

On the Study of the Maritime Injunction

【作者】 高嵩

【导师】 韩立新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 海事强制令制度的建立开创了我国行为保全的先河。本文作者在通过阅读相关的法律书籍和法律条文,并在向海事法院法官及律师咨询、请教后,对海事强制令这一行为保全制度进行了探讨和研究。在第2章论述了玛瑞瓦禁令及其对海事强制令的影响,主要包括玛瑞瓦禁令的由来、适用范围、特点、目标;申请先决条件;申请有关的做法和程序;全球玛瑞瓦禁令及其域外效力问题;并着重对二者在有关做法和程序上及域外效力等问题进行了对比,因为这些内容值得我们借鉴和研究。在第3章对海事请求保全做了研究,主要包括海事请求保全的法律含义、管辖、申请、担保、裁定、复议、异议、解除及可保全财产的范围等内容。因为海事请求保全除保全的对象与海事强制令不同外,在其他很多方面与海事强制令是一致的或相同的,对海事请求保全的研究有助于更好地、全面地理解海事强制令制度,有助于更好地理解“行为”这一概念和含义。最后对海事请求保全和海事强制令进行了比较。在第4章论述了海事强制令与先予执行的关系,因为在海事强制令制度产生前,我国海事审判实践中有不少这样的案例是以先予执行为法律依据的,很是牵强附会,二者尽管有很多相同点但也有较大的不一致。在第5章重点论述了海事强制令制度,主要包括设立海事强制令的理论和实践依据;其性质、目的、申请、管辖、裁定、复议、异议及担保;申请错误和赔偿及两个较新的案例。在此基础上,在第6章对我国海事强制令制度的发展、完善及对《民诉法》立法的影响提出了一些自己的见解和看法,主要包括海事强制令的名称及《海诉法》相关规定的体系,认为其名称应体现出其法律的属性;有关海事请求的定义问题,因为没有较明确的定义,实践中就可能产生误解;有关海事强制令的申请内容及理由方面,认为海事强制令规定的比较笼统,可以借鉴玛瑞瓦禁令的有关做法;有关海事强制令的申请时间和方式问题,海事强制令没有具体的规定,也 可以借鉴玛瑞瓦禁令的有关做法;关于对第三人能否作出海事强制令问 题,认为可以对第三人作出;有关拒不执行海事强制令问题,即相应的 惩罚措施达不到目的该怎么办;关于海事强制令的域外效力问题,海事。强制令没有规定,认为应借鉴英国玛瑞瓦禁令和其他一些国家的相关做 法,才能更好地维护我们的利益;最后一项是海事强制令对我国《民诉 法》立法的影响,认为类似的行为保全的规定也应扩大到民事诉讼中。 目的是希望能对海事强制令制度和相关立法的完善有所稗益和推动。最 后的结论是:海事强制令这一新的法律制度必将随着包括国外相关法律 理论的研究和我国海事司法实践而不断得到充实、发展和完善,这样也 才能更好地发挥海事法院的审判职能,更好地保护当事人的利益。

【Abstract】 The establishment of the Maritime Injunction was unprecedented in China’s preservation of behaviors. Through reading some relevant law books and laws and after the consultation to some judges in the maritime law court and lawyers, a study and discussion was made on it. Chapter 2 are mainly about the origin, application, characteristics, objectives; preconditions, relevant ways and procedures of application to court; world-wide Mareva Injunction and its exterritorial effectiveness. More attention is drawn to the comparison of the relevant ways and procedures and exterritorial effectiveness between them, because they are well worth referring and studying. In chapter 3, it focuses on the study of the preservation of the maritime claims, including mainly the followings: the meaning of the law term, jurisdiction, application, security, award, review, objection, discharge and the scope of the properties, etc, because they are quite consistent or similar in many aspects. At the same time, the study of the preservation of the maritime claims is quite helpful in better and fully understanding the Maritime Injunction and the concept of "behavior". At the last part of this chapter, a comparison is made between them. In chapter 4, the thesis dwells on the relationship between the Maritime Injunction and Advance Execution, because prior to the establishment of the Maritime Injunction, quite a few similar cases were trialed on the basis of Advance Execution, which was quite groundless actually. They have a lot in common, meanwhile differences are quite obvious. Chapter 5 consists of mainly: the theoretical and practical grounding in the establishment of the Maritime Injunction; its characters, objectives, application to court, jurisdiction, award, review, objection and security; wrong application and compensation and two newcases. In chapter 6, it highlights the fallowings: the name of the Maritime Injunction and the system of the Maritime Procedure Law, because the name of the law terms should embody its legal property; the definition of the Maritime Claims. Misunderstanding may arise without a clear definition; the content and reasons of the application to court, because they are quite general, so we can refer to the Mareva Injunction on this point; the time and ways in the application of the Maritime Injunction. There is no specific stipulation in it, we can refer to Mareva Injunction, too; whether it is possible to grant a Maritime Injunction to a third person, the answer is yes. The inexecution of the Maritime Injunction, what to do if the purpose can’t be realized through the punishment; the exterritorial effectiveness of the Maritime Injunction. There is no stipulation in it, our benefits can be better maintained if we have similar provisions like those in Mareva Injunction and the relevant laws in other countries; The last one is the impact of the Maritime Injunction to the lawmaking of the Civil Procedure Law. Similar preservation of behaviors should be extended to the civil action. The suggestions and viewpoints summarized here are for the purpose of being beneficial to the development and the perfection of the Maritime Injunction and the relevant lawmaking in Civil Procedure Law. In conclusion, the Maritime Injunction will be developed and perfected following the study of the relevant law theory and the maritime judicial practice. Only in this way, will the judicial function of the maritime law court be better exerted, and the parties’ benefits be better protected.

  • 【分类号】D996.19
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】168

