

【作者】 杨梅

【导师】 傅慧芬;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 企业的经营环境复杂多变,市场竞争也日趋激烈,导致不确定因素层出不穷,随时可能遇到突如其来的危机。危机是指,“一个会引起潜在负面影响的具有不确定性的大事件,这种事件及其后果可能对组织及其员工、产品、服务、资产和声誉造成巨大的损害”。(巴顿,1993,罗伯特·希斯著,《危机管理》)引发企业危机的原因很多,例如产品质量、政治经济动荡、政府新法令的颁布等等,这类突发事件会对企业产生潜在的或现时的威胁。短期的负面影响主要体现在产品销售、股票价格、市场份额等方面,长期影响体现在相互关联的三个方面,即企业形象、顾客信任和品牌资产,这些经过长期积累才形成的企业资产,一旦受损,要想重建得花几倍的财力人力。现实的教训使企业管理层认识到危机的危害性,并开始关注危机管理。而国内企业在危机管理方面有着诸多的不足,首先是在重视程度上,企业高层领导人缺乏居安思危的意识,其次是在处理态度和应对方法上,一旦出现危机,有的企业置之不理,任由事态发展;而有的企业言辞激烈,正面和消费者与媒体对抗,严重损害了企业形象,造成不可挽回的后果。而且在处理技巧上,缺乏训练有素的人员,尤其缺乏对外发言人和经过培训的公关人员。同时还有一些技巧之上的深层次战略问题。例如不注重与企业有关的信息的管理;平时不注重与媒介和客户维持良好的关系;只有为数不多的企业拥有环境监测系统与客户信息系统(预警系统),通常也不完备;还有未制定出尽可能全面的危处理方案及进行相应的培训;不注重危机处理过程中的内外部沟通问题,对产品召回缺乏全面正确的认识,少有企业衡量危机的处理效果,事后忽略了责任的追究与教训的借鉴,等等。那么,究竟面对危机事件应采取开诚布公的态度,还是隐瞒事实真相?在企业与消费者利益冲突时究竟哪个应给放在第一位?危机公关与危机管理有什么联系和区别?正确处理危机的原则是什么?对于可预测危机应该做怎样的准备?如何利用媒体这柄双刃剑?如何建立预警系统?产品召回时应注意哪些问题?处理效果如何衡量?如何重塑形象?本文围绕这些问题,对危机管理在我国企业中的应用进行了论述。本文首先进行了相关理论的回顾和综述。涉及的内容有公共关系理论、危机公关理论、危机管理理论、常见的危机处理策略以及危机处理的原则与工具。正文部分首先从界定危机展开,对危机公关和危机管理的联系与区别进行了讨论,然后分析了企业高级管理层其危机意识和直接参与对有效危机管理所起到的作用,之后重点讨论了企业面对危机应持有的态度。态度的传递要通过有效的宣传,论文第四部分就讨论了与媒体和分销商的沟通,也涉及到与员工和客户的沟通。有时危机处理会涉及到产品召回,所以论文分析了产品召回的方式,对待产品召回的正确态度,以及如何正确看待产品召回的费用等问题。接下来,论文讨论了危机事件结束后如何衡量处理的效果、以及追究责任和吸取教训的必要性。全面的危机管理不仅仅体现在处理的技巧上,更重要的是第七部分所讨论的预警系统的建立,危机管理手册的编写以及员工的培训,这三部分是全面危机管理的重要组成部分。第八部分强调了与媒体保持长期良好关系的重要性。最后,仅有完备的计划还不足以应对突如其来的危机,所以论文第九部分讨论了内部准备工作如何展开,重点是思想准备和人员部署。<WP=7>以上分析论述引用了大量的案例进行论证,包括四个较详细的案例分析:东芝笔记本电脑事件、强生公司泰诺事件、埃克森石油泄漏事件、凡士通事件,经笔者编辑整理后收录与附录中,还有中美史克康泰克事件散见于论文各处。另外,本文还灵活运用了公共关系、风险管理、媒介管理、产品召回等领域的理论,论证了笔者提出的基本假设。最后本文得出的结论是:危机公关与危机管理是既有联系又有区别的两个概念。危机公关只是危机管理的初级阶段,多强调一些技巧性的解决方法,而危机管理则属于企业战略的一部分,其实质是信息的管理。高级管理层的危机意识和直接参与是有效危机管理必不可少的条件。面对危机事件应采取开诚布公的态度,因为企业的态度直接影响着消费者和媒体的态度与反应。外部沟通是整个事件解决的关键。外部沟通的重点是与媒体和销售商的双向沟通。产品召回是企业为了避免营销事故,而主动采取的营销安全措施。整个事件结束后有必要衡量处理的效果、追究责任和吸取教训。预警系统、危机管理手册及员工培训构成了危机管理的重要组成部分。预警系统的作用是收集有关数据并进行处理,为决策提供支持。为了保证有效地实施应急计划,还必须有针对性地对相关员工进行思想态度和专业知识等方面的培训。同时,与媒体保持长期良好的关系有助于危机事件的解决和企业事后的恢复,所以与记者和当地舆论保持良好关系应成为企业公关部门日常工作的重要组成部分。最后,充分的内部准备工作是有效执行危机计划的必要条件。

【Abstract】 Crisis is an incident that leads to potential or real damages to brand or image of an enterprise. There are many reasons, such as product quality, political or economical uncertainty, or a new regulation, etc. The short-term impacts of crisis are drop of sales, stock price and market share, and the long-run impacts are three integrated aspects, i.e. image, customer confidence, and brand assets, which are built up through efforts of many years, and once harmed, the rebuild project will cost many times of the original expenses.The management have recognized the harm of the crisis through the bitter lessons, and begun to pay attention to the crisis management.Domestic enterprises have many deficiencies, first, many CEO just don’t care, second, the attitude toward crisis is wrong, and they lack proper tools to deal with crisis. Once something unexpected happened, they either let it be, or fought with the media and the public. And they don’t have enough trained speaker and other experts to communicate with the outside.What they need more is above the technical tools, but the strategy. Such as the information management, the relation management with the media and the clients. They haven’t set up the scanning system and the customer file system. They don’t train their employees how to deal with the emergency, etc.Therefore, many questions raised in my mind. What is the right attitude, to be frank or to hide the truth? When the interest of customer conflicts with that of the enterprises, who should be the first consideration? What’s the right guideline to obey when faced with crisis? How to get ready for the risks? How to make full use of the media? When is the proper time to call back products? How to rebuild the image? This dissertation is trying to answer all these questions.First, is the review of related theories, involving the public relation theory, crisis communication theory. Then the body begins with the definition of crisis. The paper analyzes the differences and relations between crisis response and crisis management; the direct participation of upper management will make a great difference in effective execution. After that, discusses the right attitude the enterprise should hold, the fourth part of the essay emphasis the importance of long-term friendly relationship with media. After that, are how to set up the presentiment system, how to compile the crisis management handbook, and how to train the employee? The sixth part discusses how to get ready for the unexpected incident. After that, the essay explains the effective communication with the distributor and media, which is a two-way communication. The last two parts involve the call back of products and the necessity of the estimation of the incident.The writer cited many examples, including of Toshiba, Johnson& Johnson, Exxon, etc. Through case analysis and theoretic analysis, the writer demonstrated the hypothesis raised in the frontal part of the dissertation.

【关键词】 公共关系危机处理危机管理预警系统
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2966

