

Eleric Power Sustainable Edvelopment in Shaanxi

【作者】 梁柱

【导师】 黄强; 安万社;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从电力与可持续发展的辩证关系入手,在对陕西电力发展历史、现状进行广泛分析的基础上,着重对陕西电力21世纪前30年的发展进行了宏观战略性研究。取得以下成果:(1)论文对电力工业的市场化问题、电价问题,进行了较为深入的理论分析,明确了电力市场化的基本条件、一般进程、电力市场模式及竞争特点;(2)根据陕西电力工业的未来发展的特点,对陕西电力系统2010、2020和2030年的中长期发展进行了预测;(3)结合电力发展预测结果,参照社会经济发展水平,遵循“发展为本、效率优先”的原则,经过计算和综合分析,得出了2010、2020、2030年3个水平年陕西电力发展适度规模参考方案,并进一步分析研究得出了各类电源各水平年上的发展规模及新增装机规模;(4)从电力系统的可靠性和运行的经济性出发,得到未来3个水平年上可调水电合理比例的理论值。本论文的研究成果是对陕西电力发展相关的计划、管理和决策部门有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The dissertation studies the dialectical relationship between electric power and sustainable development based on extensive analyses of the history and Present State of Shaanxi electric power development Carrying out an important, macroscopic and strategic study on Shaanxi electric power development the first 30 years in 21 century. Achievements as follows: (1) Analyzing power industry’s market and power price problem, making clear the basic conditions, general procedures, electric power market mode and competition character of electric power market; (2) In terms of the character of Shaanxi electric power industry development in future, predicting Shaanxi electric power system mid-long period development in 2010,2020 and 2030; (3) Combing with the predicting of electric power development, referring to social economic developing level, following the principle "the basic development ,the first efficiency", through calculating and synthesized analysis, achieving Shaanxi electric power development appropriate scale consulting program in 2010, 2020 and 2030, and each power source in each level-year .development scale and newly-adding installed scale; (4) Analyzing the reliability and operation economy of electric power system, getting the theoretical value of the adjustable water-electricity rational rate. The achievements are very important to connecting planning, management and decision section of Shaanxi electric power development.

  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【下载频次】148

