

【作者】 朱名权

【导师】 孙维炎;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对中国联通总体情况的介绍和国内电信行业的特点分析,分析了中国联通在国内电信市场所处的地位和竞争优、劣势。在此基础上,论述了发展大客户业务对于中国联通的重要战略意义。中国联通定义的大客户为所有的集团用户和月电信业务消费额在4倍ARPU值以上的个人用户。中国联通的大客户发展工作,如果只是简单地将各业务单元对准某一产品市场,各业务单元各自为政,公司没有良好、统一的对外形象与品牌,势必造成公司资源的浪费与散乱经营的状况,也不可能形成在比较优势的基础上建立起来的企业核心竞争力。  综合业务优势的真正形成在于管理者将企业范围内的业务、技术和生产技能综合为核心能力,创立有效的组织,以比竞争者更低的成本和更快的反应速度适应市场,从而为客户提供更具亲和力、更加个性化的服务。大客户部应“对内代表大客户,为发展工作积极疏通渠道;对外代表联通公司,向用户宣传联通的业务”,真正在联通与用户之间建起桥梁,连起纽带。大客户工作是一项系统工程,需要企业内部各个部门协调进行,并应建立完善的后台支撑体系和可以共享的大客户信息管理系统。要赋予大客户部门相应的权力,以调动更多的企业资源为大客户服务。CDMA和虚拟电信运营商是中国联通大客户发展的重中之重,也是中国联通实现战略转变、创建国际一流电信企业的关键。中国加入WTO后,国内电信市场势必要对外开放。在一个开放的市场环境里,中国电信市场将会形成激烈的竞争局面。合资电信公司的经营模式、管理技术和服务营销策略形成的竞争优势,将迫使国内电信运营商不断提高内部管理效率,改变经营模式,降低资费价格,形成有利于消费者的竞争模式。

【Abstract】 This thesis begins the introduction to the characteristics of the domestic telecom industry and the total circumstance of China Unicom. China Unicom is a company operating the integrated telecom business. The telecom operations of China Unicom consist of mobile communications, internet, long distance, VOIP, and so on. In the domestic telecom market, China Unicom has its competitive advantages and weaknesses compared with its competitors. The most important advantage of China Unicom compared with its competitors is the integrated telecom operations. So, China Unicom must have the right strategy for developing big customers.The big customers that China Unicom defines are all of the group users and the personal users over 4 times ARPU. The operations of developing the big customers need the cooperation of all departments in China Unicom. If each department works alone, the company will not have good public image and brand, and then it will certainly waste the company’s resources, and it will be impossible to build the enterprise’s core competitive ability.CDMA and virtual telecom enterprises are the most important big customers of China Unicom, and they will help China Unicom to realize its strategic change and to become the first class international telecom enterprise. After China’s accession to the WTO, the domestic telecom market will sooner or later open. In an open market environment, Chinese telecom market will certainly become more competitive. The operations of joint venture telecom companies with their competitive advantages of managerial technique, sale’s strategy, and service etc will force the domestic telecom companies to improve their efficiency, change the operating mode, and reduce the cost continuously. Thus, it will form a more competitive telecom market, which will be very beneficial to the domestic customers.

【关键词】 联通发展战略大客户
【Key words】 China Unicomthe developing strategythe big customers
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】326

