

The Research of Port Equipment Management

【作者】 杨华

【导师】 杨赞;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 港机设备是港口的主要生产工具,港口要发展,要提高经济效益,就要重视港机设备的管理。而“港机设备租赁体制”是港口机械管理最有效的方法之一。本文旨在探讨该体制的具体管理模式、方法及其应用。 首先,本文先对以前港口机械管理的状况及存在问题作了一个大体的描述,指出港机设备租赁体制改革的重要性及必要性。然后对如何建立该体制进行了具体的说明。接着论述了大型设备规模的确定方法。在此,运用了排队论的数学方法。然后又论述了租赁价格的确定方法。最后,结合大连港港机租赁体制的试行情况,说明港机租赁体制的成果与不足,并从战略上对它的发展予以分析。 本文采用了大量的数据和图表加以说明,运用了理论与实际相结合的方法,使文章更加生动、有说服力。

【Abstract】 Port equipment is the main productive implement. The port should impose on the management of port equipment to develop itself and improve its economic value. The lease system of port equipment is one of the most effective way of management. This paper aims to discuss its concrete model of management, means and application.Firstly, this paper makes a general description about the previous state of port equipment management. It points out the importance and necessity of the system innovation. Then it shows how to set up the system. Secondly’, this paper discusses how to decide the scale of large-scale equipment. In it. queueing theory is used. Thirdly, it also discusses how to determine the leasing price. Finally, with the trying out of this system in Dalian Sea Port, this paper states its achievements and shortage, and analyzes its development strategically.This paper adopts a lot of data and graphs to explain, and connects theory with practice, and it makes this paper vivid and persuasive.

  • 【分类号】U691.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】242

