

On the Formation and Validity of Contracts of the Carriage of Goods by Sea and Charter Parties

【作者】 冯伟

【导师】 胡正良;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 合同的订立和效力,是合同法的重要组成部分,合同订立是合同法其他制度存在的前提,合同的效力则决定当事人订约时预期目的能否实现。《中华人民共和国海商法》作为我国民法的特别法,对海上货物运输合同和船舶租用合同虽有专章规定,其间却无对上述合同订立和效力的系统规定,使得实践中法律适用混乱,且易于产生争端。鉴于海商法在我国民法体系中的地位,其关于海上货物运输合同和船舶租用合同的规定,是合同立法的特别规定,与《海商法》对合同的规定相比较,《中华人民共和国合同法》是我国合同立法中的一般法,其对海商合同的订立和效力乃至全部海商合同制度均起着指导作用, 本文从《中华人民共和国合同法》对合同订立和效力的规定入手,通过分析海商合同关系的法律特征,探讨《合同法》对海商合同相关内容的适用性,对于海上货物运输合同的缔约当事人和合同当事人、形式、缔约过失责任、合同成立所需的基本条款、班轮运输承运人的强制缔约义务、班轮运输合同成立的时间、提单中“装前卸后条款”的法律效力、海上货物运输合同生效后的效力、提单格式条款的效力、海上货物运输合同对第三人的效力、海运单对第三者收货人的效力、租船合同确认书与合同书的关系等诸项法律问题,运用《合同法》和《海商法》的相关规定进行论述,以期为解决纷繁复杂的海商合同的订立和效力,提供基本法角度的原则性评判依据。

【Abstract】 The formation and validity of contracts of the carriage of goods by sea and charter parties is one of the most important parts of contract law , and the prerequisite of all the other institutions of contact law.The Maritime Law of PRC is the special regulations of civil law. Although there are special regulations on the carriage of goods by sea and the charter parties, there are no systematic stipulation on the formation and validity of contracts as said, which may cause chaos in practice. The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China is deemed to be the guide on the problem of the formation and validity of the contracts as said.Based on the formation and validity stipulated in the Contract Law of PRC and the application of the above legislation to the related marine contracts, the following paper made an initial attempt in the parties concerned, form, liability arise in forming a contract, basic article for the formation of the contracts of the carriage of goods by sea and charter parties, and the validity of the marine contracts, in order to provide some basic principles in the judicial practice.

  • 【分类号】D923.6;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】171

