

A Study on Legal Issues on International Ship’s Financial Leasing

【作者】 杨荣波

【导师】 杜力夫; 宋占生;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 国际船舶融资租赁是一种新型的船舶融资方式,可弥补传统船舶融资方式之不足,然而发展中国家(包括中国)利用这种融资方式尚处于起步阶段,本文就其若干法律问题进行研究。1、文中剖析该种交易的法律环境,在国际金融法层面,论述国际金融监管文件和GATS的《金融服务贸易协议》,以及贷款证券化制度和欧元启动的影响;在民商法层面,主要评论《国际融资租赁公约》和我国《合同法》“融资租赁合同”章等。2、其法律适用尚处于冲突时期,笔者认为其具有边缘性与独立性,提出从私法上对其定性的观点。3、剖析备受讨论的租赁权性质后,笔者认为船舶融资租赁权在实践中应作为用益物权对待。4、深入剖析该种交易的商业风险和政治风险后,本文系统地讨论以出租人利益为主线的利益保障体系,指出现行船舶保险机制的欠缺,探究海外投资保险机制提供保障的可行性。5、现行船舶登记制度不能适应这种新型船舶权利登记的要求,笔者尝试性地构筑船舶融资租赁登记的法律框架。6、最后,本文提出我国发展国际船舶融资租赁业的若干对策,以期对实务界能有所裨益。

【Abstract】 The international ship’s financial leasing, a new-type ship’s financial means, helps to fill up the insufficiency of traditional ship’s finance. However, the developing countries including China are still at the very beginning stage on the usage of it. The thesis tries to study several legal issues thereof.1 .The legal enviroment of the means has been analysed. It discusses the influences of recent development in international financial law related, such as the legal documents on international financial risks control, the Financial Trade and Service Agreement under GATS, the Loan Securitisations and the Euro Money System. Furthermore, it discusses the private law mainly on the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing and the Financial Leasing Contract’chapter of China Contract Law, ect.2.For the applying laws of it being in conflict, the thesis points out that it has border and independent characteristics, draws the conclusion that its nature shall be defined from the private law angle.3.It analyses the legal nature of leasing right, holds the point that the ship’s financial leasing right shall be regarded as usufructuary right in practice.4.It analyses in detail the commercial and political risks,the interests-protection system. Meanwhile, it points out the insufficiency of the recent ship’s insurance, probes into the feasibility of introducing Overseas Investment Insurance to cover it.5.As the present registration can’t meet the need of such new-type ship’s right, it tries to construct the legal framework for the registration of it.6.Lastly, it puts forward several advisable measures for China to develop such international transaction and expects to give helps in practice thereby.

  • 【分类号】D996.19
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】517

