

A Study of Calculation and Measurement of NOx-Emission from Marine Diesel Engines

【作者】 吕代臣

【导师】 孙培廷;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在本文中,作者以国际海事组织(IMO)的《MAPOL公约》附则VI的出台为背景,分析了世界范围内排放控制日趋严格的总趋势,提出了船用柴油机进行实船测试的必然性。 通过分析船用柴油机排气中各种有害物的形成机理及化学元素平衡关系,推导出了一种与IMO提供的不同的新的计算方法,通过该方法不需求解非线性方程组就可精确地计算出氮氧化物的单位功率排放量g/kWh,从而避免了求解方程组的过程中出现解不收敛的危险。 对这种计算方法进行了误差分析,推导出了进气、排气、燃油和发动机各参数的误差系数。通过各测量参数的绝对误差传递系数和相对误差传递系数的大小比较,可以看出各参数的测量精度对氮氧化物最终计算结果的影响大小。从而有针对性地改进测量技术,提高对计算结果精度有较大影响的参数的测量精度,而对其它参数可进行粗略测量乃至估算。 然后,对这种计算方法进行了实例验证,作者采用瑞士瓦锡兰NSD公司的W6L20C型船用柴油机按E3(推进工况)模式进行台架试验的实测数据为样本进行了算例分析,结果证明此计算方法与IMO的计算方法具有相同的精度。文中还对本计算方法的计算结果与瓦锡兰NSD公司计算结果之间出现的微小偏差进行了分析比较,作者认为本计算方法有着更高的精度,更能反映被测船用柴油机氮氧化物排放量的实际水平。 此外,作者还就氮氧化物实船测试中的特殊情况进行了分析,指出实船测试与台架试验中的主要差别,并提出了几种可供参考的废气、发动机、燃油参数的测量方法。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the emission control on marine diesel engines that is more and more severe is discussed in the context of the addition of annex VI to MAPOL 73/78. The inevitability of emission test on-board is brought forward.One new calculational method that is different from IMO’ methods is deduced by analyzing the foundation mechanism of various deleterious gases and their chemical reaction equations. By application of the method, the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission per effective power (g/kWh) can be accurately calculated without solving non-linear equations and taking the risk of falling across not convergent equations. The error analysis of the method is carried out. The error coefficients of atmosphere, exhaust gas, fuel oil and engine’s various parameter are deduced. By comparing error coefficient each other, the degree of which parameters’ measure precision impacts on the eventual result is easily made out. So improving measure methods can be of pertinence: ameliorating mainly the measure precision the parameters that impact on the final result more greatly; other parameters may be tested cursorily or just reckoned. Afterwards, the example validating of the method is carried out. The data from WARTSILA NSD W6L20C marine diesel engine’s bed test are calculated and analyzed; the result indicates that the method is as accurately as the IMO’s methods. The tiny difference between the method and WARTSILA NSD Ltd. ’s methods is also analyzed. The method presented in this paper is believed to be more accurately. The result calculated by this method can reflect the actual emission level more truly. Lastly, the special condition of nitrogen oxides (NOx) measure in on-board test is discussed. The mainly deference between on-board test and bed test is pointed out. Several available measure methods of exhaust gas, engine and fuel oil’s parameter are also brought forward.

  • 【分类号】U664.121
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】318

