

Market Analysis and Counterproposal Study of Transpacific Container Shipping

【作者】 赵辉

【导师】 陈家源;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 太平洋航线是环太平洋地区经济圈的重要运输通道,尤其是连接亚洲和北美的重要贸易通道,是国际集装箱运输的主要航线。它不仅具有国际集装箱运输各航线的普遍特点,还具有相对独特的形态和特征。由于该航线地位突出,特征明显,对研究国际集装箱运输具有非常典型的意义。然而,以往针对该航线的专门分析文章较少,加上近年来该航线变化情况较多,因此,太平洋航线集装箱运输分析及对策方法的研究便非常有必要了。 本文针对太平洋航线的特点,分析了其市场形态和特征,利用时间序列,回归曲线和灰色理论,结合该航线供求关系,预测了该航线未来几年的集装箱运量。特别是根据太平洋航线市场的竞争形势,提出了所面临的主要问题,并在本文第四章中进行了详细的对策研究。 不论是以前还是就目前的形势而言,太平洋地区无疑是全球的经济贸易的中心,尤其是亚洲地区,虽然在始于1997年的经济危机中深受打击,但是这个区域已经在成为一个更为重要的经济中心,而且这种趋势在本世纪将会继续。随着中国加入WTO的日益临近,太平洋航线在国际集装箱运输业中所占的比重将进一步加强。本文试图对该航线的主要问题提出可行的对策和方案,但由于在信息搜集等方面的限制,本文不可能对所有问题得出有效的结论,还有待进一步的分析和研究。

【Abstract】 Transpacific shipping service is one of the main shipping services all over the world. It is an important gateway of pacific economic rim, and a specific bridge through Asia to North America. Besides the normal characteristics of container transportation, there are many special patterns and features in transpacific shipping. Today, seldom thesis was found to research this area, so it is very necessary to make studies due to the high leading position of transpacific market.This paper is based on characteristics of transpacific shipping, analyzes its market features, and makes forecasting on container volumes of coming years by using three methods which includes time-serious, regression and gray theory. Especially, according to current competition status of transpacific market, it raises many outstanding issues, and discusses the counterproposals in chapter four.Pacific area used to be, and it remains to act as the economic center of this globe, which Asia continent shows as the most important and sensitive part. Although it is deeply influenced by the financial storm since 1997, Asia still becomes the more and more important global economic core, and it will last in the new century. With China’s going to join WTO, the share of Asian container transportation will be further enriched. This paper is trying to do some counterproposal studies pointing to main outstanding issues of transpacific market, but due to limited information, it is not able to solve all current problems and needs more theoretical analysis to this particular market in the future.

  • 【分类号】F550.72
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】315

