

Research on Security on International Economic Contract

【作者】 苏莉

【导师】 傅廷中; 侯淑波;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 国际经济合同担保,作为保证国际经济合同债权、债务关系或合同履行为本质特征的民事法律制度,是从国际经济的强烈需求中诞生的,是商品经济发展的必然产物。国际经济合同担保在中国起步较晚,由于国情的差别,可供借鉴的经验少,特别是我国法学界对国际经济合同担保方式研究刚刚起步,相关的理论和立法都不完善,涉外担保诉讼时有发生,给我国经济造成极大损失。为此,本文拟用民法学原理,以国际经济合同的担保为研究侧重点,主要内容包括国际经济合同担保涉及的含义,担保方式中最为重要的是银行担保、信用证、备用信用证三种方式,本文着重阐述三种方式的相关内容;分析中国涉外担保应注意的问题,并结合国际公约,试图从理论上对国际合同担保一些重要问题能有全面、合理的阐述,以供国际经济担保的深入研究和外贸实务的参考。

【Abstract】 Security of international economic contract, as the civil legal system to ensure credit & debt relationship of international economic contract or that takes performance of contract as the essential character, originates from the strong requirements of international economy, and is the certain product of the development of commodity economy. Security of international economic contract has started late in China, and due to the difference in condition of countries, there are few experiences that can he learned from. Particularly, the research on means of security of international economic contract in our legal field has just started; relevant theory or legislation is not perfect. There are lawsuits on foreign involved security from time to time, which have led to great loss to our economy. So, this article tries to apply theory of civil law, stresses the research on security of international economic contract. The major contents include implication of security of international economic contract. The most important means of international economic contract are security from hank, letter of credit, and standby credit. This article places emphasis on statement relevant contents on the three means, analyzing issues to be paid attention to in foreign involved security in China, and try to provide complete and reasonable discussion on some important issues of security on international contract, to provide reference for deep research on security of international economic contract and foreign trade practice.

【关键词】 国际经济担保合同担保
【Key words】 International economic security contractsecuritydcbt
  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】148

