形成时期,支持细胞胞质内有线粒体、滑面内质网和脂滴等类固醇激素分泌的细胞特征,可能分泌类固醇激素。支持细胞胞质内有糖原颗粒,对生精细胞有营养机能,并且有初级溶酶体和髓样小体,有吞噬作用。 5 在9月,支持细胞退化以后,间质细胞具有典型的类固醇激素分泌特征:胞质内具有管状嵴的线粒体、滑面内质网和脂滴。间质细胞的形态特征会随着季节变化而变化。 6 从形态上观察,支持细胞与间质细胞之间在机能上既相互抑制,又相互依赖。

【Abstract】 Spermatogenesis is one of the most important section of developmental biology. Sex hormone is one of factors that regulate Spermatogenesis. Interstitial cell, that regulate germ cell differentiation and Spermatogenesis is the main testosterone source in the testis. The sertoli cell is the central point of exchange information and material. The relationship among the germ cell, sertoli cell and interstitial cell is the key problem in the reproductive endocrinology. The little salamander (Batrachuperus pinchonii) of urodele Amphibians can be used as medicine and food, and have some economic value. In order to reveal the developmental mechanism deeply, add documents to the reproductive biology, and lay the foundation of amphibians exploring. The microstructural and ultrastructural examination of the litter salamander testis was carried out to show the Spermatogenesis and the relationship between the sertoli cell and interstitial cell during the Spermatogenesis. The results as follows.1 The testicular structure and reproductive cycle of B. pinchonii was studied .The testes of B.pinchonii are lobular type. In April, the testes were at the stage of spermatogonic proliferation, when primary spermatogonia divided and developed into secondary spermatogonia, which and sertoli cell form spermatogenic cysts. In May, the spermatocyte was observed in testis. In June, the spermatocyte was in the first meiotic division. In July, the testis entered spermiogenesis. During this stage, germ cells in the cysts developed into sperms finally. In August, the sperms appeared in cysts. In September, the testis was filled with the mature sperms. In October, sperm in the testis began to decrease. Spermatogenesis in this species follows an annual cycle.2 In April, some special structure, which consists of columnar cells, was observed in the caudal testis. In this structure, there were some mature sperms and some material that nourish the sperms and make them go through the winter. The special structure, which can store sperm, was not reported till now,3 The sperm of the little salamander is similar to that of toad in shape, both of them had the axonema, axial fiber and undulating membrane in their tail. But there is still some significant difference between them: the juxta-axonemal fiber is close to the eighth axial microtubular in the sperm of the little salamander, while the one is closeto the third one in the toad.4 In the spermiogenesis, there were smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lipid droplet and mitochondria in sertoli cell. These characteristics revealed that the sertoli cell might have the function of secreting steroid. In the cytoplasm, there were some glycogen that nourished the spermatozoa, and some primary lysomes, residual bodies and myelin body that showed the phagocytosis function.5 In September, when the sperms were released, the sertoli cells seemed to degenerate and the interstitial cells transformed into the Leydig cell, there cells shows the ultrastructural characteristics of steroid-secreting cells: some developed endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria with tubular cristae and lipid droplets. With the change of season, their morphology would change.6 The sertoli cell and interstitial cells not only inhibited each other, but depended on each other as well.

  • 【分类号】Q954.43
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】132

